Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Thanks for adding that and better informing me. That’s fair, and good to know.


It does make you wonder how the LK clan thought that all would work out though. Did they think everyone would just roll over and hand over money and not look into anything that was done by the LK clan, which would make their terrorizing ways stay their secret? Or do they truly think they did nothing wrong?


Apparently, others have in the past (simple speculation on my part). The old “I will destroy you and your reputation and spew all your secrets unless you comply” game.


I believe that they thought that all the parties involved would either settle the civil claims, or they’d be entitled to summary judgement in their favor based on a guilty verdict in the criminal proceeding.


They thought he would jump at the plea deal. If you were paying attention on the forum, their entire tone and attack changed immediately after the decision to reject the plea was announced. The closer it got to trial the more desperate they seemed to become.


And if his hand was injured in the altercation, such that it required a cast of some sort and then stitches, why wouldn’t the Prosecution mention it, in detail?



If he had, they would have had a much more reliable civil claim, as I’m sure their attorneys told them, as a plea of guilty would be an admission of liability for the attempted murder action. I’m sure that was considered by his side as well in making their decision to reject the plea.


Will the civil cases be in front of a jury?

I wonder if Bruce Nagel has been fired by the Kanareks after his major gaff about the criminal verdict showing the jury was insane?


I have never contributed to GoFundMe if I did not know who started it. Is the Michael Barisone Go FunMe totally legit? Excuse me if this is a stupid question. Is there more than one?
I want to contribute.


Exactly! Bilinkas knew what he had in discovery although he didn’t know Taylor would reject almost everything. Now that a jury found Michael NG with the limited amount of discovery Bilinkas was allowed to enter, Deininger and Bilinkas will have a hay day with the civil trial.


Both sides asked for a jury trial back when they filed. You can bet Mr Deininger isn’t going to change his mind now, seeing how well LK and RG held up on the stand.


It is totally legit…Otherwise all the big names who have donated so far would not have given. The organizer is very well known in the dressage area of NJ and FL and is totally aboveboard and respected.


Based on who started it and the names of some of the donors, I would bet this one is legit. Plus, the people sharing it on SM are legit.

Hopefully there aren’t any Scammy ones out there.


I just want to add to what was said above, that this is not a stupid question at all. It is smart to be careful where you donate.
The person who is managing this is someone who can be trusted to make sure MB gets the support.




If you’re surprised I did not jump in “clutching pearls”, I’ll explain how posting the actual record of charges is, to me, light years away from musing that perhaps JK might have connections with the mob.

When you post the records, those are actual publicly available facts, as opposed to mere insinuations or allegations.

I admit that I was briefly tempted to ask whether the records indicated that any of these charges resulted in conviction, as opposed to being dropped. I didn’t, because you’re right that most people don’t even get multiple charges, or even one charge, for simple assault, even if the charges are not pursued. So the existence of multiple charges for simple assault is valid, negative information on JK.

But I don’t object to valid information! I object to unsubstantiated smearing and bashing, such as “LK called CPS falsely accusing MB of sexual abuse of MHGs children as part of a plot to destroy him”, or “JK, because of his possible mob connections was able to threaten MB into letting LK live in the upstairs apartment.”

Even if LK were not banned, it’s virtually impossible to effectively fight back on that kind of unsubstantiated smear. As numerous people have so kindly (/s) pointed out, her attempting to do so only made things worse. I doubt JK will bother to address the mob insinuations or explain the circumstances of the assault charges, if he has an account on the board.

Finally, I’m ashamed to say that I developed something of an addiction to these threads since joining in 6 months ago. When I participate, I feel smaller, meaner, and dumber. I am trying to post less, and perhaps eventually will post just occasionally on the actual horse threads. This is not to be construed as a flounce. Just answering your question as to why you had not heard from me.


People who scam on this kind of stuff really bother me, but you’re right, it does happen. Sadly.


His criminal record goes back to his teenage days. He has charges from around the time he would have graduated from HS and it is likely that he did have a Juvenile record that is similar to what he built up as an adult, with drug charges and the occasional property crime and bit of violence.


Soooo… what do you think about his alleged time with the USMC?

People with records can enlist… but they have to keep their nose clean while serving.

It seems RG has not managed to consistently strong any length of time together, as an adult, without having run ins with law enforcement.

I do wonder about the terms of his discharge.


I honestly understand your post and agree with most of it (imagine that!!). That said, do you recall LK making a HUGE deal out of an assault on a police officer charge MB had in FL? One charge that was dismissed due to a misunderstanding as I recall was the explanation. It’s okay for her to rake a person over the coals for one dismissed charge, while all the while she and her close associates have multiple charges?? It’s called hypocrisy and attempting to trash others. They are like sharks circling looking for any tidbit they can exploit, regardless of truth. Go back and take a look at all the posts LK posted regarding me…talk about obsessed!!! All because I refused to tuck tail and let her continue her antics. 99% of everything she posted about me was wrong. But, what if just one person important to my life in my area believed any of it? What you and others have refused to accept is LK smeared and bashed with the skill of someone well educated in that area.