Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

That’s what I thought as well.


I worked at a high caliber show jumping barn in upstate NY and the staff didn’t even completely leave the barn before lighting up. I remember being surprised my first day.


That will probably get shut down. GoFundMe’s Terms of Service prohibit raising money for the legal defense of an alleged violent crime .He is still a defendant in a civil suit for the violent crime of shooting LK. His not guilty is by reason of insanity, so he committed a violent crime, but is not responsible for the crime. Will be interesting to see how GoFundMe handles that situation. They may shut it down until there is a disposition of the civil suit.


No excuse but it saddens me how many people become addicted because of both inadequate or conversely over aggressive pain control. We really need to get a handle on this problem.


That’s what I remember too. It sounded to me like he had a spot to smoke at, and I would assume he was carefully disposing of the cigarette buts.

It’s a 53 acre farm. I wouldn’t worry about someone smoking outside, in one spot, away from the barn, as long as they were carefully disposing of the cigarette buts. But I haven’t lived out west where it is super dry.


Funny, I seem to recall verdicts of NG and NGRI last week. Did I miss something? And whoever said this is for legal defense?


I live out west, where it’s s super dry! I’m kind of paranoid about fire. Therefore, my yard, etc…has proper ashtrays and what not.

Today it’s super dry, super windy, and hot. My phone keeps blowing up with warning, high fire danger stuff.


I agree. Weird stories are MORE believable to me. One time a fellow boarder was talking to me and as she was speaking she walked to the tack hook amd picked up my $700+ bridle and martingale, looked at it as though to assess it, and then dropped it on the floor in a puddle next to the indoor hydrant and walked away. I was both aghast and bewildered, and when I discussed the incident, most people said “wow, what?? Crazy!”, but a few others said “you must be mistaken because that is too crazy.” Um, no. I saw it happen. She took it off a hook and dropped it on the ground into a puddle and walked away. And she didn’t think it was her tack. I am a jumper who rides in a figure 8 with double reins and a running. She is a hunter. She KNEW the tack didn’t belong to her. Crazy outlier behavior that one can’t make up? Probably real.


I would think it will boil down to semantics and lawyers.

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Somehow I didn’t realize that his new love interest was Lara Osborne. I’m Facebook friends with her and I still didn’t get it. I think my reading comprehension is dropping :joy:


“The attorney fees are quite substantial, and, with the upcoming civil suit, they will continue to grow. I will be applying any donations toward those fees, as there is still much more work to be done so that the tragic reality of this situation can be told in its entirety.”
So it is actually included in the description.


I hope it was far, far away! (Innate Cali fears despite living in the tristate for over 20 years. Fire is scary.

Edited: innate not Inmate! Big thumbs and Siri to blame! Lol. Edited again: living not loving. Why god, why?


That’s what I’m thinking. It’s too narrow, even pixilated, to be a bruise. I don’t think it was a dog bite either, because that isn’t a typical location/direction for that. A dog will typically go for an arm, and the stitches would be horizontal to the bone direction (Ask me how I know!).

(Speculation follows!)
In the rough and incomplete scenario I’m putting together in my mind, MB got to the house and sat on the porch to talk to RG. “The lawyers can hash it out, etc.” That’s when his phone got placed on the table. LK freaks out in some sort of drugged frenzy like they do, and starts in on MB. Around that time, SOMEONE, maybe RG (or if LK, she grabs it and gives it to RG), grabs the gun (from wherever it was, the truck, his belt, wherever!) and MB and RG start fighting over it while LK is whacking on MB’s head with the phone. In the fight, both men are fighting for the gun. RG wants to do what his benefactor orders and MB wants to live. So both are grabbing for it. It goes off while both men’s hands are on/near it, and RG gets the “slide bite”, but from only one side, due to his hand’s position. I suspect he was holding the gun and MB was trying to grab it away, so the bite was only on one side.

Ok, everybody. How far off am I?


Some years back, I had a short term helper for a horse show when we were a little understaffed. Practically the first thing he asked me was when it would be an appropriate time for a smoke break. I told him it would be in his car on the way home at the end of the day.

The horse show was on a property that was a complete no smoking zone.


Perhaps she could clean that language up a little, especially the part about past legal fees.


You mean this restriction from their Terms of Service:

  1. the legal defense of alleged crimes associated with hate, violence, harassment, bullying, discrimination, terrorism, or intolerance of any kind relating to race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, serious disabilities or diseases, financial crimes or crimes of deception;

I’m wondering more if we can contact somebody at 48 Hours to make sure they include Nancy Jaffer in their coverage.


That’s a good idea. Her coverage has been pretty fair and accurate all along.


Nancy was in the courtroom with them every day. I bet she spoke with them frequently during breaks.


It hasn’t been public common knowledge until very recently.