Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Can you imagine the fracas if he entered a show as “hors concours?”


Also he wasn’t licensed so RG would never collect anyway and would likely have to pay a treble judgment.


A couple of things:

We don’t know that the 8-9 horses that MHG testified about and the 9 horses ostensibly kept by MB are not one and the same or having some overlap. There’s no indication that these are all completely separate. There’s also no indication that none of them were supported fully or partially by sponsors/owners. A lot of trainer’s “personal” horses are owned and paid for by clients.

He was clearly bringing in enough work and money to support having an assistant trainer - I’m sure there were other clients that are not a part of this mess. There’s the working student and her mom’s horse(s), RC presumably paying some or all of the hard costs for DD, young horses being produced for sale (again no indication that these are independent of the 8-9 listed above). There’s coaching fees at horse shows where you meet clients who are not in your barn, there’s clinics. Most of these trainers are working 16 hour days in Florida when their client base gets a lot larger since everyone is there for the season.

It’s not that challenging to make an operation solvent with a high-priced trainer and some horse sales; I think it’s a misunderstanding of how the business works to assume that none of these horses had any income associated with them.


I know this wasn’t directed to me, but yes, he can infer that it was her fault he had the break that caused him to be charged and tried. I do think this will come out in the counter claim to her suit.

The arrest and charges are an intervening factor that will be harder to overcome, but her statements that she intended to “ruin” him certainly help his case.

Ironically I don’t see her wanting to settle, because he didn’t plea and he was successful. She is such a magical thinker that I suspect she’ll have trouble backing down from a fight she started.


I have met and done clinics with Michael Barisone. He made a very favorable impression on me. I barely recognized him in the trial footage.


Maybe RGs rate was $2000 an hour? Or he was billing MB for doing LKs laundry?


Yes - I forgot to mention that. She probably had RG believing that MB was going to pay him in real $$$ for any extra work over the cost of upkeep for the extra horses. IOW, in RG’s mind - first two horses were covered by the $2500@ they were paying. Third horse was covered (in their mind’s) because “MB wanted it to remain on the farm.” Fourth horse was covered by RG’s work equating to $2500 (the agreed upon cost of board/training for one horse). And any work he did over that amount ($2500) was what he thought MB owed him. Question is how much work did he actually do. Didn’t he state that he was careful to not “go over” whatever amount of work he needed to do to “pay expenses”? (Or words to that effect.)


Most income made by BNTs comes through sales commissions…and they are usually collecting on both ends.


While that’s true, since the start of this “circumstance”, I have always wondered in the back of my mind if LK didn’t develop a “thing” for MB, and when he didn’t reciprocate, that was when the worm turned.

“If I can’t have him!” etc.


I’ve wondered this, too.


I would bet she may not have actual love in the true sense but would gladly play the significant other role to be the next MHG so that she could be MHG 2.0 with all the perks and prima ballerina status.

And the best way to get to ve MHG is to get rid of MHG 1.0


She definitely gives off that “people are for having” vibe.


I don’t think she had “a thing” for him, but I do think that she genuinely wanted every bit of attention and power that MHG had as MB’s partner and main focus and it is clear that MB gave up on LK once her drug addiction issues started to affect her attendance and made it clear that she wasn’t going to be putting in any real effort to justify a continued presence at the farm, particularly with the added overhead of her drop-in rides that weren’t being paid for. Once MB got the report from the PI he hired, he and MHG knew exactly what was going to happen in short order and how badly they needed those two degenerates removed from the property.


Let’s be brutally honest. The Kanareks and the State of NJ LOST THE CASE. After all the bluster, threats, lies and warnings of “all will be told”, they LOST for FOUR (4) primary reasons: the two prime witnesses were muddled, incoherent at times, inconsistent and out and out lied; their expert witness was a blowhard who bashed rather than prove his point; and, the biggest reason IMO, the asinine and inexcusable response by the police department before, during and after the event. No forensic evidence? The jury should have and could have found him not guilty - PERIOD.

So, Team Kanarek, you can whine, blame, deflect, and predict Barisone’s future, but you can take to the bank, BARISONE and BILINKAS WON THE CRIMINAL TRIAL and I predict (so far I’m averaging 100%) they will also win the Civil CASE - BIGTIME.


This scenario really rings true to me. LK’s grifting would absolutely involve JK and RG. She’s a damaged child in the body of a forty year old woman. Her horse hobby seems to be her life.

I’ve known of two similar situations where someone collects horses under a vaguely defined boarding situation where they don’t want to pay a penny more after purchasing two or three additional horses. As a fellow boarder, I can tell you these people were incredibly entitled and did not respect other boarders in any way shape or form. One left in a huff, the other was kicked out. Two different facilities 15 years apart. Common theme, lots of bartering, low on cash. These people did not have the mental illness issues that LK has, even so, it was pretty horrible for all involved.

This would never happen where I now board, thankfully.


Indulge me please while I address one more thing posted yesterday - that Lara Osborne ever fed me “inside information”. I became acquainted with Lara AFTER the shooting via Mary Haskins and her friends asking me to contact Lara to see how many of us in NC could help with anything needed. While I have known Lara was, and still is, very close to the case and is actually one of the “inside” people, she has never, not once, shared any confidential information with me. Neither has anyone else on Barisone’s immediate team. ALL of my information came directly from my experience with LK and MHG, the publicly available civil documents on line, and very careful listening to the online hearings. PERIOD.

The majority of my posts began with “I believe, suspect, think, wonder, etc.” If I knew something as fact I stated such. There is no doubt many of my posts hit far too close for comfort for the Kanareks to cause them to immediately push back and call me stupid, ignorant, and attack me personally with outrageous lies. When that happened, I, and others, knew my posts held nuggets of information they didn’t like.

In the past 2 1/2 years I have become friends with several more close friends of Barisone, and renewed old friendships that I made during my involvement with USEF/USDF and local state dressage organizations. Is that a crime against social media rules? I think not.

The post yesterday really set my hair on fire! How dare some troll on a social media forum attempt to besmirch the ethics of someone within Barisone’s inner team!! :thinking: There are two posters currently active on this thread who need to get a life and stop their BS attempts to provoke. The trial is over. There is no new information to give. Move on until the Civil trials begin, mkay?


This, to me, sounds like a good thing that came out of this whole horrible experience.


Indeed! It is these new friendships that helped me understand the dire conditions MB must have found himself in. The person I had met several times during CDIs in Raleigh could not be the same person who would intentionally hurt someone else.

The outpouring of support for Michael after the verdict showed me how truly loved this man is, either by personal association or reputation. It’s time for the Kanarek gang to move on with their lives and leave everything and everyone related to Barisone alone. If Lauren has a goal of becoming an FEI rider, that is what she and her mom, dad and Team LK need to focus on, not strangers on a horse forum or other SM.


This x1000. LK will help herself most if she focuses her energy on her own self, and tune out what everyone else is doing. She doesn’t need to compare what she has to what others have, she has many good things in her life, and I hope she can learn to appreciate those over coveting the lives/opportunities/things of others.

If she can’t, well, there’s that civil case she brought that’s going to be a serious CTJ moment for her.


Today is my lazy day so I decided to peruse Facebook and dang, it runs in the family.