Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

This. All of this!

(Quoting is my way of liking your post twice)


I have a question someone might be able to answer. Since MB was found NG of the charges regarding RG, and RG beat MB so badly, could MB sue RG for assault or would they claim RG was defending LK?


Common law and juror logic would hold that RG was defending LK.

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Ok thanks, I stayed away from those plans in my country because they were new (35 years ago) when my daughter was young. She ended up with a university degree, but I didnā€™t want to box her into it.

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Well, there are personal injury attorneys that will take anything. Nothing prevents a suit even if it gets tossed out at preliminary.

That said I think the only way you could make a case that would actually get tried on the facts would be if you had a compelling case that RG created the situation that resulted in the Need to protect LK. That would be a pretty tough sell.


Maybe ā€œget rid of himā€ was a phase they used among themselves concerning their plan for MB, so it took on a similar meaning in their minds when they heard ā€œget rid of themā€.


The contributions are not pre tax in terms of federal tax. Some states may give you some degree of deductibility on state taxes, but other states donā€™t.

The tax advantage is that the earnings grow tax free, so if you use the funds for educational costs, the earnings escape tax. But for the most part, contributions are after tax dollars.

If your child does not use the money for qualified educational expenses, the money can be recouped, but you probably have to then pay the tax on all the earnings, plus a penalty.

ETA. An owner of a 529 plan instructs the plan to make a payout directly to a qualified educational institution. Some apprentice programs qualify, but I doubt a dressage training barn would qualify.


Thanks for making my point that people keep ā€œspeculatingā€ that Iā€™m personally involved. Iā€™m not.

I provided two facts that led me to believe that Eggbutt had an inside source. Please tell me what insider information I have disclosed.

I know you wonā€™t be able to; I have no inside info.

I would hazard a guess, given the age of the Ks three daughters, that if they did do specific college savings plans for them, they used an UGMA or UTMA. That was popular during the 90ā€™s. 529 plans are a more recent thing, and popular for the younger generation - I have them for my kids (who are not yet in college).

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Did people on this forum think La-La Pop Rider was Lauren Kanarek?

Yes. It was hardly a guess.


As of yesterday, comments on Facebook indicate he was still stuck in the Morris County jail.

It seems a lack of beds at the Ann Klein facility are the limiting factor.

Comments also indicated that his May 17th hearing in front of the judge might get pushed back because of the delay in getting him to the Ann Klein facility.

I hope for his sake that he is at least doing some decompressing in jail right now, given the outcome at trial. Heā€™s definitely ā€œstuckā€ in a bureaucratic system right nowā€¦ but this will not last forever. I would imagine Bilinkas is researching legal options, and if MB isnā€™t moved soon, will get filing something with the court.

In other newsā€¦ the Go Fund Me is growing. Thatā€™s encouraging to see. It speaks volumes about how the broader community feels about this entire case.


Can you post the Go fund me link?

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Thereā€™s a link contained in this article from Nancy Jaffer.


Gosh, youā€™re obsessed with his divorce, business break up, $965K cash pay out, and MBs aging. I only check in here every few days, but you accuse folks here about being obsessed by either all of this case, or certain parts of this case, and you just keep on going back to ā€œdivorce, business break up, $965K pay out and boy howdy, heā€™s getting oldā€, itā€™s quite remarkable.


There are some people who have the means for private school, but who choose public school to make a point. Plus, I doubt the kids were being bussed out of their neighborhood.


The other ones on the list are weird, especially in light of the trial testimony, but the aging comment gets me every time because Iā€™m the same age now as MB was when the shooting occurred and I have no idea if I should be watching out for something. Maybe the ripe old age of 54 is when my brain is supposed to quit functioning. Should I warn my older relatives? What does it mean?


Anyone here getting younger?

Did anyone here ever get divorced and there were assets to be divided?

Neither of these are remarkable events. Plus it was noted on the stand, I think, that MB had invested wisely & well. So while I donā€™t know ANYONE who enjoyed the division of assets & pay out portion of their divorce neither party is likely to have had bad legal or financial counsel.


Also, if aging and a divorce is supposed to render individuals diminished in some way - well - Lauren was divorced and at 38 in August 2019 was hardly a debutante.

I doubt either condition led to her bizarre behavior.

I am not even convinced the drug abuse & addiction changed her personality for the worse. It may have revealed it but I doubt that. She was and is far too proud of how she used and abused others for decades prior to Aug 2019.

She didnā€™t even slow her roll when she and RG followed a young woman in a store, filmed her and added ugly comments as they strolled along. AFTER the shooting.

Who does this? Someone who has a long history of exactly that sort of behavior. Plural because Rob Goodwin participated too.


Whoa. What was this all about?!!?

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