Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I am pretty sure that RG admitted at least twice on the stand that he had not only put up several recorders, but that he also was recording “from his pocket.”


I may be misremembering but I thought someone posted that one of LK’s relatives (brother-in-law?) worked for the same firm that ED did. ???

I’ve been a client at full board/training facilities, and in almost all of them, we groomed/tacked up our own horses before riding and then untacked/hosed/cooled down after riding (and also cleaned our own tack). Full board at the ones I have been at covered stall, feed and hay, feeding and throwing hay, stall cleaning, turn out/in, etc. One barn also included daily grooming/feet picking by the staff. I can’t imagine just getting out to of car and climbing on an already groomed/tacked horse, riding and then handing the horse to a groom to care for while I climb in my car and leave (or go take a nap in the on-site apartment). What is the fun in that?


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


Plus, I find that when I groom my own horses and clean my own tack I find the little things before they become problematic.


Random question: Does anyone know the order of the 911 calls from that day?

It’s one of those small things I think about that goes back to ED and LK. I’ve always assumed LK was first. But I could be wrong.

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Been in 2 BNT barns - at one of these we were not allowed to tack/untack or do anything with our horse(s) other than ride and even got looked at strangely for showing up everyday to ride (except Monday). Needless to say, left after 2 months.


Believe me, I hear you. But I’ve seen the other arrangement plenty, especially at the higher levels.

I would think part of it might just be a time management factor. If the trainer has a very full schedule, s/he can’t afford to lose 10 or 15 minutes out of their day every time Susie or Sally does not have their horse ready to start on time.


I’ve always wondered what kind of people choose the full care / grooming option so they just show up, mount up, ride, and leave every single time. I mean it would be a great option to have once or twice a year if you’re running really late, but how do you develop a relationship with your horse like that? Isn’t the grooming and bathing and hand grazing in the sun the best part? Not to mention the finding of the bumps, swellings, cuts, etc. The snuggling is what makes bad lessons and frustrating weeks all worthwhile, IMO.


in the area where I ride, NorthEast - full board includes grooms… you only, groom, tack and untack, clean your own tack if you say you want to. in a BNT barn there would be grooms and working students doing all that for the client - and those barns charge more than $2,500 per month in this area, without an Olympian.


There are pros and cons, but the care tends to be outstanding and if you have multiple horses and showing them then it definitely helps.

ir if your time is limited to the extreme.
*but if you don’t have a job, have a maid to do dishes, walk the dogn, groom the horses, do the laundry…


I’ve wondered about that myself. But I have to think if any of it seemed very relevant, Mr. B would’ve brought it up in the trial.

In particular, I’d be interested to know the time lapse between the end of ED’s call and the 911 call that we’ve all heard with poor Rosie in the background.

For sure, the interval between LK’s call to 911 and the arrival of the first police officer was very short. But I wonder about the interval before that one.


Me too! I wonder about those intervals a lot. And when did the neighbor call? We can assume JK’s call was last.

We know Ed’s call lasted 4 minutes. And after he hung up, he called LK back a couple times before calling 911, looking up the right county, blah blah blah. But he heard the shots. I’m trying to piece together how soon after the shots LK called 911.

It’s all puzzling to me.




It becomes more interesting in light of what Mr B did pursue - why did the cops only search MB’s truck and not RG’s truck and trailer?

I know we’re never going to know what really happened that day. And I’m going to wonder about it for a long time, because none of RG or LK’s versions make a lick of sense.


Again, same.

Although I think the reason the cops did not search any other vehicles is the same reason they didn’t bother to do any forensic tests on the gun or anyone’s hands.

It sounds like they had already made up their minds that MB was the guilty party. So they did not bother to do anything to actually gather evidence after that.

Whether that was due to their previous interactions with him, or their own unconscious bias regarding the big, tall guy and the much smaller woman (which seems to completely ignore the presence of RG in the mix!), or whether there was some other factor that we don’t know about yet… hard to say.


I would be really upset over all of what the cops didn’t do if the jury had convicted him. Thank goodness they did not.

I just can’t get over the feeling that they ambushed him, not expecting him to have a gun. And that’s just an icky feeling.


I think there are multiple plausible possibilities which have certainly been discussed at great length here over the years.

And unfortunately, we will probably never know which one is true, since the video camera that was right there on the spot was mysteriously unhelpful. Even though it had been working just minutes before the altercation. That one fact alone has always seemed very relevant to me.

Regardless, I think it’s safe to say that there were multiple people who showed extremely poor judgment for different reasons, some of which might be worse reasons than others.


indeed. To both of it.
While we since learned MB had the gun, to me the ambush was a given.