Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Have any people that have been threatened by LK here reported it to USEF?


I just looked at their FB page; posts recent - last 10 days, about shows and barn stuff. Video of the marshmallow roast still there, etc. What went away?

I donā€™t know about the other military services, but the Army will still waiver some criminal offenses. Each case is investigated individually to determine if a waiver is appropriate or not.

ETA: Sorry for not clarifying. Iā€™m speaking of the US Army.

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Yes, indeed! They did nothing.

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Really!? @CurrentlyHorseless . Papa and IM had plenty to say pre verdict. They were very outspoken , arrogant , mean, rude and wrong . The karaneks are people I never want to associate with - they are the base of the base.


I have been discussing this trial with a retired attorney friend. Would anyone be so kind as to direct me to the video of the statement of Kanarekā€™s civil attorneyā€™s statement that the ā€œjury was insaneā€? Iā€™ve searched but I canā€™t find it. Thanks if you can/will.

Itā€™s the last minute or so of this video. I donā€™t know if there is a more complete version elsewhere, but this is enough to get a pretty good gist of it.

Note that he completely misstates one very basic fact by saying that MB walked to see LK and RG, when it is very clear that he actually drove there in his truck.


Thanks MHM.There is no mention of this attorneyā€™s name, or am I just missing it?

He and the Stache seem very similar to me.


Thank you. I know Iā€™ve seen it , but it would have been a long slog to find it again. :slightly_smiling_face:

Youā€™re welcome. Iā€™m still offended by his jury remarks so itā€™s stuck in my head. :slight_smile:


Yes, one more disgusting personality on display, as if we needed more.I wish I could find a clip of just his comments about the jury, I could swear I saw it somewhere.
Social media idiot that I amā€¦

ETA I suppose it was the twitter feed that I must have seen, though it was six minutes long and only had his statement at the end. :slightly_smiling_face:


Not necessary but always good to hear!
Sheā€™s just a bitter shell of a woman, her words mean nothing.


I went to their website and clicked their social media links and it came up with error messages.
Once I remembered how to search Facebook I was able to find their page.

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Here is Bruce Nagelā€™s video discussing the verdict. He seems to fit right in with the Kanarek group.


Donā€™t forget the searches for the DCFS phone number on her cell phone before they showed up. She tried to claim that JH had stolen her phone and he might have searched it. eyeroll

Oh and for those asking about litterboxgate earlierā€¦ that came from when LK was harassing RC on Facebook.



Eggbutt, did his assistant, I think his initials are JH? stay with him and go to the FL facility?

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Ohhhā€¦ dumbed down to the assistant trainer again, geez


Because thereā€™s always a post.

If you can stand to wade through all the other thousands of similar posts to find it.

And also. The irony of accusing someone else of telling lies on social media. :woman_facepalming:


That is what she got mad at everyone here for too. She had facts, darn it. We were all telling lies. How dare we lie and not listen to her facts. Her and IM were the only one with actual facts.