Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

seeing this was in the hotel, and we know she stayed in the hospital for about 19 days, that is almost 3 weeks past the shooting.


Well, I am pleased to hear it doesnā€™t affect you. It did affect a whole host of people and it didnā€™t have to happen. The ā€œobsessionā€ is to attempt to make sure others know enough to not let it happen again.


that slide looks like it could take a chunk out of your hand.
And if RG had his hand over MBā€™s on the handle? I can imagine some damage could be done.

I am not going to the gun shop though to askā€¦


did you and Fat Dinah report the page?


Is Threat the Kanarek native language?


Someone will probably report it to GoFundMe and then they will decide whether it violates their terms of service or not. It will be interesting to see what happens with it - shooting someone is certainly a crime of violence, but since the jury determined he wasnā€™t aware that it was wrong at the time, maybe theyā€™ll let it slide. I thought someone said he had a wealthy friend/benefactor type person who was funding his defense but I guess that was wrong. I donā€™t see a problem with the GoFundMe outside of the fact that I think they are all pretty tacky, but if people want to help him out financially why should anyone stop them?


Someone on youtube posted this and I thought he/ she made a good point


Hmm. Iā€™m not saying that person is wrong.

But I think itā€™s very hard to say anything with certainty regarding animals. If she was in a frenzy, which certainly sounded like the case, she could have bitten, barked, bitten, barked, etc.

Iā€™m thinking of all the times Iā€™ve seen a horse do something wacky, and afterwards everyone was scratching their heads trying to piece together how such a thing could have happened. Becauseā€¦ animals.

I think better proof would be the picture of how banged up MB was combined with the elapsed time between the 911 call and the first police officer arriving on the scene. How could so much damage have happened in such a short time?

I remember being shocked when that picture was shown during the closing arguments. I had not seen that photo until then.


Not out of line at all if a second debridement was needed. Could still be possible.

Of course it is also possible he had something else happen that required sutures.

All I am saying is that just because it is weeks out from an event in no way means it could not be from said event. Sometimes injuries donā€™t heal properly the first time or just need more timem


No, he was found not guilty by reason of insanity. Big difference.


No, she had SS do the work of making the report, after trying to file a report based on how MB hurt her feelings.


Iā€™m behind, but Iā€™m going to chime in. I also believe the judge clearly informed MB that he was no longer considered a criminal by the state of NJ and future hearings about his commitment were not criminal hearings. And the civil suit, is by definition not a crime.


Honestly, it looks to me like a broken hand that was surgically repaired. Timeline fits as well. It just seems he had bad medical advice or was stupid in deciding he could keep the cast/sling off. They are uncomfortable as all get out. I never got a hard cast (too much cast anxiety), stayed in a splint the entire 8-10 weeks my hand was broken.


I am pretty sure the judge gave instructions to the jury that if they felt the prosecutor proved the attempted murder charges, they could then consider the insanity defense.

We saw what happened when they felt that the prosecution DID NOT prove the attempted murder piece with RG - MB was found Not Guilty; no need to make a decision on the insanity defense.

The jury decided differently when it came to LK; they came to the conclusion that the prosecutor DID prove the attempted murder part, but they decided that MB was not criminally responsible because he was insane at the time of the shooting.


I had never heard of such a thing, but I then googled ā€œslide bite imageā€ and itā€™s certainly not out of the question. I did think, right from the start, that it was a tattoo though.


SIX flipping pages? Good grief. Myself or anyone within my family would die of shame to have even one charge.

Just a note, as with @FitzE, thereā€™s a bunch of us outside the USA who canā€™t view any of these legal pages - thanks for putting the detail here. :slightly_smiling_face:


Surely Shelly Nelly Belly will step up to defend her BFF on 48 Hours? ā€œLove you more!ā€ ā€œNo, I love YOU more!ā€


Adding to the timeline thing, I would expect that Rob and Bob had made a huge deal our of the injury and played it up had it happened on that fateful day, or, in case of the little gun taking a chunk out of him, he had to downplay it, because self defense would have been more probably.
does that make sense?
I think MB was damn lucky that the cop was just down the road when the call went inā€¦


Did anyone see the comment on this tweet that they heard that JK bought the farm next to MBā€™s farm in FL? This person appears to live in the area.

Hoping this is not true.


Canā€™t cheat without being a liar.