Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Does anyone remember when or why or what led us to believe she is not allowed at her family’s house? I can’t remember where that came from.

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Nothing led us to believe it. It was simply stated after the shooting that she had not been allowed to reside in the family home and it was also said that she had gotten violent with others in the past. At the time, it wasn’t anything that anyone could substantiate, because few who knew her seemed to be around or saying much, but now it seems to be because of her drug addiction and what we have discovered about her many criminal charges and antics over the past twenty years. The fact that we discovered a reported walk-in/walk-out burglary of her family’s home when she was in full drug addict mode certainly doesn’t help disprove the notion.


Someone waaaaaaay earlier today asked if LK had a rib injury. It took me forever to find the doctor (day 4 of the trial for reference). He made no mention of a rib injury. He discussed the lobes of the lung, all the incisions, the exit wound, the busted implant, the drains, but no mention of the ribs unless I missed it. Not even a we had to crack a rib to get at something, which honestly wouldn’t surprise me.


Depends on their actions. Conspiracy exists.


If they can they do it all from the side by robot often.


It came from the documents filed with Barisone’s suit against the
Police Department. That document is absolutely fascinating reading. Of course, IM said most of it is hogwash and Chris Deininger should be reported for ethics violations but I don’t think that has happened yet.

That suit was dismissed, but quite a bit of evidence was introduced which may have been the goal anyway!



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Negotiate his daughter’s move, counsel her on where to hide recording devices, talk about a $200k lawsuit…all perfectly normal actions for a dad to take before his daughter got shot.

My dad was not normal. A) he would have cut off the gravy train long before 40. He expected my siblings and I to “be productive”. But assuming we got to this point b) if I’d been telling him even LK’s version the stuff going on at the farm, he would have shown up with his horse trailer and got our butts out.

I’m so glad my world is nothing like any of this.


It was revealed in Deininger’s brief relating to Barisone’s suit against the PD re Civil rights violations.


Thanks for checking!

General comment.

If anyone is trying to figure out when a specific witness testified, feel free to ask me. I tried to take screenshots of them just to keep everybody straight in my head, so I probably have a picture with a date and time stamp for most witnesses.


Good to know! Thanks!

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It’s easily conceivable that a family with the lead earner holding an excellent professional job in the financial sector could amass $10 million by their sixties.

Here’s the recipe:
Lead earner is successful (top 20% of the cohort in earnings) along the career trajectory.
Like a lot of people attracted to the financial sector, have a mindset of augmenting your wage income through capital accumulation. Therefore, choose to live well below your means, in order to save a good portion of your after tax wage income. Invest the income you’ve saved in equities and real estate, not savings accounts, CDs, or Treasury bonds. You don’t need to have the acumen or luck to pick Apple and Google early on. Just invest in equities and real estate and don’t sell in a panic in a downturn.
Get married and don’t get divorced.
After 40 years of this program, many couples will have wealth portfolios in the $5 - 10 million range.

Lots of people remain in their long time family home, out of inertia if nothing else, even if they could afford a larger, newer, fancier house.

Despite your considerable cyber stalking, you’ve uncovered nothing that can realistically pin down the Kanarek family’s wealth to any point between $3 million and $20 million. Or pin it down at all.

How is the amount of their wealth and their decision to fund trusts for their children (or not) any of your business? Are you trying to claim or suggest that their financial resources could not have come entirely from wages and investments, and therefore must have come from suing people, or from even more nefarious activities?

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where are all these discussions happening? I google and can’t find any discussions with LK …


Another general comment.

I don’t want to derail the thread with politics, so I will not mention which party was involved. But I was just watching a story on the news about a politician who told a whopping, bald faced lie about something he said a year or so ago. And he even posted on Twitter specifically to deny that he had ever said such a thing. And he even managed to act very aggrieved and offended.

Except oops, the reporters had the conversation on tape. So not only has he proven himself to be a giant liar, he has also proven that he will lie to try to cover up what he said. And that has all just happened in the first day that the story broke.

Food for thought.


So JK has caused MB to suffer a loss depending “on their actions”?


Cyberstalking: the repeated use of electronic communications to harass or frighten someone, for example by sending threatening emails.

Not Cyberstalking: looking stuff up that’s available in public records and commenting on it on a random BB.


I am confused… Lisa Wilcox? FR? why can’t you give their names if they trained her horses? that public knowledge…

“It may also include false accusations, defamation, slander and libel.”


And this is who LK wanted to be allowed to ride at SGF?
But MB wanted a waiver and they thought that was unreasonable?

I am in! And for all you in the tri-state area - we should plan a get together - happy to make it happen!