Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

How comfortable would you be talking to your therapist knowing that anything you said was recorded and could be used against you if you simply paused at the wrong time?


I suspect Barisone has a strong aversion to audio recordings at this point.


Yes, because security of the facility is always going to outweigh individual rights. Iā€™m not saying MB is a threat to jail security, nor do I think his visitors would be bringing in contraband, etc. but can the facility say that with 100% certainty? Theyā€™re not going to bother. Itā€™s easier to just enforce rules as is.


Rememberā€¦ she admitted on the stand that she lies on social media.

Franklyā€¦ my spidery sense tells me that the financial position of the entire Kanarek family is not at all what they seem to be projecting to the rest of us. Clearly the parents have had some professional success and amassed savings. But did they amass so much wealth that they were able to create a trust fund for their daughterā€¦ a trust fund that is large enough to support the monthly cash outflow involved in maintaining 3-5 dressage horses, in full board and full training, in that area of South Florida?

Bluntlyā€¦ Iā€™ve got doubts. Perhaps there was an inheritance involved that no one knows about. Perhaps someone won the lottery at some point. Perhaps JK made a brilliant investment decision in the mid 90ā€™s with respect to tech stock at the right time, or Bitcoin 5 or more years agoā€¦ and THATā€™S where the money came from to set up a multimillion dollar trust, capable of sustainably supporting the monthly cash flow that is likely going on with all this.

Iā€™m not quite sure. But honestlyā€¦ something still doesnā€™t quite add up to me. And LK describing herself as ā€œa woman of unlimited meansā€ on social media? It makes me think sheā€™s actually the exact opposite.


I suspect we will learn the source of their wealth and cash flow in the civil trial.

A stream of cash seems to be coming from somewhere. JK paid cash for the home in FL in his and LKā€™s name.


My point was that he was too afraid, before the trial when they offered him release due to the time he had been there and not tried yet, to feel safe in release. In a treatment situation, most times one needs to feel safe as a starting point. Look up Maslow.

BTW: I donā€™t moan.


Iā€™m sure that is probably very true! And no wonder.

The IM swan song is such a perfect view into the mind of a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


Does anyone remember fom one of the hearings with the police officers who described the scene, a comment that there were suitcases in the laundry room/hall area?
I donā€™t remember the suitcases mentioned at the trial. I wondered who they belonged to and if they were packed. Mr. B said MB was living out of a suitcase at the barn. I wondered at the time if MB had gone to the house to retrieve more clothes.
I am disapointed that the self defense option was ruled out for the jury. I think it should have been up to them to decide if it had merit.


Typically what happens with those recordings is they run through programs that search out buzzwords like ā€œbombā€ for example. So inmates get really creative talking about the NBA Playoffs, for example, in some elaborate code language. The vast majority are never listened to. Itā€™s not always about what can be used against you as much as it is, anyone plotting an escape/riot/contraband smuggling enterprise/ witness intimidation on the outside? But still, no, it wouldnā€™t inspire a helpful setting.

The reality is only attorneys are afforded any confidentiality with their client in a jail/prison setting.


I would suspect their income is from litigation and MB/Hawthorne Hill was the next mark.


Iā€™m just so relieved it seems to have actually been a swan song rather than a gigantic flounce. Up to this point, anyway. Fingers crossed!


I notice itā€™s now missing the language about LK choosing to train with him again, which was just downright bizarre.


Good catch!!! Iā€™ll go back and find one of the QFPā€™d versions and post for comparison.


Since there were no other witnesses, the only person that could introduce self-defense was MB. And obviously he couldnā€™t say I donā€™t remember, but if I did this it was because I was defending myself.

I remember reading about the suitcases too and thinking, hmmm. Thatā€™s odd.


I am sorry to hear that MB has not yet been transferred, although some folks have alluded here to the possibility that he is better off in jail than in that particular psychiatric hospital. I hope that the 30-day evaluation is a hard date calculated from the date of verdict, and not calculated from the date he gets transferred.

As for reasons for the delay, I wonder if it is not so much the lack of available beds, but rather a human resource constraint. IOW, perhaps the hospital hasnā€™t gotten back up to full staffing after the pandemic (many folks in healthcare left their jobs to either care for family members or take a job in another area or setting that wasnā€™t as stressful or risky as a psych hospital could be).


No, it was another one of their posts about her training with MB again. Here is IMā€™s original post with edits to what was referring to my intelligence:

Hahaā€¦you get stupider by the minute.

