Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Your article says 25%


I absolutely agree he contacted the police numerous times including going to the station. But even his suit against the township doesnā€™t allege any acts that JK took that he was seeking help for. By his own admissions he was seeking help with barefoot ninja and her lackey.

Now, since the civil suit against the township, did his legal team uncover evidence that JK committed a crime? I donā€™t know.


Can someone refresh my memory about the store video?

Anecdotal evidence and studies suggest that Suboxone can be effective, when properly administered in a controlled manner in line with the developed program of treatment, but the willy-nilly topsy-turvy all-you-can-eat buffet method that has been used for it in the real world simply doesnā€™t work and causes a lot of problems. The company that made it knew what they were unleashing, wrote directions that they disregarded, and made a ton of money distributing it wholesale while feeding the substance abusing drug user market at the same time, through dispensers who were making their own profits with it.


I did not see the video, but others here did.
LK and RG followed someone around a store, while recording them, making snarky comments about them. Then posted the video to her Facebook page so she could have fun there making fun of the person.

@IdahoRider, I think you know more about this video, right?


My understanding from the posts here was that LK and RG decided to follow some random girl around in some random store and take videos of her and make fun of her appearance.

And then LK posted the video on her Facebook page for no reason other than to make fun of the girlā€™s looks. Eventually LK either deleted it or changed the privacy settings and denied it ever happened.

Just a random stranger in a store. Not someone she hated, or someone who had done anything to her. Just a stranger.


But can he ever fully heal if its not?


As the person paying, wouldnā€™t any board, house rent, etc agreement be between MB or SGF and JK?


Did JK pay directly, or give money to LK and she paid? Forgive me if this has already been answered and I donā€™t remember.


I donā€™t know. That would be between him and his medical and mental health team. I just think that he needs to heal and get out of the courtā€™s reach and the civil commitment done before he goes down the road of the civil suit. Pursuing the civil suit while heā€™s still under commitment or restrictions could hinder the process of getting free if it causes setbacks in his mental health treatment. Personally thatā€™s a risk I wouldnā€™t be willing to take when I need Judge T to sign that Order of Release.


Not necessarily. I have had plenty of leases where my lease is between, say, me and Fred. Fredā€™s who I did the background check on, Fred signed my lease, Fred occupies my apartment. But Fredā€™s Grandma pays the rent. Or, some agency pays the rent. We have some agencies that work to prevent homelessness that help with rent payments. They are not my tenant and Iā€™m not evicting them when the check doesnā€™t show up. Their agreement is between them and Fred. My agreement is between me and Fred.

Iā€™ve also had tenants whose rent is on autopay from trust accounts. The trust is still not my tenant, per my lease.

So, it would all boil down to the terms of the agreement.

Edit to add: on the inverse of that: say Fredā€™s Grandma does an app, signs a lease, and represents to me that sheā€™s going to be my tenant. Then Fred and his girlfriend move in. Iā€™m evicting all of them for misrepresentation and violating the lease.


I believe LK said on the witness stand that the checks came from JK, even though it was ā€œher money.ā€

When she was asked where that money came from, she said something like, ā€œI donā€™t know, the bank?ā€ :roll_eyes:


For the older horse in NC, her father pays for itā€™s care directly to the owner. I can imagine any vet and farrier care is paid and then billed to him by the owner and rolled into his monthly payment to the owner.


But there was no lease, iirc, it was a gentlemanā€™s agreement of sortsā€¦ Did MB ever meet with JK to establish or iron out this agreement, before alk thus I mean.


It seems like they were one gentleman short.


Indeed, my first thought as soon as I wrote that.



I end up editing my posts multiple times because everytime I reread them, I see another typo or error.

And Iā€™m like the poster (@Tarlo_Farm?) who was bothered by the corruption of meaning of ā€œliterallyā€; typos, poor grammar, syntax and diction make me twitchy, even more so in my own writing.


There was a verbal lease at a minimum. And those verbal terms would be very important.

Personally I have wondered if there wasnā€™t some kind of written agreement that the ninja who had access to MBā€™s contracts disappeared. In MBā€™s rapidly deteriorating state, if he couldnā€™t find it, he and the others may have assumed it didnā€™t exist and barefoot ninja isnā€™t going to admit to it. Hypothetically.


Ooo. Good point.


Unfortunately, if that was the case, the party that should have been recording that conversation probably did not ever think of doing such a thing.