Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I think all the driving offenses show breathtaking entitlement and a family motto of ‘the rules don’t apply to us’.


Asking for a friend…if someone got a speeding ticket, did traffic school, ticket shows on court records as disposition closed, and MVD records show as clean, therefore the friend’s insurance didn’t take a hit…did the speeding ticket really happen?


I’m a nobody, but no assault charges in my family, either.

Although my older brother DID get in trouble in elementary school for cutting and taking some of the neighbor’s flowers. The police were NOT called, and NO charges were filed.


What does this mean? This is under LK.


She was caught drinking underage somewhere.


For anyone else who has been spending time looking at the public records database in New Jersey, wondering what to make of it…

I had a theory about all these different simple assault charges, and wrote the various dates of the assaults. I thought maybe they involved a domestic scuffle, on a time or two, and thus two separate people’s charges MIGHT have the same incident date. And maybe that would explain why a certain someone is banned from the house.

But… nope. Between October 1998 and January of 2008, there were 5 separate arrests for simple assault… all in the same family. But no two arrests had a matching date of incident.

Soooo… make of that what you will. It was apparently just a really angry decade.


Were there not also different claimants for the assault charges? Again, before CH gets another case of the vapors and has yet another go at me, I cannot access the site so I only vaguely recall what I saw in screen shots (which are very helpful for those of us outside the US) but I thought I remembered different men’s names down for claimants on the assault charges.

I didn’t remember 5 separate charges, though. Wow!! :dizzy_face:


before the benadryl nightcap?


“I’m sorry, do you not know who I am?”


I haven’t been able to dig that far in and see who claimants are with respect to each charge. But there are 2 charges for dad, 1 for mom, and 2 for La-la… and that’s just for simple assault, in NJ. Remember… La-la has other records in North Carolina. The bar fight, and shooting at an ex boyfriend’s (I think) motorcycle - both of those charges have been mentioned before. But… I can’t easily search an NC database.

And then there’s the burglary in NJ thing. That was in 2006. And all the driving related charges (the whole family has those)


upstanding citizens…


Someone posted screen shots, maybe you just click on a given charge and it brings up the page dealing with just that charge? I know I’ve seen them broken out into individual pages, not just the (long) list.

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Kinda puts a new spin on IM going absolutely apoplectic on the poster who once questioned the parents having something to do with LK’s behaviour. I think that poster was called an idiot among other things. Hmmmmm. :thinking:


“Do you know who my father is?”


I am way behind on this thread, but there was no evidence that there was a different timeline therefore I cannot say I believe it was self-defense. As far as what Taylor would allow, there was no testimony or physical evidence to support a different timeline or version of events, so everything else would be speculation. Had Barisone or others been able to testify to, say, MB being beaten or cornered with weapons in advance of the shooting, or the gunshots going off during a struggle, or similar, then Taylor would have had to admit that into the court. I could speculate that it might have been self-defense, but I think believing it is a stretch. Self-defense criteria are narrow in NJ. My two cents, and I am not a lawyer.


I think the claimants are the arresting police officers.

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Ah, okay. But the one for JK said something like ‘private citizen’. What was that about then?


Agreed. I think it was either self-defence, shooting at the attacking dog, or shots discharged in a scuffle with no way of knowing who was holding the gun at the time it discharged.

However, I agree that without more evidence, it’s speculation.

The only thing I might take up, though, is that I think there is actually a lot of disagreement on the timeline. The 4 minute call for only speaking a couple words, the varying reports of people walking around, around the house, going into the house, warning others not to come out, going upstairs, downstairs, beating for 7 mins but the police show in about 2. All that leads up to a really confused timeline for me.


OK. I did dig through them all, and figured out how to get into details. The complainants on all the charges were officers, except for one of JKs… which involved a “private citizen” as the complainant.

The bail amounts, or lack thereof, are interesting. LK had to be bailed out for $100 after one of her simple assault charges (I think the 1999 one). JK had to pay a full $1000 in bail in relation to the 1998 assault.

But the really interesting one? LK’s 2006 burglary charge. $10,000 bail related to that.

Hoooo boy. She got caught stealing something significant. That’s not a minor bail amount.