This is a great verdict for the Kanarek family. Iā€™ve made clear the family has no hatred toward MB and could even see a scenario where LK would train with him again.

It has been you who has been having a 2.5 year fantasyā€¦constantly telling the good people on COTH what really happenedā€¦in your distorted mind.

Do you not understand what happened? The charge to the jury was clear. To find the defendant not guilty by reason of insanity the jury must believe that THE STATE HAS PROVED ITā€™S CASE BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBTā€¦but the defendant is not criminally responsible he was suffering from a mental defect.

Your stupid fantasy that poor MB was attacked and defended himself can go on the junk pile with the rest of your crap.

Do you think the Kanarek family cares if MB goes to a state prison or a state mental hospital? Congratulations to those who think this is a cause to drink champagne. I can promise you it is the Kanarek family drinking champagne.

Iā€™m not gonna waste time with your pathetic self anymore so pay attention:

Bilinkas was very careful to say private conversations were recorded but he would never say ā€œrecorded illegallyā€ā€¦he knew better.

If he believed JK was the mastermind he could have called him to the standā€¦he was afraid to. If he brought up the recordings to JK, JKā€™s response woulda beenā€¦ā€œdo you wanna discuss whatā€™s on the recordings?ā€

Having Bilinkas call experts to show that MB has long suffered from mental illness was a great Jedi mind trick by the Kanarek family.

The key defendant in the civil case is Hawthorne Hillā€¦they have insurance. They should have known about MBā€™s mental illness and suicidal tendencies and had an affirmative duty to keep guns off the property. Thanks, Bilinkas for your help.

And riddle me this Egg On Your Face,ā€¦

Steve Tarshis is Michaelā€™s longtime friend and attorney. He testified that he had several conversations with JK offering to move LK to a wonderful top trainer nearby.
If he believed for one second that LK was this horrible, dangerous person, who was so dangerous people had to sleep in the stalls to protect their horsesā€¦why oh why would he go out of his way to bring this nightmarish woman to a new great trainer???
Is it not 100% clear that Steve Tarshis did not believe one word of the crap that MB and MHG were telling him (and Egg On Your Face was stupid enough to believe) and that he was convinced it was his friend and client MB who was a nut case?!?!

So go back to fantasy land and celebrate your idol MB going to a horrible state mental hospital.

Iā€™m told the Kanarekā€™s civil attorney is on the way over to the Kanarek household with a bottle of DOM.

And be sure theyā€™ll be raising a glass to you and laughing about every incredible stupid lie youā€™ve tried to get people to believe for 2 years because LK hurt your feelings once.

What a clown!

Interesting. I didnā€™t realize he paid all cash for it.

Sheā€™s also imported a number of horses on the last 4 yearsā€¦ 3 I think? And bought Jay-T for $40,000 ?

Thatā€™s a lot of cash flowing outā€¦ in addition to the monthly board and training bills. She doesnā€™t have sponsors. She doesnā€™t have a wealthy investor in the background, and a joint ownership situation of these horses. She hasnā€™t sold any horses, I donā€™t believe. She still seems to own her retirees. And keep them in full board.

Iā€™ll leave this one factoid right here. If you Google JKā€™s name, information concerning the longtime family home comes up. Itā€™s public. You can easily look up and see that they bought the home in the early 90ā€™s. It doesnā€™t appear that they have sold the home.

Like real estate in other certain suburban areas of the country that are within commutable distances of major metro areas like NYCā€¦ the value of the family home has skyrocketed. And good for the K family on that issue. Hopefully that turns into a retirement nest egg for them, the way it has for many other families in different parts of America.

But I will say thisā€¦ anyone who is curious can look up public info on that family home. Does it look like the home of a family wealthy enough to create multi million dollar trust funds for their children? To meā€¦ the answer is no. It looks like a solidly upper middle class home in Livingston, NJ. Which is great. But not at all what LK seems to have been projecting to the world about her personal source of wealth.

I guess itā€™s possible that the K parents made millions and millions from smart investments, and just chose to sock it away in the bank and trust funds, and not actually move out of their longtime family home. Butā€¦ that seems a wee bit odd to me. I donā€™t know much about that neighborhood in Essex County, NJ though. Maybe itā€™s an awesome place to live in ways I donā€™t fully appreciate.

I will be very curious about what the civil trial reveals. Something seems to not quite add up.


Yes, clown.

Itā€™s this line I was referring to, which seems to be missing in the one you posted upthread.

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Well, RG does do a lot of laundry. :upside_down_face: