Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

But, but, but, BUT she doesn’t drink alcohol AT ALL. She’s stated that several times in these threads. That bar fight she was in, she was only drinking cranberry juice, and she defended herself against a gang of people there with just the little cranberry juice bottle. Surely she wouldn’t be lying on SM? Oh, hang on … :wink:


@LiberalSnowflake, you forgot an important word in your description. It was a little plastic cranberry juice bottle. Which makes her even more not at fault with that wimpy plastic.


To me, their biggest mistake was taking the word of one person over the other when the people were both involved in a violent altercation. That mistake was the basis of all the other mistakes they made regarding collecting evidence. Or more accurately, not collecting evidence.


You’re welcome.

I’ve said all along that we are in a weird societal place, where people have taken a specific principle about not blaming the victim of a crime for the crime, to a very extreme place… and it has turned the analysis of this situation into a very binary exercise for some folks.

I’m a supporter of victims of domestic violence and assault. I understand the legal principles and framework that applied to the criminal trial of this case… background information about the criminal history of the person who was shot? That was not part of the evidence admitted in the criminal trial. That’s not how such things work. And rightfully so.

But, LK jumped right into the civil litigation process, very shortly after the shooting. Her background, as well as that of RG? That is relevant when determining liability for what happened on the day of 08/07/19… and who/what contributed to a situation where one party got shot, and another party had a psychotic breakdown, and is now civilly committed in the state of NJ.

If you read Lara’s post on Facebook, she speaks about how the last month has been absolutely brutal and devastating for MB. How private details of his personal history and mental health have been laid bare for the entire world to see. I can’t imagine going through that. But… he was on trial for attempted murder, and this was all relevant to the charges and his defense… and it had to be this way, unless he was willing to plead guilty and spend ten years behind bars.

LK had a choice. She could have delayed pursuing civil litigation, until after the criminal process was completed. She could have remained private with respect to her social media activity in the lead up to the criminal trial. All of that was a definite option for her. If she had done those things… I think public opinion about her and this case would be quite different right now.

But she didn’t choose that path. So… the public went ahead and took a look at what she put forth on social media. And the public examined her full background (at least the parts of it that are a matter of public record). Same with RG’s background. And… same with LK’s parents’ backgrounds… given that they have ALSO participated on social media, and clearly are a driving force in the civil litigation and funding the attorneys.

So… here we are. People now can see that there is a clear record of aggression with these folks. And burglary. And substance abuse. It’s documented behavior that spans YEARS. And all of that behavior is alleged to have played a significant role in how the events of 08/07/19 came to pass.

I’m surprised one or two particular posters haven’t already jumped on the forums, clutched pearls, and shamed people for talking about this criminal history of the alleged victims. I find that noteworthy. Maybe they will later today. Maybe not. It sure will be hard to continue defending a core group of folks, who amongst them have 7 different documented incidents of being charged with assault… if that doesn’t tell you that these are very aggressive people… I don’t even know what to say…


But could happen if one were holding it incorrectly. Some people who are not familiar with a proper grip for a semi-automatic pistol find that out the hard way. And others (like me) find it out the hard way by being a bit sloppy with our grip (even though we know better).

That said, I totally concur with your comment that it can certainly happen during a wrestling match over the gun.


I believe people fail to comprehend people have been warned about LK in the past and either didn’t believe the warnings or disregarded them. It is imperative, to me, that future possible victims know exactly what they are getting into. Money does not trump safety and piece of mind.

Just as Paradigm has the right to make decisions regarding continuing their relationship with the Kanareks, for sure they must know her history by now. I believe it is also true she’s already run off a boarder from that facility and conducted a smear campaign against him, for apparently no reason whatsoever.


Exactly!!! This^^


in the 911 call we also never hear MB [or anyone] scream or vocalize in a way one would expect if their arm was injured like his was, or they were bitten by a dog how and where he was.


Hard to scream when strangled and unconscious.


LOL! Definitely not an inmate. I am the queen of typos on my phone, whether it’s typed or voice-to-text. I finally got it to stop autocorrecting “live” to “love”. Apparently not living to loving, but maybe that’s my thumbs. Siri loves to autocorrect everything all the time. That plus my self-diagnosed during COVID presbyopia means that after about 4pm when my vision starts to blur, I have lots of typos, especially at night! Mortifying.


I am horrible with my typos too. The autocorrect is just brutal :rofl: :woman_facepalming: My tendency to be verbose doesn’t help. As well as the fact that I am posting while doing lots of other things all day. And I try and get my thoughts out and posted, before the thread rolls on too far.

I apologize, fellow forum members. I think many of you have just gotten used to my challenges now… and I appreciate that :slight_smile:

I try and go back and fix the typos when I have time… but miss plenty, I’m sure.

Oh well.


I know of a person who has a long, long history of scamming people in the horse business. She has lost numerous civil cases, with massive judgments against her. But she still keeps popping up periodically, often with a new name and identity. And when that happens, someone usually outs her on Facebook or elsewhere.

So yes, the more people can spread the word about someone’s dark and well verified history, the more people can know enough to avoid that person in the future.


the biggest among many failures.
I hope there are funds to sue them. The community deserves better than that. The way to insure they get better is to make sure it hurts that they didn’t do better.



That we know of.

Again, there are a lot more states in the union.


Are the records in Florida public?


The person who started the gofundme was the one funding his legal fees, per a post on FB on the gofundme.

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You know what is so weird to me now that I have looked at the NJ records?

I would imagine that some of the local police were well aware of the full criminal history of the various people involved, in the week leading up to the shooting. After all… there were so many 911 calls.

Surely, within hours of the incident on 08/07/19, the detectives had at least scanned the database, and noticed that some of the folks involved had significant arrest records. Most especially RG.

It’s not to say they shouldn’t have investigated it all assuming that LK was a shooting victim, etc etc… but… I would think they would have been skeptical of RGs version of events.

It’s just weird to me. I’ve heard all along that JK had local influence. But is he really that wealthy and powerful? I gotta be honest. In some respects… the family comes off as upper middle class to me… which is totally fine… and almost as though LK tried to pretend they were wealthier and more powerful than they actually are. If that makes sense.


Yes, but I think you have to search by county.


Wouldn’t you just love to see her go after Adrienne Lyle, Steffen Peters, Liza Broadbent, Janine Malone, among others? After she’s done with me, of course.


It doesn’t necessarily take wealth to wield a powerful influence - esp. if you are well-connected politically and/or socially with authorities and/or certain types of people who engage in certain types of activities (although the latter usually expect to be paid for those activities).