Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Me too. And I also know here in my city, the police escort you off the property until the owner (not the butler/boyfriend/groom/tenant) completed repairs and an inspector re-inspected and signed off on paperwork for owner to show cops that re-entry was authorized. It’s very mystifying.


I’d like to know how any official could verify that it was a current and accurate video. Not an old video. Or an altered video.

I mean, it was more than 40 years ago that it looked like the weapons and the spaceships in Star Wars really worked. I’m thinking a video like this would be a lot simpler to doctor.


Right? How could he possibly know they were actually working? Even I, with minimal tech skills, could dub in the test beep sounds.


Or play them off a cell phone off camera


That too.

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The lack of due diligence and professionalism by so many of the NJ authorities is mind boggling.


…for someone who is taking the path of least resistance. Unfortunately that doesn’t equate with properly doing ones job.

As an inspector he could well have been liable if the house had burned down, which would have been worse than ending up on the witness stand, explaining that he took LK’s word that the house was now safe…

Edited to correct initials.


Hah! My horse brain kept seeing this as Standardbred Cross, which made NO sense. I had to read it a few more times to figure it out. :grin:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I’m 100 posts behind, and I’m sure that someone else has said this, so I apologize in advance. With her family’s connections in the area, I don’t find it curious at all. Unfortunately.


I still don’t know what STBx is LOL

Standerdbred Cross!


The whole prosecution case was fishy. I have no idea why both a Grand Jury and the DA made the decision to prosecute with no forensic evidence and two liars as the only key witnesses. They had no case.

I honestly think the verdict should have been a straight Not Guilty on all charges. MB should have already been released. His loved ones could have already gotten him the psychological support he will need to make a full recovery.

But, he sits in jail. What a travesty.


soon to be ex


Horsey people here. STBx will be interpreted as Standardbred cross on this BB, most likely than not. :grin:


I honestly feel this way, too. None of the pro-LK folks was brave enough to give me a straight yes/no answer to my question: would you be comfortable having a close loved one convicted on this evidence? I just don’t see anyone who is being honest saying, “Yeah, I know there’s no GSR, fingerprint, or DNA evidence to indicate who was holding the gun when it was discharged and, sure, the two people upon whom the story rests were shown to lie literally while on the stand under oath, and of the stories told by the 3 people purporting to tell me the story/timeline of events all differ in major/substantive ways (not small details), but nonetheless, I think it’s correct that my [father/brother/husband/son] goes to/stays in jail for this.”

I call industrial strength :ox: :poop: and the blatant evasion of merely answering that question as asked with a yes or no told me all I needed to know. Once you take the emotion of disliking MB/liking LK out of the equation and apply this complete lack of evidence to the situation, I do not see how a reasonable person could convict. I don’t think they ever should have gotten to the insanity stage b/c they simply didn’t show me the most basic information I needed: who was holding that gun when it was shot.

I don’t even need to think of all the various scenarios that could have happened. They fundamentally failed to prove to me that MB shot that weapon, let alone when and for what reason. They could have even shown me that LK/RG likely did not shoot the weapon. All they needed to do was swab everyone for GSR. But, nope, they didn’t even give me that!

But, it is what it is now and the State has a duty to him to get his care and evaluation sorted, get him into the least restrictive environment, and get him out and on with his new life which I hope is eventually even better than before.


:handshake: You’re my kind of horsewoman.:kissing_heart:

Edited to correct spelling of horsewoman.

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Can I just say that I’m not in the USA, have zero connection to any of the parties in this case or anyone on this board - and I saw a copy of the “letter from jail”. LK, or someone purporting to be her, was sending copies of this letter to utterly random people in the dressage world, some of whom I know, who were baffled as to why they’d been sent it. The “letter from jail” sure as hell wasn’t a secret. LK, or the person purporting to be her, appeared to be circulating it to gloat about what a horrible situation MB was now in. Please don’t think “the letter from jail” knowledge meant that people were in some kind of inner circle of knowledge, I’m certainly not.


Jaw drop. Yeah. How come?


Oh, gawd, I had to quote this to get a repeat on this list of the witnesses. Well described