Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

… and apparently the owners of her new barn are rabid Trumpers, so there’s that.


Funny how that is…Hu?


Someone should go ahead and ask ole RG how the jury deduced that MB was straight up NOT GUILTY with regards to the charges related to him.


New News


Why on earth does the presence or absence of the physical camera or cameras matter when the digital recording are stored on the cloud? Yes, files stored on the cloud can be deleted, but one would have to do so from a phone, laptop or iPad, all of which were confiscated by the police. Was there a claim in the suit against the police that the police failed to collect all the electronics?

Even after the trial, you’re continuing to blather about “someone” mucking around with physical cameras when there were never, ever, physical video tapes?

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Not to go to deep into conspiracy but, you don’t need a specific device to access the cloud. You just need log on info. Much like someone had that was scrubbing LK’s Facebook while she was still in a coma.


Then your understanding of NGRI would be wrong.

We’ve been through this numerous times so at this point I’ll just assert that you are willfully deciding to follow a false narrative.


Generally speaking (not necessarily saying it happened in this situation):

The lack of a physical camera makes it harder to know several things, like what the camera would have seen. But more importantly, I am guessing knowing the make/model number, etc of the exact unit would help the police locate the files in the cloud. Well, if the police wanted to bother doing something like that. In this case, the police probably would not bother.

On the topic of the lack of phone, laptop or iPad, I know it sounds crazy but a person can buy more of these things while the police have theirs. Even more likely if you are a person of unlimited means. With the new computer device you download that app and sign into your account and poof, access.


Oh wow. I hope this helps drive more people to the GFM account.


JK’s phone, laptop, etc wasn’t confiscated. Also, cloud access can usually be logged in to from anywhere. He also showed up with RG to silently enter the barn to clean out LK’s locker where at least one device was located and the police didn’t testify to having collected anything from there.

I guess you think we are just too uneducated to know how this works, despite the fact that several of us have/had cameras and used them in and out of our houses……


This has really stuck with me and is profoundly sad. Going to a hotel after being discharged from the hospital when your family home is within reasonable driving distance is telling. Mommy will come on here and defend her pretty princess but not take care of her after being discharged from the hospital. Sad


Based on some of the properties I’ve seen in Loxahatchee, I tend to agree.


Do you imagine that the account on the cloud does not indicate whether, and when, files have been recorded and deleted?

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Or even just change your settings to private!

And that definitely does not sound at all like the person I saw on the witness stand.


The police were notified of the audio recorder in the locker prior to the shooting, and that device was removed prior to the shooting.

Of course RG and/or JK had to take care of her horses and clean things out while she was in the hospital in a coma due to MB shooting her while insane.

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I really still think the verdict should have been straight NG. There was just so much reasonable doubt in how the shooting went down. I worry that the judge, who was so obviously biased, is having any control over when MB will be transferred and ultimately released.


Where are you guys seeing these posts?

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Judging by this it seems the overwhelming majority of people agree


If it were me, I’d need the specific device that had the login information stored on it.

I cannot remember passwords and don’t write them down.

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Especially if he had already told people years ago the most likely suspect if anything ever happened to him…