Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

But she testified on the stand that when she made that last complaint to SS she knew that all she had to do was mention children and SS would act. They had declined to act on her previous complaint. She testified that she knew SS would have to report an “ongoing circumstance” immediately. She didn’t contact DCFS, she just weaponized SS to do it for her.


Really interesting because one of the originating parties in HER assault charge (with intent to cause bodily injury) is an attorney, and not a little-known one at that.


I don’t think he actually enlisted, but it’s possible that he did it, got cut loose in short order, and then went on to become the guy we know today. From what he said on the stand, he’s got anxiety issues and doesn’t have the mentality required for military service or any other dangerous job, so I can’t see it happening, but I’ve seen enough USMC recruiters to know that they will try their hardest to get a square peg into a round hole, if they can get away with it. The old “It’ll make a real man of you!” or “You’ll become a total badass!” proclamations were certainly tossed around by many of those men in the 90’s, so perhaps that’s the angle that was worked on him and he hid it from the MEPS folks, which is certainly possible if he never had any documented anxiety problems in his school or medical records or the recruiter found out and concealed it.


Interesting, and VERY valid point about recruiters.


People in NC have seen the photo of RG in US Marine Dress Blues. Those photos are taken during the 4th week of recruit training. He may have been cut loose after the photos but before he finished basic training. For sure he did not conduct himself as a Marine while on the stand (coming from a family of hard core Marines!


My son met with two recruiters last year before graduation.
One was the Army and the other was the Marines.
He was a JROTC student for four years of HS, Honor roll, athlete in three Varsity sports.
As we sat there speaking with the Marine Recruiter, after his shpeil, I asked
“Why did you ask to see my son, what is it about him that you wanted to recruit him?”
As my sons sat there in a Sections Swim shirt, a Sections XC hat, and other visible evidence of what he’d accomplished in HS on his person …
The recruiter looked at me and states “He put his name on my list”
They want bodies. That’s what they want. Bodies.

I mean he couldn’t even look at my son and lie??


How long is the basic training?

12 - 13 weeks. One week for intake or receiving, 12 weeks of training.



Maybe they should wait a little longer to take the pictures in uniform. :thinking:


Agree, they want bodies, esp. when recruiting numbers are down. But I will also conjecture that in many cases, recruiters want people that want the military. IOW, they want someone who understands the commitment, who has the mental and physical qualities needed to be a real success in the job. So it could be that when your son put his name on the list and the recruiter saw his qualifications, he thought, “Wow, this guy wants us. And we want him.”

One of my brother’s good friends was an AF recruiter for some time, and that was the philosophy he took with him to the job. They want certain types in the military, and one of the qualifications is that the person shows serious interest and desire to be there. Those folks are easier to mold into a top quality soldier/sailor/airman than someone who just signs up because he has no other good options in life (although sadly, interest in serving the nation has taken a nosedive over the past 20 years or so, so the military is getting more and more of the second type of recruit these days).

But I digress…


well, I can tell you after the recruiter had no answer for why they wanted him, he lost all interest.

I have family who served, I am not against service.


Me too, and I contributed anonymously.


Burglary and assault!


I thought I heard some grunts


I thought MHG was MB’s love interest. Where does LO fit in?

I didn’t see an option for that before it posted. I’d have preferred it!

MHG- past tense.
LO- present tense.

As I understand it.


while it used to be a popular thing to make the guys pick between Army (in the broadest sense) and jail, the armed forces no longer accept people with a criminal record of any kind.
And lying on the paperwork gets you booted real quicklike, too.
the more you dig, the less likely I find it he ever strapped a pair of boots on at all.


army recruitment was probably never so high than 20 to 15 years ago.
But not all are cut out for it. I like to think I would have made a good drill instructor, but I would have never made it through bootcamp.


I donated anonymously. I would prefer not to be cyber stalked.

I’m glad MB seems to have a lot of support and a strong inner circle.