Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

You are so right. It was wrong of MB to try to do a nice thing for LK and RG so LK could have RG work off the board of some horse(s) she wanted but her father would not pay for.


Whose children was he nannying? Donā€™t think LK was paying him to do her laundry.



Butā€¦ this is precisely why I have been pushing back on the trust fund narratives.

Estate taxes kick in when the value of someoneā€™s estate is $12 million or more. The family home in NJ is slightly north of $1 million. Is it possible that these folks paid for the other daughterā€™s educations, weddings, etc, plus LKā€™s $530,000 house in Florida, plus all of her horses, and still socked away so much over the course of 30 years, that their estate is well over $12 million, and they had enough extra to set up trust funds for each daughter? Itā€™s possible. Butā€¦ if you assume that the beneficiaries (LK and her sisters) are only getting distributions of income from their trusts each yearā€¦ and if you take a guess as to LKs annual expenses in Fl with 6 horses in full board, and training with Ulf Mollerā€¦ you gotta figure the theoretical trust has income producing assets in it that are valued somewhere north of $2 million.

Sooooā€¦ if you assume that parents in this situation set up trust for each of 3 children, with a goal of reducing their estate to a value just under $12 million (to avoid estate taxes)ā€¦

That means their net worth would theoretically have been $18 million or more just a few years ago.

I donā€™t know the people- maybe they are exceptionally savvy careful investors, and live beneath their means, and they accomplished this. And if so - seriously- good for them. But if they were really worth a full $18 million just a few years agoā€¦ I think JK would have more public info out there on Google about his professional bio and accomplishments.

Hope that makes sense. Youā€™re the one who apparently does this sort of estimating for a living. Iā€™m an amateur sleuth :wink:


It just means many found they were not believable. It is not the same as perjury. Itā€™s more like a credibility test for the jury. Who do you believe? Same with differing expert witness testimonies, who is the most believable.

Someone said they all went to public schools through high school and really good universities for the two that completed.

ā€œThe braider I firedā€, ā€œthe disgruntled ex-employeeā€¦ā€, lol, this woman is deluded. I recall that ā€œbraiderā€ was accomplished in her own right and did the braiding gig at shows for fun. She seemed kind of cool.

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she balked at the ā€œopportunityā€ to braid LKā€™s horses.


One of the sisters graduated from NYU law school. Not sure where she went to undergrad.

But the parents should be super proud to have one of their kids graduate NYU law school. Itā€™s one of the top law schools in the country. My guess is that daughter went somewhere VERY competitive for undergrad as well.

Alsoā€¦ NYU is one of the MOST expensive schools in the country. And loans for grad school are tough. Iā€™d imagine mom and dad did a lot to support her education. :woman_shrugging:


Emily and Hilary both attended the same public schools as their older sister and both took the ā€œMrs. Degreeā€ Academic path (History and English) at their respective public universities (Pittsburgh and Michigan), before being handed HR jobs after graduation that led to their husbands. From what is out there about them, there is nothing notable about either one that sets them apart or above anyone else, beyond the doors that were opened for them.


I can think of at least 10 people that I personally know with net worths exceeding the figures here, who have basically no internet presence outside of property records.

Iā€™m actually pretty regularly amazed by the amount of $ turned around by companies that have either no website or an incredibly crappy one.


House employee?

Whose employee? LKs?


Where I live a standard cramped 1965 suburban 3 bedroom bungalow is worth $1.5 million, and anything with more wiggle room or acreage is approaching $5 million. Interest and bond rates are so low that standard investment vehicles bring in nothing. Having $1 million net worth is nothing these days. Everyone with a paid off house has more than that. But if you sell that house, where will you live? A condo is $500,000.

Anyhow my point is that thereā€™s been a big division where the upper middle classes that have really prospered could have made a lot of money quietly from stocks and real estate and that it is entirely plausible that an older couple could have say $10 million in investments, and for that to not be enough to significantly lift them to a new strata of lifestyle.

