Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

For me it’s the part where the house was supposed to have no occupants due to the building code failures.

Suitcases in the hallway, nobody supposed to be there, he pulls up and parks, probably sees their 2 vehicles there (parked all askew) and went “s**t.”

Was probably hoping to pick up some belongings and get to the hotel he said he would get after getting kicked off his porch. Only to find occupants in the house that the building inspector posted for everyone to be out of.


So this case will be dissected by many in the law world, perhaps even published dissection and discussed in law schools?


Yeah, that sticks in my head too. The last thing he was told was the house was vacated. That whole scenario just screams some kind of set up that backfired spectacularly.


It’s certainly one that might be reviewed especially by law schools in NJ. Without a doubt there would be some chatter amongst the criminal defense attorneys in NJ and neighboring states with similar statutes.


The fire/building inspector that allowed LK and RG to stay in MB’s home after the notice to vacate, without contacting MB, when the inspector had only LK’s videos to prove that the violations had been “fixed” (in one afternoon), appeared sheepish and knowing that he did wrong.


I doubt very much he thought this would be the outcome.

I do think two scheming people saw an opportunity when he did that. If only to enjoy the higher ground while the man of the place had to go to a hotel, all by their doing.


And should have faced disciplinary action. But something tells me unacceptable performance by city employees is par for the course in that town!


Can somebody jog my memory as to what they said they changed and sent the building/fire inspector the video to show? Was it just fire alarms or something like that?

I do recall the inspector looked extremely squirmy on the witness stand as he was explaining how he failed to notify MB of the change the following day.


I can’t get past the fact the tenants had the guys email that he checked late at night for their video of the repairs. That is so highly irregular. Inspections are done 9 to 5 pm during weekdays PERIOD. You don’t get the inspectors cell number either. You call a main number.

It’s so irregular it’s fishy.


I’m sure he didn’t, but that’s no excuse for shirking his responsibilities. He was aware of the entire “dangerous” situation that had everyone out of all the buildings on the farm because of a complaint issued by people who were being asked to leave, and had been given notice of eviction.

That the people who had complained in the first place of danger, had fixed the issue in their living space in one afternoon, should have been a clue.


I’m sure he was trying to avoid conflict and from his perspective, make things easier for residents. I’m not sure in that present moment it was simple to equate the situation on the farm with that specific report. Trying to stay out of it seems like a natural move.

Obviously hindsight is the clearest. I’m sure he didn’t expect to be on the witness stand about that day.


It was the fire detectors,that LK said MB disabled, which seems dubious. She sent pics to the inspector that RG had fixed them so inspector dude said cool, but didn’t bother to advise MB.


I missed this part. She said he disabled them? Was she asked how she came to know that?


I thought somewhere it was said that the smoke detectors needed to be hardwired, which to me requires a licensed electrician. After installation one would have to show a receipt for the work with a licensed company and then maybe the building official would allow return.



Thank you, I knew I remembered a hardwiring claim from somewhere

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I honestly don’t know. I know she said it, but I don’t know if there was any follow up on that. I think all the follow up focused on MB not knowing the inspector said she could go back in.


I don’t know about NJ, but here in AZ, if I’m repairing/replacing, that doesn’t require an electrician. Now, if I had to cut in wires for new ones, I’d need an electrician. Luckily, my dad was an electrician and a general contractor. Until he passed away, finding a contractor was the easiest thing I could do. :slight_smile:

Edit to add: he also thought it was important for me to know enough basic stuff like replacing a switch or a detector, or stuff like that, along with basic plumbing. So I wouldn’t get ripped off.


I’m just floored by the fact a building official would give an ok to return using proof from a post work hours email. In Fl there is no way that after a stay out order was posted anything is being rescinded without an in person inspection.


Anybody know off hand if there is a copy of the inspection report on the threads?