Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Absolutely there was plenty of poor judgment going around.

And ultimately I guess it doesn’t matter what I think or what I’m still wondering about. More will come out in the civil trial, and then, hopefully all the people involved can put their lives back together and move on.


On a much, much lighter note, this trial introduced me to Boyd Martin. That didn’t suck.


LKs call was first. ED said that by the time he got through, personnel were already on the way, or were there.

Thank you. Have you seen any time stamps for the calls?

No, I’m just going by EDs testimony that by the time he got through, 911 already knew about it.

Ok thanks.

According to LK, on here, she had the best top 5 global “blue chip” law firms on speed dial. Not that there are “blue chip” law firms!


Does anyone else wonder why Ed had the phone number of someone who was not a client of his?

Ed said he called LK (client) and when he did not get LK (because clearly he needed to talk to her right then?) he called RG (not client) to get her.

Why does this lawyer have the number of RG? Since he is paperless, better yet, why did he have this number available while he was driving?


For sure!

I especially appreciated his Olympic equestrian themed tie, which was very much on point.


Yes. I wondered that right after I wondered why LK didn’t answer his calls.



I feel like we owe it to non-legal folk to highlight the fact that there is no such term as ‘blue chip law firm’. That was an LKism when she was trying to look super knowledgable about all things related to the practice of law in the US. She was also banging on about ‘SCOTUS’ and stare decisis. :roll_eyes:

Pretty much all of it, like privilege, she got wrong. What she meant to do was sound ‘in the know’ by saying ‘white shoe law firm’.

I guess colours are as confusing as numbers. :woman_shrugging:


I can totally picture LK giving RG’s number to ED with the instructions to call RG if he ever has trouble reaching LK.


The tie was awesome.

We all should be so lucky as to have people like him, Phillip Dutton, Hay Guy, Barefoot Farrier (not the ninja) Jamie Dancer, Ali Brock in our corner.


Because the whole leaving thing was so important it could not wait for her to finish her nap or finish riding her horse, that the lawyer would find it normal to use the contact of someone who is not a client?
Seems weird.


Maybe they were adding ‘personal assistant’ to his ever-increasing list of job titles?


As soon as I see that listed as the source of any information, I pretty much just stop reading at that point.

Now more than ever, following her testimony under oath on the witness stand that she lies a lot on social media.

Honestly, I’m surprised at the number of people who still start a conversation on here with any form of, “Well, LK said…”

Or at least, without including the sarcasm emoji or something.


The thought crossed my mind. Lol.



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Honestly, as great as all those people were, I was almost as impressed by how much the prosecution witnesses helped him. I mean, other than JH, who seems to still have some business dealings with MB, a couple of the others were surprisingly on his side from the sound of things. Or at least, I’ll bet the prosecutor was surprised.

I can imagine him sitting there listening to them sing MB’s praises and thinking to himself, “I paid their plane fare for this?!?“ Lol.


Oh absolutely. Having no idea about any backstories or random theories especially from people who lie on SM, I was struck by MHG as well. Imagine my surprise when I read she was the master manipulator behind this whole debacle. Heck even some of the EMT’s came across as sympathetic to the defendant.

I feel kind of bad for Mr Schellhorn. He had a job to do. He gave it his best effort. But that job sucked for him. Unreliable, dishonest witnesses, witnesses that make the defendant look like a pretty decent guy, cops that didn’t do their jobs, one witness with no concept of time, and the Moustache.