Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

that’s an interesting point, that after each 911 call, wouldn’t the responding officers be able to see the records of each party, like they do when they pull you over for a traffic violation?
You would think in that case, or at least when MB showed up at the PD asking to speak to a supervisor, that information wrt her record of assaults, for example, would be available to officers he spoke with who might see that it might be wise to stop ignoring his concerns?



It’s sort of weird… dontcha think?


[quote="Virginia_Horse_Mom, post:2797, topic:771580, full:true

It’s just weird to me. I’ve heard all along that JK had local influence. But is he really that wealthy and powerful? I gotta be honest. In some respects… the family comes off as upper middle class to me… which is totally fine… and almost as though LK tried to pretend they were wealthier and more powerful than they actually are. If that makes sense.

Call me out of touch with reality, but I don’t consider a family whose adult daughter in her 40th decade does not work, and whose parents buy her a house and supply her with multiple horses each worth tens of thousands of dollars, and fund her playing in an extremely expensive sport, and fund the upkeep of her unemployed boyfriend, to be upper middle
class. I’d call that ‘wealthy,’ but, like I said, maybe I don’t have a solid understanding of class distinctions.


Or while punching someone’s skull.


I could understand political influence and connections playing a role in a DA’s decision to pursue the full attempted murder charge charge against MB - 2 of those charges, in fact. As well as the gun charges. Because it seems like only pursuing one set of charges would have made more sense, given the utter lack of evidence pertaining to the situation and RG…

But there seems to be something weird about the way the local police approached the entire situation, for the entire week leading up to the shooting, as all the 911 calls were rolling in. They were very hands off. And that would be one thing if no one involved has a long rap sheet. But… LK and RG both had SIGNIFICANT rap sheets in NJ.

I find this, as well as the detective’s willingness to just accept RGs story after the shooting, and the detective’s failure to secure the crime scene and camera in the hours and day after the shooting?

That’s really weird, in hindsight. The police and detective at the scene must have all known RG had a 6 page rap sheet. Law enforcement does not usually give people like him the benefit of the doubt.


Well, lets pretend we live there, in Washington Township.

Either a man who runs a well respected, successful business in the township was harassed to the point that he ‘lost his mind’ even while the police repeatedly responded to his calls for help which were ignored… and a dangerous altercation ensued in which several peoples’ lives were at risk. Which they then never investigated sufficiently to support this well respected business man.

OR [devils advocate]

… a woman and man living in the township were nearly murdered and the police didn’t do their job to provide the evidence so the guilty party was convicted.

I’m not sure there is a way to look at this situation, no matter who you think is guilty, and not see that Washington Township Police did a very poor job on this.
I would think that the local journalists would be on this.

@anon15718925 your thoughts?



I guess I’ve lived in Northern Virginia for too long. Ha. But most people in my neck of the woods who have real political influence? They have net worths of $10 million or more. I really don’t know much about that area of New Jersey where this happened… but I suspect there are some serious high net worth people in that area…

Certainly the Kanareks are wealthy. But are they wealthy enough to out weigh some of the other heavy hitters in their immediate area, who are no doubt funding local political campaigns, connected to judges, etc? Because that sort of thing actually does matter. The size of someone’s net worth.

I hope that makes a little more sense, in terms of class and wealth distinctions I am getting at…


Amen. And again - if I was living in that township, I would be very, very concerned about my local PD. And I would make my feelings known to the city manager, city council, etc. Although that could backfire and get me blacklisted, depending on how much those entities are beholden to a certain individual with “power and influence.”


Was Barisone’s farm in the same county as JK and Kirby’s longtime home? I believe they are about 45 minutes apart… but are in the same county?

Livingston is in Essex County


Very true.

We do know for sure that there was an arrest and some sort of assault charge tied to the cranberry juice bottle/bar room brawl incident in NC…

So I should revise the figure up to a full 8 assault charges betwixt these folks.


Livingston is Essex County (the family home) and Hawthorne Hill is Morris County


Aaaahhh - thanks.

I don’t know about NJ… but in Virginia, political influence over local officials, especially when it comes to police departments and prosecutors, is very much a County by County thing.

I would imagine there are other organizations… of various types… that have significant influence in a state… influence that crosses County lines. So if an individual was affiliated with one type of organization or another… they might get preferential treatment. Or… hands off treatment. It just depends on the individual, and the particular organization they are affiliated with or connected to.


Exactly. She reported MB for bullying, and SS asked him whether children were in the property.

MB also reported LK to SS, didn’t he? SS would have questioned him as to the status of any children on the property.

RG has a very lengthy criminal record beginning in 2001.


Concerning RG and his hand injury.

I understand he was cuffed, put into a police car and taken to the police station, then questioned and released.

I would have assumed he then went to whatever medical center LK was in to wait for her to come out of surgery.

If you are all ready in a medical center for an indeterminable amount of time, why would you not get immediate treatment for your broken hand? Why would the police not have taken him immediately for medical attention if he were injured?

Honestly, if he suffered a broken bone, and was not taken for treatment by the police, wouldn’t that be grounds for a lawsuit? In my opinion, a broken bone requires immediate medical attention.

Funny how this trial has actually raised even more questions!


or he broke his hand the following day, removing cameras, etc…


Hahaha! This is my new favorite theory of this whole case.


it would explain the humming about the injury and treatment…


Just a note that the statute of limitations to file for personal injury in NJ is two years. Since it was clear an injury had occurred in some fashion, filing early with the ability to amend the complaint for future damages based on that injury would not really be unexpected. There is an automatic stay for criminal proceedings persuant to the same precipitating event as that disposition has an impact on the civil proceeding.

Agree with the rest of the things you said.