Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Yep. In fairness though, he did say he kept saying her name and trying to get her to respond before he hung up. But still, it’s all so odd.


It’s Boogey not Bogey (-;


It is Bogey-man. That’s how it’s historically spelled. People just pronounce it “Boog-ee-man”, so it’s taken on a different spelling.


I am well aware of that. Lamictal is used off-label to counter the raging that is often part & parcel with the dx.

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[Omgitsme] There isn’t a specific medication for those with BPD, at least not one that’s FDA approved specifically for BPD. That said, there are lots of different medications available that are used to treat the symptoms of BPD.

Hmmm - who do we know that seems to fly into rages on a frequent basis? :thinking:


Thank you mbdsea for making this thread interesting again. I had to scroll through a couple of hundred posts because of my ignore list.

I must say hut-ho 78 and Currently Horseless display great fortitude since very few if anyone agree with their posts which are continuously shot down.

Is their really any point in replying to them?




I think I had hinted some pages back that could have been the case (although I don’t think I spelled it out as well as you have done). It is very possible that she was playing RG against JK against MB to get what she wanted.

She wanted more horses but couldn’t afford to keep them on the stipend she was getting from Daddy-O, so she told Daddy-O that MB was going to keep the one horse for free “so it wouldn’t have to leave his farm” and that he (Daddy-O) didn’t need to worry about upkeep costs for the additional horse(s) or her housing because she had worked it out with MB to board/train the horses and house her and RG in exchange for RG doing repairs/renovation/updating to the house and barn.

And she told RG that was his end of the deal. Remember how he testified that he didn’t want to leave NC and move to NJ? It seemed as though he was rather resentful about that - said something about “upending their lives.” And IIRC, he also mentioned that their living accommodations in NC were “nicer” than those at MB’s farm. So he was apparently not happy about the arrangement to move.

And when Mr. B asked RG about what they were paying, for how many horses, etc., he was evasive and said something about it being $2500 per horse for the two horses they had when they moved there, but the third one they bought from MB. (And also mentioned a fourth horse…) And he went round in circles about how they were paying for upkeep on the additional horses - he intimated that he seemed to think MB was not going to charge them for board/training of the horse they bought from him “because he was remaining on the farm.” And methinks that may be what LK told him, so he didn’t get upset about the prospect of having to do even more work on the farm. And then another horse came into the picture, so he was thinking, dang-it, I agreed to work enough to cover our housing plus a bit for overhead upkeep on two horses, and now I am on the hook for even more horses. And it was all perfectly worked out in LK’s mind - she could keep acquiring horses and not have to pay one cent more for board/training because RG was going to “work it off.” And she told Daddy-O not to worry about the additional horses, because they (she and RG) had an agreement with MB that RG could “work it off”). I am also guessing that when MB started protesting and asking for payment for board/training of the additional horses, she started hinting about code violations, lack of permits, etc., etc. And went crying to Daddy-O that she had a deal with MB but he was reneging on it. And please, Daddy, can you help?

Yeah, I can easily think that may have been very close to the scenario. She was playing three grown men against each other to get what she wanted. And MHG started to see through it, which is another reason why LK had such a venomous attitude toward MHG (in addition to her outright jealously).

[Edited to fix a couple of typos.]


This. And let’s be real, $2500 per horse is cheap for full training board. In this area of NJ with a BNT it is upwards of $3500. Some places are $4500 to $5k by the time you tack on farrier service, body work, etc.


$2500 a month would barely cover the training/lessons in a full training program with an Olympic-level trainer


Highly likely.


But at that point, the harassment by LK and RG made it much, much more than just an eviction.
The police failed to see that, failed to even attempt to deescalate and… Well, LK and RG kept it up.
I guess if people were doing all this to you it would be hunky dory?


The ox looks off at the trot.


Now you have to buy us breakfast!

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You said you weren’t aware of other medications used for it so I was just trying to share some knowledge.

Re MBs civil case, he’s been incarcerated for two and a half years, losing income (to say the least). Can he sue for that? Should he?


The boarding situation seemed confusing to me. He seemed to carry a lot of overhead. During the trial, there were numbers for stalls ranging from 20-40. There was a main barn and a young horse area. LK ended up with 4 horses there, 2 were paid for with cash, the other 2 the barter deal. MHG testified that she had 8-9 horses there board free. I think an article about his divorce said MB kept 9 horses and VK took 3 horses away with her. RC testified that all of the horses were upper end.

That is 20 horses at the least on the property not bringing in cash and 2 of those 20 had the barter deal that MB deemed unsatisfactory in one of his lawsuits. It’s a lot of horses to move as well.

How many horses were in the main barn and how many were in the young horse area? How many paying boarders were there besides the 2 that testified? Did the working students keep horses there as well?

The Florida barn was said to have 20 stalls so it would be difficult to move every horse there.

I don’t see how he was making it unless he was giving clinics constantly. There is no way board could begin to cover expenses in those conditions. That’s a lot of expense.

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Which might explain why RG had a bill to present to MB for the “extra work” (which wasn’t extra thanks to this mess of mixed stories LK was spinning) RG felt he was owed payment on… And why LK didn’t want him presenting that bill… Because then the various players would realize she was juggling all this while keeping each of them in the dark about what her agreement was with the other parties.



And yet those same people (whose word you are thus far not disputing) also testified that MB always made it work.

The barter deal of unachieved promises to cover 2 horses certainly seems to have been quite the additional burden on MB based on your own words. Those horses there were anything but an income asset but rather a liability.

Based on RGs testimony his work didn’t cover much of anything at all, certainly not $2500 a month - or should I say $5000 a month for 2 horses.

For $5000 every month I can’t even come up with work to do in my situation to cover even 2 months. I could add another box for $1000 bring in 220 service to the house and replace dead outlets for that if we’re talking electrical service.

8 months (as an example) of this deal should have paid for a very nice kitchen renovation, COMPLETED.