Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I heard that too. That’s why any hearings will be heard in Civil court, said the judge.

Is he still in jail? Has he been moved yet?


No no no no no no

There is no crime. The NGI is not the same as Guilty but insane.

The NGI means the elements needed to establish a crime was committed, mens rea is absent. Therefore no crime.

C’mon people it’s not that hard.


Someone may have commented on this already (again I’m behind) but Steffan Peters donated.


I believe he is still in jail, according to Nancy Jaffer. As of yesterday, anyway.

I’m repeating the link to her column in case anyone missed it.

She also has an additional movie suggestion for our online watch party, a James Stewart movie called Anatomy of a Murder, which I’ve never seen.

At this rate, it might be a weekly watch party since the list of movies keeps getting longer.


I don’t think that has happened. It is known that her father bought her a home within 4 miles of the farm and that probably got twisted into something else. Several adjacent properties sold a few years ago and only one sold very recently. Another adjacent farm is for sale at several million dollars, but I can’t see her father plunking down that amount of $$$$$ to fulfill Princess’ fantasy of being an upper-level rider with Olympic aspirations.


Maybe some fold should tone down the hate about MB.

Ding Ding Ding.
And we have a winner!
Bob has shown her spots and continues to act the same way she did before this happened. Bob has learned nothing. Bob will pick a next victim and the LK clan will move forward to ruin the life of another person.
The hope is to make sure that this does not happen.

The way I read the article that was linked above, he has not been moved yet.

It is very hard when you (general) do not want to admit the truth.


It means at the time of the arrest, she tried to buy alcohol Or was in possession of alcohol under legal minimum age.


I hope basically everyone on this thread (and the threads for the last two years) chips in what they can. I know I did.


Not to go down a rabbit hole, but -
Huh? The jury found him not guilty on all five counts. The two people killed were attacking him - one had chased him and said he was going to kill him, then grabbed for his rifle, and the other one hit him with a skateboard. Much of his side of the story was captured on cellphone photos or video.

And to circle back to the topic of this thread - oh, if only the police had thought to check for video evidence from the camera over the porch. To me, that is one of the biggest failures of that PD regarding the case. I hope they learned something from their mishandling of what could have been highly valuable evidence.


Guilty but not criminally responsible is not the same as NGRI.

The attempted murder requires intent. He was found not guilty because in part, due to his mental condition there was no intent.

So while you are correct the jury concluded that he shot LK, you are incorrect that they concluded he was guilty of attempted murder.


So did Adrienne Lyle and many other recognizable names. He has lots of support out there.


I did, as well as sending a card.


Darn, we can only hope so!!!

But, their actions on all fronts regarding this situation make me fear that is not the case.


Good point on the timeframe. If the stitches were from a slide bite that happened during the incident, I am not sure he would still have stitches a few weeks later - assuming the photo was taken several weeks later (unless he didn’t go back after 10 days to have the stitches removed).

I also remember that when Mr. Bilinkas asked RG on the stand when he went to get medical treatment for his injured hand, RG hemmed and hawed and seemed a bit evasive about the answer before finally saying that he went to the medical center for treatment the following morning. So if the stitches in the photo were a result of a subsequent injury, he may have been confused about which hand injury Mr. B was asking about - and maybe even surprised (?) that Mr. B knew about the subsequent injury.


I did as anonymous – you just know LK is looking at the list of donors!


Kirby, dear…Michael Barisone is a true success story despite his mental health status that was caused by the horrendous experiences he suffered as a child as well as the mental torture YOUR daughter & her BF inflicted upon him…that being said, it would be wise for you to step away from the keyboard and save whatever dignity you have left…if any.


Just want to post this amazing article again for those who might be so many posts behind that they are not reading all the posts.

It includes a link to a gofundme for anyone who is feeling like they want to help but do not know how to do that.


Sad to say that only one of that Olympic team of 4 has not suffered a life-changing event.


Slidebite would not likely cause that injury if one were holding the gun. As in holding it in a shooting position. But it sure could happen during a scuffle for control of said gun.


So I live in the state that dressage goes to die. My daughter used to compete in shows where MHG was present back in the early oughts (although not at the same level!). Capital Dressage in Raleigh comes to mind, as well as several shows at the Bob Martin Ag Center in Williamston. She was a few years older than my daughter, and always seemed very nice and gracious.

I was pleased to see that one of my daughter’s former trainers shared the Bilinkas office information on her Facebook page at the request of another trainer. It’s encouraging to see signs of support for Barisone showing up.