Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Who is that?


That guy was one of the friends/relatives of JK in the community, that I referenced the other day, trying to do damage control for the family.


He says he is her cousin.


No more than it is for me to argue with relatives that lizard people don’t exist. It’s entertaining at first, but eventually I’ve got better things to occupy my time. Like the laundry.


Her what, now?

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I wonder how many of the horses he owned were sale horses – capital in waiting so to speak until sold. If he had capital per his lawyer friend he may have been making money buying/investing—making and selling–which is more than just commission. I would think he made most of his money off making and selling horses as opposed to commissions selling other peoples’ horses.


It was said that she brought in more horses that weren’t being paid for with her father’s monthly stipend and she obviously didn’t have the money to pay MB for their upkeep and residence, which meant he had to foot the bill for feed and farrier until reimbursed with cash or RG’s questionable labors. Combined with her and RG staying on the property, they would have been costing more $$$$$ than they were bringing in, when the balance sheets were done.


Have they gotten into contrails yet? That’s the latest thing in my clan. Some of them still believe that them Ruskies are living under the dam at Lake Shasta (though maybe they are right).


I believe both LK and RG were impeached after their testimony, correct?

What does this mean? What are the consequences?


It simply means they didn’t come off as “Winners” in the legal sense. There wouldn’t be any punishment for them and the Kanarek family is too well-connected for them to face any actual sanctions, even if there were any to impose against them. The worst that can happen to those two is that they would not be allowed to testify again, if the case were retried, for whatever reason.


It is a real shame the powers that be ignored or off-handedly dismissed LK’s years long torment of GJ with a yawn and a flutter of their well-manicured hands. Imagine if harassing someone who had fewer resources (money, family with clout, connections) had been taken seriously instead of waved off because GJ wasn’t important enough to take semi-seriously.

It wasn’t much better for her here. Telling someone to “get help” when they likely lack the time & money to get the help they need and essentially telling her to “get over it” was kicking her when she was down.

She wasn’t wrong to be upset. No one was rushing to champion HER the way so many were interested in excusing Lauren’s behavior (at the time).


Yeah fair enough actually, not the first time I’ve accidentally “said the quiet part out loud,” lol. But for context around my comment, I will say there is no changing this type of person, and it’s very unlikely that MB will be the last person she harms.


One aspect of my full-time job is to literally determine the net worth of individuals, and you would be amazed
at the number of people who don’t appear to have much and yet who are worth ridiculously large sums of money. I know people who have donated anywhere between $100K-$200+M and while they certainly live better than most people I typically associate with, they don’t necessarily have these crazily extravagant lifestyles. (Most of them just like to travel and play golf a lot.) I haven’t done a full-on research project of the family because I don’t have the time, but from what little I’ve gleaned, I’d estimate them to “only” be worth between $1-$5M.

I’m willing to bet that the interior of that house has probably undergone some very nice updates which were probably not cheap. Raising three daughters, putting at least two of them through private high school and college (I’m only guessing here), and paying for their weddings (again, guessing), couldn’t have been cheap, either. The younger daughters have done well for themselves and have both married men who appear to be successful. So, that possibly leaves quite a bit of income these days to help fund their eldest daughter’s


Posts that didn’t age well.


Completely agree. I felt that Sarah Maslin Nir including GJ’s somewhat unbalanced post in the original NYT article as some kind of mean girl joke; it certainly was intended to (further) humiliate GJ.


I’ve had similar experiences, it’s neat to read that this is a part of your job, that’s cool. I was sat next to an older couple at a large horsey brunch years ago, and noticed that the couple had the same car I had (nothing fancy, just a plain honda). They mentioned they had 30 horses in training. They asked me what I did so I asked them as well, and the husband said, “do you ever watch the Shrek movies? I created him.” Super sweet couple, would never have dreamed they were so high net worth.


I bet she enjoys leaving pennies & nickels in half-drunk coffee cups for servers. Or within a wadded up napkin she blew her nose in.


Agree. One of the articles about his success said he brought young horses over, made them, and sold them. I wonder how many have been quietly sold. I bet they are lovely.


Except he could have been considered a house employee instead of an unlicensed contractor.

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Of all of the posts in the many Barisone threads in the last two and a half years that made me laugh out loud THIS IS THE BEST omg lololololololll