You want a big house and a good school district when your kids are growing up. Many folks are downsizing by the time they are 60 not sinking more equity into a bigger house to rattle around in.

Anyhow my guess is that $10 million net worth is ā€œcomfortableā€ on the East Coast but is not exactly going to skyrocket you into plutocrat territory. If you got 10 per cent return overall on your investments that would be $1 million a year income, but you donā€™t get that return these days on any stable bank product. More like 1 per cent or $100,000 a year.

Iā€™d also say that someone who has been quietly investing for decades at the comfortable level does not necessarily leave any paper trail about their accomplishments. Thereā€™s no public face to it and they are small fish overall. You donā€™t need accomplishments, just to know your way around the markers and be able to get good advice.

Anyhow think itā€™s obvious that the family was comfortable but not of unlimited wealth, and put sumptuary limits on expenditures. The scenario upthread about how LK was leveraging different men in her orbit to get things her father wouldnā€™t pay for is the first speculation Iā€™ve read that actually makes sense about how this all snowballed.

Father says you can have $5000 to cover one horse and your apartment in the area. Daughter says ok, Iā€™ll have 2 horses and live at the barn (which is a choice I do understand!!) but then it snowballs because Daughter is lying and conflating and eventually like most liars and flustercluck B types, she works it around to feeling sheā€™s been taken advantage of (which is the default position of flusterclucks). Absolutely I could see this happening even at Muddy Acres backyard barn over some work/board arrangement. Itā€™s such a typical barn thing where both sides feel they are getting shafted. And honestly a contract doesnt even help because when people in these arrangements go postal they donā€™t look at the contract. And indeed most work trade agreements are verbal.


More importantly, where can I find one of these house employee gigs that earns me $50k for April-July plus a roof over my head (plus s/o), some dogs, a couple horses, in which I only have to do some laundry and rope other people into doing 85% of my job (see the tile job for example). I mean, I might balk a little at installing hidden recorders so I can eavesdrop, but for $12,500/mo, the lines blur a little.


I just want to know who your employer is! Because if itā€™s MB youā€™re not very loyal.


Loyalty demands a raise.


I might be the ā€œproā€ at this, but I think youā€™re exactly right. My spidey-sense with them has never given me the impression that there is THAT kind of money there. Maybe there is, but if so, then Iā€™d have to speculate where else that kind of money came from.



Thanks, thereā€™s a lot Iā€™ve missed in going over these threads. Public high school kind of surprises me, unless it was a really good school. Usually, it seems as though people like the Kanareks tend to send their kids to private schools purely for the ā€œnetworkingā€ opportunities available for both the parents AND the children. But again, since they didnā€™t send their kids to private schools, it gives us insight into their net worth.

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Yeah some of the comments donā€™t really jive with public schools and Girl Scouts and church etc. that have also been mentioned.

If the parties involved felt that this avenue of going after MB was likely to be successful, guarantee they already would have. For that matter if the $ owed was legitimate they would have tried that too.


I know nothing about these girls, but thatā€™s a bit unfair to the humanities (I say as a professor). Indeed both these degrees are excellent preparation for lawschool because they involve such close attention to analyzing text. Which is 90 per cent of law, and 100 per cent of many law specialties.

Also, honestly, getting a college degree even with full family support is an accomplishment and law school is a Big Deal. Being able to hold down an HR job right out of college is not nothing. I am not going to belittle anyone who has found a path in life that involves a solid career.

On the other hand, flashing your middle finger at the camera on Instagram with your junkie sister shows a lack of judgement and I will belittle that. None of my lawyer friends would do that. Also if the threats of violence on the Nancy Jaffer FB really are from a cousin, not a troll, I feel like Iā€™m getting a more complete picture of the clan. There is some level of thug culture here thatā€™s out of keeping with how professional adults comport themselves.