Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

She posted it on her FB page. One of the COTH readers saw it, commented about it on COTH and after some snide remarks by Lauren indicating she could do anything she liked, she removed it. Possibly because eventually someone got through to her that it was too accurate a reflection of her character and in poor taste.

Crude + cruel + tacky is not a winning combination. There are no caterpillars large and lustrous enough to disguise it.


Iā€™m also old, AND Iā€™ve been divorced. Iā€™m just sitting here, drooling, in a puddle of pee waiting to die. BUT, donā€™t forget about the $965K cash payment. #gimmeallyourmoneyoldman

old man


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


A certain donor made me wheeze I was laughing so hard.


Someone should post the GFM link to the Facebook discussions on CourtTV and elsewhere. Given all the casual observer people who have sided with MB in those discussions, I think that would give the total a nice kick to the goal, if they made small donations.


That was me. I responded to her Facebook post that she needed to remove it because it was vile and rude and intrusive and she could very well be recording a minor child (teen). The young lady in question was dressed in an animae costume. They followed her through the store, whispering mean comments to each other while speaking loudly about how they were looking for X, Y, Z product to mask the fact that they were stalking this young lady through the store. They kept whispering that they hoped she would bend over (she was wearing a short skirt). I should also add that they were fat shaming her as well. So her trumped up concern about body shaming at Hawthorne Hill was bull, because she engaged in it herself for all the world to see.

LK responded to my Facebook post regarding the recording that she had posted that she knew who I was and called me ā€œIdahoRiderā€ and that I was now going on her list of people she was going to sue, because she was doing nothing wrong, just looking for a product they couldnā€™t find and my direction to take it down was defamation.

I had to ask myself if I wanted that kind of negative energy around, even if it was just Facebook and I had friended her to get a better look at her because I was curious. Maybe she was telling the truth? Up until that video I had felt kind of sorry for her. It seemed like she had no friends in real life. She had RG and that was it. Every other relationship was on-line, with people who had never met her in real life. And even those people were dwindling. It was sad.

But in the end her complete and absolute lack of empathy for others made me unfriend her and block her. She is a toxic person, even from a distance.


She responded to that effect in her civil suit when she listed all of her SM screen names and answered in the affirmative to the direct question of posting on CotH.


Yup. I lost more than the figure being tossed around here in a divorce. And moved on with my life and so did my ex-husband.

Frankly my life was a lot more stressful when he was my STBx. It was a bit like Nicole Kidman after signing her papers, for me.


I saw the video and I confirm that what IdahoRider said is true in its entirety.


Yes plus in her ranting messages to me IdahoRider was listed amongst us accursed.


A kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. When you canā€™t manage to be even a mediocre person with a small sense of empathy & empathy for others then very few people will hang around you for free.



And wow - she has a serious lack of emotional maturity. What kind of an almost 40 year old woman follows someone around a store, videoing and mocking them?

I understand people watching, and I have quietly laughed with my husband when we were out somewhere and saw someone remarkableā€¦ but would I ever photograph or video them, and post them online for the purpose of public mockery?


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


well, I think those folks were the usual suspects who stated over a year ago that ā€˜MBā€™s lawyer was crapā€™ in various ways.


I refrained from commenting in this vein while the trial was going on, knowing who was reading, but I felt he knew exactly what he was doing.

Courtroom presentation is theater. He played the opposite role perfectly - the wizened experienced one with these young whippersnappers from the prosecution wasting his time. Give the jury time to absorb. Give the witness time to sweat and go back over their statement wondering if they fā€”ked up somewhere. Let the cocky ones think theyā€™ve gotten something over on you while you turn the flame up on the pot theyā€™re cooking in.

It takes a specific personality but if youā€™ve got it, trial lawyering can be a great deal of fun.


Ask questions that get your hand slapped but make it clear to the jury there is a lot more going on than what they are being allowed to hearā€¦.


Curiously, the local/regional media is pretty much ignoring the conclusion of the trial and the few write ups donā€™t really reflect what happened and why and almost lean favorably towards LK.


Yes, I got the sense at times that even Schellhorn was thinking, ā€œSweet Jesus. These people would drive me insane.ā€ :upside_down_face:


But there were quite a few of them in some of the trial-watching chats. Itā€™s possible some were the same, but some Iā€™m pretty confident weā€™re just random trial watchers.

Itā€™s a true art. One I could never possess.


Maybe trying to put a particular spin on things because of concern about the outcome of the civil suits? :laughing: