Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Interesting. Thanks!

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So her 2006 burglary charge was something else. Interesting.


I think someone asked this question upthread, but if there was an answer, I did not see it.

What happened with the horses through August or later? LKā€™s horses or the other horses? Did they actually stay at the farm for some time? Was MBā€™s staff taking care of LKā€™s horses?

I seem to recall RG claiming on the stand that he was involved in taking care of the horses, but I wonder if that meant he was actually out at the barn at 7 AM every day to feed them breakfast, water them, clean their stalls, etc.


Oh wow, thank you, good for them.

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He is supposedly a childhood friend of LK. After her husband kicked her to the curb in 2006, she left NC and went back to NJ, where she eventually hooked up with RG and they became a couple, then they lingered there for some time before relocating to NC at some point. They have been together since at least 2010, but could have easily been a couple in the 2 years before that.


Thatā€™s all so mysterious to me. Who was taking care of the horses and what happened to Michaelā€™s horses is a puzzle piece my nosy brain needs to know.

I also wonder sometimes what happened to Rosie.


At 7AM? Yeah right!

I asked part of that question and someone answered that LKā€™s horses went to NC before ending up in FL.

I also wonder how long it took to get MBā€™s horses out of SGF. Did they just stay until time to go south for the winter or did they immediately pack up and leave?

Oh and did LKā€™s horses ever get shod?


I would have to think Rosie went with RG, if not right that minute, before much time had passed.

But I do wonder about the horses. If LK had four horses on the property, was RG out there taking care of them all day every day until they left? Or at least twice a day every day? With MBā€™s staff crossing paths with him all day? :grimacing:

Or did MBā€™s staff continue to care for them as they had done all along, with RG just going out to the barn twice a day to wrap the one horse with cellulitis, or what have you?

The mind, it boggles.

Iā€™m less curious about MBā€™s horses, because I would think that his staff probably continued to care for them as they normally did until those horses left the property, whenever that happened. For the people who really have the horses in the blood, the horses will get taken care of no matter what.

Maybe not stay in full work, maybe not get ridden every day, but basic care, always.


Interesting, thanks.

I wondered if there was a connection between that and the start of her police record, but apparently not.


I canā€™t fathom Rob was taking care of 4 horses by himself, especially if he was doing it one-handed. But I bet that was super uncomfortable around the barn.

Logically I know all the critters were cared for. I just wonder about the details.


@MorganSercu, I donā€™t think thatā€™s bruising. When a pixilated bruise is enlarged, it will, I think, show up as more, and lighter variations in color over a larger area. I think this photo shows stitches.


Her record seems to be tied to her drug abuse. She was in a bad car wreck around the time she would have been graduating and going to college, which seems to be where she was first using opioids and got hooked, which - by her testimony in court - worsened in college due to the steady supply of drugs in the surrounding community and that addiction later led to her leaving college for a nearby community in northern NC that is a well-known hub for drug distribution and a key supplier for the college community that she was a part of.


Youā€™re right, I had forgotten all about the one-handed aspect. Especially if he had a ā€œbroken wrist,ā€ or whatever they claimed in that LK press release.



Several well known equestrians (at least in the south east) have donated, great to see!


Yes. Maybe a tangent., but that shocked me, I was shocked anyone smoked on property near the barn: I suppose if I owned a farm, I might smoke by my residence, but I would NEVER smoke near the barn or horses. Maybe itā€™s because I am from CA and as a junior, we had a fire sparked in the field by cigarettes (CA grass is green for two seconds each year), but as a smoker (gasp! I am trying to quit) I do NOT smoke on property EVERā€¦ even here in perpetually saturated and green NJ. I drive walk down the drive to the road or drive down the road and smoke in my car (butts extinguished fully whatever the scenario, and always off property).


Only if a bear pooped in the woods.


Should we let the prosecutor and the judge know that this article says to send cards to Mr Bā€™s office? :wink:


I think I recall the young man saying his RV was away from the barn, up on a hill and ā€œthe rockā€ was outside his RV. I might be wrong.


I agree those are stitches. As to time frame often injuries which are of a crushing nature will need to be debrided and sutured at a second later date. So if this photo is weeks after the shooting it is still a possible sequele to something that happened on the day of the shooting. I think someone mentioned that the photo posted may have been weeks after the shooting. Of course I may have misread that.

Dog bites are often crushing injuries but donā€™t know about bites from firearms.