Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

If a bunch of Internet randos who don’t think highly of LK each donated $1-5 or whatever, it would add up quickly, and there are a lot of those people commenting in the discussions about the trial going on elsewhere.


I think the answer is in here.

I’m not an attorney but I see many slippery things (just like the 250 mile radius Do Not Compete ‘as an instructor’ release out local whacko made an 18 yr old sign) on this page.

Many torts and conTORTions (see I made a funny there) of reasons to sue.

May even a fall down stairs was planned? Maybe a breach of contract? Maybe something else.

Take a looksy and use your imagination to come up with something creative and unpredictable. Outside the norm like falling off a horse.

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Or a house or barn fire…


That’s the one!


If they have evidence of that, well I don’t know why they aren’t all just running away from this mess already.


Already did. :slight_smile:


Because they’ve won other disputes by being more assertive/aggressive than others are normally willing to go.

Most folks shrink from the threat of legal things because they don’t know law.


Unrelated to the trial, LW rode LK’s OTTB back in 2016/2017. FR is where the horse is boarded, I don’t want to give out their name.

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Is (this person) someone the rest of us should recognize from any other context? Or that’s just the person who rode LK’s horse back then?

Edited to remove initials.

LW is not related to anything other than exercising and grooming her old gelding before she (LW) moved.


OK, who wants to carpool and split the AirBnB if the trial is not online? Lol.


Got it, thanks.

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Ok, I’m reading along, trying to think deviously, coming up with a few ideas, when I stumble upon this paragraph:

“Another source of electronic evidence can be found at social media sites and through blogs. Facebook usually provides extensive information regarding a horse’s competition history (both past, current and future), a rider’s competition history with a subject horse or another horse and, a trainer’s history involving the subject horse and other horses that may be relevant to the dispute. Moreover, social media can be used to locate the whereabouts of a party – a defendant – that a plaintiff is looking to serve.[6]

:thinking: :laughing:


I think I suggested that idea a million threads ago regarding dressage ride times. Lol.


In terms of suing the party with deep pockets, SGFs insurer probably has deeper pockets than MB or MBs liability insurer. If MB had been found guilty, his insurance would probably not pay, but given the verdict was NGI, is his liability insurance in force?

JK has deeper pockets than LK, but how has JK caused MB a loss? It sounds like JK was attempting to negotiate his daughter’s immediate move, as MB wanted.

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I can’t physically participate, but I’ll contribute some funds if we get a blow-by-blow!


She’s completely unrelated to the current topics, just someone eggbutt and I both know. Sorry for the confusion.


No problem. There are a lot of initials floating around, so I wasn’t sure if I had forgotten somebody after all this time. Lol.


“Facebook usually provides extensive information…”

Yes. Yes it does.


Do I remember from the evidence in the trial that there was more than one barn on the property? If so, does anyone know if all of LK’s horses were in one barn or the other?

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