Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I was actually open to her having facts, being the victim and actually being there and all. I was willing to think “what if she is right” about something(s). I need to stop giving people the benefit of the doubt :roll_eyes: even though nothing really added up before the trial, but more info, evidence, and bombshells were to come…but they didn’t.

However, in a weird way, at least the people who were speaking negatively about LK were mostly proven to be truthful. So they weren’t exactly just making things up, tainting someone’s reputation with lies, or being trolls. Spreading truths is sort of whatever to me. If you’re mad that your reputation is being ruined by stuff you actually did, well, that’s on you.


I agree with most of your post @CanteringCarrot. This line I think should say something a little stronger about how important it is to be brave and spread truths even when there are so many wanting you not to.


She got mad at the World whenever someone got too close to discovering or telling who and what she is.

The ironic part is the person to did the most telling us who LK is was LK herself.


That’s the thing, right? I keep seeing accusations of people making ‘vile’ comments, trashing, smearing, etc. Again, I ask, how is discussing someone’s vile comment, vile? It’s not. It’s just discussing what’s right in front of you. Some people are disgusted, some are shocked, some find it meh, some seem to ignore it, attempt to explain it away, or even condone it.

But discussing someone’s public statements, public records, and public behaviour (including in a courtroom) and even expressing disbelief, disgust, or surprise about that information, is not disparaging or awful - it’s just a reaction to publicly available information. The negativity that flows back to the actors is not due to those reactions; it is due to the original actions which are the sole responsibility of the actors themselves.

I do not understand in any logical way how anyone could be accused of ‘smearing’ the reputation of a group of people with so many pages of criminal charges to their names that most people missed several charges because it did not occur to them to search for even more pages of charges. No one can discuss what’s not there. And what’s there is what’s ruining their reputation, not the discussion of it.


I know, right??

How can you besmirch the good name of someone with multiple assault charges on their record? Among other things. :thinking:


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: discussing someone’s actual words and actions is not “bashing” them.


LK ought to embroider that on a sampler…


BTW, I always contribute anonymously to any GoFundMe pages. It’s nobodies business how much I spend doing what.


I would like to see the option to show my name but not the amount I contribute.


The first thing I thought about when this originally happened was the movie Pacific Heights. Dead on comparison,



I would think that even if the shooting hadn’t happened, CPS showing up would have resulted in a conversation along the lines of “I love you, I want to support you through this terrible time, but I can’t lose custody of my kids over this.”

And I would also think since MB seemed to be very concerned about the welfare of the children in this crazy situation would have supported her decision.

After the shooting, with MB in jail and the situation at the farm deteriorating fast, I completely understand MHG removing herself and her horses as fast as humanly possible.


THAT would be nice! At least for those of us who contribute more than $1. I guess I could see some people who need validation donating minuscule amounts just to see their name in the list. I know, you’re thinking…Who would do that??? But… :upside_down_face:

I am one of those silly people that thinks if someone can only donate $1 then that dollar should be appreciated.

I also think that you (general) should have a way to make your donation show up however you want, name no dollar, just dollar and no name, everything anonymous.


Yes! Every dollar will help.


It’s remarkable.


In the beginning, way back in September 2019 when I first began posting about what LK really was and questioning the events surrounding the shooting, I was bashed from here to Timbuktu!! I was the vile, victim-shaming, witch! How dare I say such horrible things, so horrible I was singled out in the first NYT article. I honestly believe what I was saying, and probably the way I was saying it, was so foreign to most people they couldn’t comprehend someone like LK. The best move LK ever made was to begin posting on SM to refute what I and others were saying. The more she denied and pushed back the uglier she became and the truth of her behavior slowly began to be seen. Notice also that those she couldn’t push back she trolled to learn IRL identities, and/or threatened them privately to force them to stop with their “lies”. Thank goodness her tactics failed.

There are always warnings about LK but people choose to ignore them and think, “she can’t be that bad!”.


But, but, but, there were no convictions, right? It doesn’t count unless there are convictions!! Isn’t that what she always said?


Does anyone know if MB was transferred to the mental health facility? I’m sure it is a relief that the trial is over but it has to be hard waiting if the transfer hasn’t happened yet.


He has not been transferred. I can’t understand why the state is dragging their feet. Apparently AKFC doesn’t have an available bed. Is that the only hospital in NJ? What about a private hospital?



How is it even slightly fair that it is now a week after the verdict and they are keeping this poor man in jail?
How is the judge allowed to remand him to someplace that can not take him and then let him sit there waiting until they bother to do something?

I am losing faith in our judicial system over this.