Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

What if the email was directing her to do things like access the office and forge signatures on contracts?


Well then he is a dang fool for putting that in writing. And if his bar license is still active, that would be a huge problem there. And maybe Mr D could make a case there, but ultimately he didnā€™t DO those things. She did.


One last questionā€¦.what would his responsibility have been to notify MB that LK was doing these things or potentially doing these things if it could be proven he knew she was engaging in something illegal? Could that possibly be an ethics violation against his license?


He may not be liable, but I guess if he is involved - esp if heā€™s as involved as Mr B was hinting - a lot will be exposed about him just as they make the case against her. I cannot imagine whatā€™s already known is making their lives within their social circle particularly comfortable at the moment.

I also imagine all the details of where the money comes from will come out and that can be extremely uncomfortable for people even if the source(s) are 100% legal. People donā€™t like opening the books in public even if they have nothing to hide except for the net worth or simple privacy. Also, if other people or family members are involved, that adds another layer of anxiety.

For example, if there is a business partner involved, discovery/trial can upset that apple cart. If the business partner doesnā€™t want all the details of the business and the finances displayed for the whole world that could end the partnership. Just look what happened to the elderly couple who were partners in SGF. They had no say in this whole fiasco yet they were suddenly very centrally involved in a nasty and public dispute. No wonder they bailed ASAP. A business partner may do the same. If I were in that position, especially if I was a silent partner, Iā€™d be livid to be associated with this circus and Iā€™d be dissolving that partnership yesterday.

One thing MB will have in his favour is heā€™s already lost everything and been stripped of his very humanity in jail. He had to go through the criminal trial after years in jail. For the civil, it is hoped, he will come at that from a place of being found not guilty, seeing the overwhelming support he has, and being out of jail and in the care of people who genuinely love and care for him, so he should be in a MUCH better place for the next trial than he was for this one, no matter how nasty. Yes, itā€™s likely to be even worse and will never be a cake walk, but he should be in a better place by then and he will have so much more support.

If heā€™s coming into the courtroom everyday with his partner by his side and going home at night to sleep in his bed - just imagine the world of contrast to coming in via prison transport to a holding cell, shackled in a jumpsuit, changing into clothes, being watched by armed guards, to the cell for breaks, then changing back into a jumpsuit and shackles, and taken back to a hell hole jail. No wonder he basically collapsed at the end.


Absolutely all kinds of dirt about him will come out. And that will be bad for him and his family and all that they know. You donā€™t need to name him in a suit. His association and the involvement we know of makes him a witness that is certainly going to be delved in to.

You make a good point about MB getting to go home at night. That will make a huge difference. I just want him to be well enough that he can go home first. Thatā€™s my concern. Thereā€™s no need to jump quickly into the fire while heā€™s sill in the frying pan of civil commitment, and hearings with Judge T and Schellhorn, etc. Get well, Finish that part, and then assess.


Is this the same attorney that made the comments about the jury?


Yes, same firm.



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Given all the texts etc going pack and forth Iā€™d be looking for planning and coordination between mulriple parties in committing whatever acts that were done.


Oh, 100%. He needs to focus on himself, first and foremost. He seems to have an absolutely fierce support team around him.

Honestly, the consistent and complete restraint shown by all his near and dear for over 2 years as LK was out here lying her keyboard off, as well as what she was doing IRL (e.g., sending his private letter cold to people who donā€™t even know her) is a testament to the character of all the people he has attracted to his inner circle and who supported him throughout.

The character of the people associated with him as we saw in the courtroom (JH, MHG, RC, Mr Davidson (hay guy), Mr McGrain, Mr Tarshis, the lovely boarder/mum, the sweet working student, the building inspector lady, and a bumper crop of Team USA - Ms Brock, Ms Dancer, Mr Martin, Mr Dutton) was remarkable. Just the soundest lot of folks I can imagine parading in to give such positive impressions of both themselves and of MB.

Again, the contrast with the behaviour of LK and her crew all over SM, IRL, and on the stand, and the character displayed by them all (including her bird flipping sister and BOTH parents with assault records) is so stunningly stark. :astonished:


RE: Regarding ā€˜editingā€™. To me, if someone were to say, ā€œI HAVENā€™T edited my postsā€, I would take that as past tense, as up-to-that-point-in-time, someone hasnā€™t.

