Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Yep. It would come down to the credibility of the witnesses.


Oh, boy.


Does anyone have any news about whether or not MB has been transferred from the jail yet? Iā€™ve seen nothing. I hope heā€™s finally starting the next phase of this process at Ann Klein.


I am not going to lay the lack of mental health support and drug addiction treatment plans at their feet.
Suboxone is also a legit pain medication. However, the restrictions on what doctors can prescribe them are idiotic, considering that opioids are (still) being given away like candy. I had 2 procedures last fall, I was given Norcos for each, the first, I was glad to have them, but did not use my allotment up, the second was not as severe, and the few pills I had left from before were plenty. Now I still have a bottle of them at home!

For chronic pain, you canā€™t just stick with opioids. They lose their effectiveness, and you are going to be looked at as a drug seeker when you run out of pills before you can refill.
and of course, the chance of ODing on them is real (but only one doc gave us Narcan, well after my husband went on Suboxone!) as if they did not care that you could kick the bucket at any time.

and there is of course the possibility that the recipient of the rare Suboxone prescription are not using them themselves. There is a pretty good street price on them.
and of course, you take that, you canā€™t take the other good stuff because it makes you violently ill. I am assuming it was first hand knowledge from a drug addicted relative.


I think too, that everyone can agree that at some point there was a meeting of the minds that allowed LK, RG, and two horses to move in, start training, etc.

The sticking point in the agreement itself is when it broke down. Itā€™s clear it did. A whole bunch of people were negotiating an exit. And the one person that really needed to exit chose instead to ā€œfinish the bastard.ā€

Itā€™s going to be extremely hard for LK to claim intentional infliction of emotional distress (her claim, and is a very high bar to pass) when she was acting in complete defiance of her landlord, his attorney, her dad, her attorney etcā€¦


Let this be a lesson to always scan signed contracts. If the original is ā€œdisappearedā€ you can at least prove a contract of some kind existed.

Always countersign as well. I know itā€™s common to provide 2 copies and have someone sign one - both of you sign both copies.


I have never understood that practice. Why anyone would want a copy floating out there without all the signatures is beyond me.


Did RG do a runner? If the money spigot has slowed to a trickle it isnā€™t likely he is going to stick around.


I doubt it - as I understand LK has posted extensively about the free renovations sheā€™s expecting him to do in her and JKā€™s new FL home.


According to VineLink he is still in the Morris County Jail.

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Pretty funny thought in light of the photos showing his renovation handiwork at the trial.

No matter. Maybe his laundering, ironing & grooming of Lauren skills are sufficient to justify keeping him on the family dole.


Sweet! Job security for him. Lol.






Uh-o!!! Who got the building permits?!!


How does the hearing that was scheduled for May to determine his dispo work if heā€™s still stuck in jail? Does it proceed as scheduled? Or does it keep getting pushed back so that he still has 30 days of psychiatric eval and treatment from when a bed finally does become available until the hearing?


Permits?? We donā€™t need no stinking permits!


Iā€™ve been wondering the same thing.

Itā€™s already been almost two weeks since the verdict.


Yeah, I doubt permits are a thing at Chez Petticoat Junction.


I need some help. Iā€™m looking for the spot in the trial when the camera was discussed and testimony said that the camera had gotten erased? Or something along those lines? Does anyone remember is this was LKā€™s testimony or RGā€™s testimony?