Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Sadly the Class Action failed and a Motion to Dismiss was granted. I skimmed the reading and it seemed Texas law allowed technicalities to prevail as far as the various grounds are concerned. Yes I’m calling them technicalities because in essence the plaintiff should have prevailed but things like unjust enrichment got caught up in contract nitty gritty and slick maneuvering with case law.

I’d be more specific but it’s 4:30 am so NO LOL


Such a great point. Everyone here who has read it has reacted with nothing but empathy. It was heartbreaking but honest and also showed MB’s character holding up even under the unimaginable pressures of jail.

One must have a baseline poison outlook on life and search out the bad in everything to have thought that letter would turn anyone against him. I imagine it turned more than one against her, though, for sending it like that. Who does that?!

As someone above said, from A list Olympians to public employees to the humble hay guy to prisoners, he treated people well and recognised the dignity in everyone regardless of their station. That is the test of someone’s character and he passed with flying colours.


LK was/is a troll and the latest research on those who do this on the internet and in real life shows that they are mentally ill but the internet did not make them trolls, it just gives them another venue for their already bad behavior. What she did following that girl around in the store and posting pics making fun of her just makes it more evident that she is a sadist. What she did to MB in those 19000 pages was torment him.
I am STILL pissed off that the guy with the mustache did not see this and thought she was clever…maybe he needs to do more research on this sort of tormenter.
So to those of you who still think LK is the victim YOU also need to do the research. She sees a weakness (GJ) and goes after that person.


19,000 pages. I shudder to think how many posts or what the word count may be!

It must make her family SO proud to see her attacking a woman whose child died in a tragic accident - and in such a particularly vicious, foul manner. For years.


thank you…just added the other 0


I also found it interesting. Although didn’t IM state he wasn’t an involved party (or similar language)? Of course, it could be that I am misremembering but it could have also been a deliberate attempt to mislead us.


And that was just directed at one person.


And that could certainly be a reason why MHG did not want the two druggies there, since her children were staying there at times.


I don’t think you need to have children to not want drug addicts around your home or business.


Hopefully between now and then he will be able to get some mental health support, something I assume he has not been getting while being held in the jail.

You do realize that MB tried to do this, right? That before the shooting he called the police and asked for help. He even went to the police station.

Just reading his name made me smile.

Thank you for explaining what always happens to me.

What makes this even worse is IM’s response to that here. I read it yesterday when I was looking for thru posts. IM was all ‘they were just shopping’ and the whole ‘it is nothing’. I don’t have time to find that post again, but darn, the fact that LK did that is bad but the fact that someone who supports her so would publicly say that what she did is no big deal just makes it even worse.

I would guess it is more IM using some definition of involved that only makes sense to them.
Made up example - Dad pays all the bills for daughter to ride, buys her horses, manages all the financial stuff but dad says he is not involved in the whole horse thing.


Beautifully stated. I hope Mr. D. uses that type of language to describe MB should the civil suits come to trial.


Good point! Although I would be especially adamant about it if children were involved.


I bet the people who had to read all 19,000 pages couldn’t take a long shower soon enough to wash the psychic slime off their bodies. I doubt they can wipe it entirely from their memories.

They deserve ALL the coffee, Chai tea, donuts, bialies and fresh fruit in the world.

ETA - Maybe a raise too? Hazard pay at least!


Not to get off course, but I wouldnt put people down who are on suboxone.


Which underscores Lauren’s addiction and subsequent use of Suboxone didn’t change her personality - it simply revealed it.


I don’t think people here are putting LK and RG down for being on Suboxone. Sure, the Suboxone and the drugs they are still using are being discussed. (Partially because when it came up the first time it was insisted that the general population here was making things up.)


I understand, I have a dear friend whose daughter I suspect will be on it for life but she is not considered to be using. Addiction is a lifelong disease for many people to deal with even when they stop using.


The barefoot veiled ninja get-up and plan of action is enough to underscore why LK and her lady’s maid needed to be booted. The fact that there were minors around them at all (EVER) should give people pause now too.


Yes, but in this case addiction (still using per what was said on the stand in court) is one of the more minor issues with this group. Addiction is not an excuse for how they act, either.


If IM, or any of this toxic and depraved pair’s apologists, could once simply say something like, “Yes, that was awful, no excuse for it,” I would possibly be inclined to read their posts with the expectation that there could be a grain of truth and reason contained in them. But the apologists and defenders continue to show themselves to be equally depraved.