However, to me, again, if someone were to say, ā€œI DONā€™T edit my postsā€, I would take that as a statement of past, present, and future. So, if my opinion (and I read his post, too), it was obvious that IM was lying about ā€˜editing.ā€™

Totally off-topic here, butā€¦



Youā€™re welcome.

Ultimately, while I personally would love to know the rest of the story (anyone remember Paul Harvey?)

Paul Harvey told a true story about something that happened in my home town.

Downtown, we have a large park that is decorated for the Christmas season with displaysā€”Santa and his reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, carolers, etc., and a nearly life-sized creche, complete with shepherds and sheep, wisemen and a camel, and, of course, models of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus.

We had had a good snow storm, the roads werenā€™t all plowed, but there was a little girl was worried about Jesus being cold and told her mother. The little girl was so insistent in her worry that her mother took her downtown to the park. When the little girl reached the creche, she took her ā€˜blankieā€™ and tucked it around the Baby Jesus in his manger. Then, the little girl was content to go home.

The next year, out of curiosity, the mother and the little girl visited the manger scene again. As they looked at Baby Jesus, they could see he was wrapped in a familiar blanket, one they recognized by the stain of fingernail polish that they knew.

(Bless Bernadette, our Parks Supervisor, who recognized the gift of love of that blanket and who kept it and used it for that display many Christmases thereafter.)

And now you know the rest of ā€˜aā€™ story.


I edit posts every single time I post because once I hit that Reply button the COTH gods add multiple typos, spelling and grammar errors that donā€™t show up prior to hitting Reply LOL


Thatā€™s a great story!


There is definitely a marked contrast between the sides on this. And thereā€™s a reason that such obviously high character people are loyal to him. In addition to all you named, I also always go back to Health Dept lady. She clearly thought very highly of him. Says a lot about a man that all walks of life speak that way. He may have had farms, horses, fabulous career, etcā€¦but he treated the random civil servant that came to check a septic tank or whatever the same way he treated an Olympic athlete. And Hay Guy. That man gave up his nights to stare at the barn and try to make sure MB and his family was safe. I love Hay Guy.

MB is going to need every bit of all of that support to get through the next few months, and Iā€™m glad we got to see a small window of that.

Personally, Iā€™m looking forward to the day we can see even just one picture of him with a horse again.

And then maybe heā€™ll be ready to take on the next battle.


That is an interesting question. Ethically if he was acting as her lawyer and she told him she was going to commit a crime, he had a duty to report it to the proper authorities. Acting as a father, he doesnā€™t have a duty to do anything. Morally what he should have done as a father should probably have started long before she turned 38.


Now that this case is done, itā€™s quite clear to me that IM didnā€™t/doesnā€™t actually know anyone personally in this case and his/her claims of knowing ā€œeverythingā€ are just puffery and bluster. He/she was just putting forward opinions but claiming them as fact, information that most folks here already know, and Iā€™m guessing he/she has wandered off to another random case in the court world, and is claiming similar ā€œknowledgeā€ over there. He/she is just a true crime fan who found a temporary home here, spouting ā€œknowledgeā€ and insider info, theyā€™re all over the internet.

Edit to add this absolute gem ā€¦

Thanks to your excellent screenshotting and highlighting, @trubandloki :slight_smile:


Boy he sure showed me! :roll_eyes:


Yes, he showed us all. We all are quite chagrined.


Just wanted to update/add to the evidence you claimed to not have seen/demanded I provide - of course not acknowledging the first bit I steered you toward. (Of course, as stated up-thread, there are none so blind as those who will not see.)

ā€œused invalid retainer agreements to charge illegally excessive contingency fees for more than 1,400 clients who sued over transvaginal mesh devices, according to a new class action. The suit alleged legal malpractice claims against Nagel Rice in Roselandā€

Wow, taking advantage of people already suffering horrific side effects of a medical procedure. Nice bunch of folks there.


The oddest part of that was that it did not seem to occur to LK that the letter might make others more sympathetic to MBā€™s situation, especially when it came out that he was buying things to help the other prisoners who couldnā€™t afford them.

Clearly she did not expect other people to have any empathy for MB. At any point in the proceedings.