Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Yes, that would be me…. A moron and an idiot. As well as other slanderous things…. Wonder how that apple tree and his grove is doing…. Looks like there is some rot….


The arresting officers are listed as complainants. I attached 2 screenshots :slight_smile: I left the bail tabs at the bottom open to substantiate my earlier post about these two arrests involving significant bail amounts as well.


That Burglary charge involving entering a structure? Sort of adds to the overall understanding of the situation, and that whole story from Mike McGrain’s testimony, about how he saw her emerging from the brush, wearing all black, barefoot, sneaking around at night in the days before the shooting?

Well… it’s interesting to know that she has an arrest record like this…


with all these revelations, the 48 hour piece might have to become a 2 part thing…yikes!


Burglary is illegal entry into a structure/removing items from structure

Robbery is removing something from a person


If I remember correctly, her fiancé/boyfriend/butler/laundry dude has a very similar burglary charge on or around the same date.

Edit to add: wasn’t there a random story about LK’s mom’s jewelry getting stolen going around at one time?


So she would have been somewhere around 25. What year was the restraining order?


I can’t keep up with this thread, but did anyone share a gofundme link?




Ok, I went back and looked. Didn’t screenshot but RG’s burglary/theft charges were about a year later in 2007.

Aaah. You just beat me to it. I totally
missed the fact that his records are 6 pages long the first time I looked at that database.

Holy moly.

You are correct - his burglary offense was in July of 2007

And… he has two simple assault charges of his own… one in 1997 and one in 2001. As well as a disorderly conduct charge in 2013, I think. That one seemed related to a drug charge.

Lots of other drug charges.

So… for anyone else who is tracking this…

We are now at a full 7 charges for simple assault for Dad, Mom, LK, and her delightful “fiancé.” As well as 2 burglary charges, a disorderly conduct charge, multiple drug charges, and… some driving issues.

And this is ONLY in the NJ database. All a matter of public record. Anyone can look it up.

Where oh where have the people gone who kept on saying that we were being soooo unfair when describing these people in unflattering terms? How we were out of line to say things like we think they might have some disorders, etc ?


Dateline did a 6-episode series about generic suburbanite Pam Hupp starring Renee Zellweger. (The Thing About Pam) The courtroom episode is weirdly reminiscent of LK’s cross. Seems like a dramatic story full of beautiful people and beautiful horses would draw a big audience. I’d like to see Jodie Comer as LK.


And yes. There was a random story mentioned earlier about LKs mom’s jewelry having gone missing. But I think the date attached to that was 2003. The burglary charge is from 2006.

And would LK have been charged with burglary if she took something from her own parents house?


Does anyone happen to know how long RG has been in the picture?

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I saw 13 years mentioned somewhere.

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I was intrigued by the traffic tickets he got on 08/11/2019, only because they were at 3:47 a.m. In the grand scheme of things it’s meaningless, but my mind wandered to was he on his way home (wherever home was) from the hospital? On his way back to hospital? Going to go take care of the horses at 3:47?

Yes, I know, it’s useless speculation.


If I recall correctly, RG’s burglary charge was from an incident where he had been paid by a property owner to enter and clear out a commercial rental space - landlord and tenant were fighting about rent increases - and it later blew up into a case that took years to put to rest.

The Kanarek home was burglarized in early April of 2004 and only the Mother’s jewelry was removed, while other possessions and any in-home money were left unmolested, according to the Police report filed by JK. The home had been entered via the garage attached doorway, but no further details were made public beyond what little made the crime report in the paper.


My mom would have had our butts thrown in jail so fast if she had caught us stealing from her. But she was kind of big on teaching accountability, morals, responsibility, and the like to me and my siblings.


I find the long string of dates when these people all interacted with law enforcement really fascinating.

I just can’t fathom that. I think I last got pulled over driving over a decade ago. For speeding. And was beside myself. Because I’m a wimp. And generally avoid trouble.

I can’t fathom this many interactions with the police, much less arrests.