Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

But even if one “works off the board”… where does the extra owed come from? Was he working 40hrs a week and expects to be ‘paid’ for the extra? I mean, it’s none of my business really, it’s just an interesting take on why they refused to leave even though lawyers had arranged things. The lawyers obviously weren’t too concerned with all this ‘money owed’.


Sounds a bit extortionish to me….You won’t pay me, so I’ll make you pay some other way….


$5k for several horses board, lessons, training, AND rent… is a steal.
“never stopped paying” for that.
Ok, so what were you working off then?
These people talk in circles… Leaving you later realizing you don’t have any idea what was going in.
There’s a word for that. Starts with G and ends in aslighting


There was a shovel? Since when?


But he does the laundry!


aslighting! hehehehehe


I wonder too.

Was it truly mentioned at the trial? I did not actually get to watch most of it so I have no idea if the prosecution brought up a shovel.

On the other side of that, I do not find it strange at all that someone might have a random shovel floating around in the back of their truck at any given time.
Should I be assuming that all people I find with tools in their truck are using those tools for nefarious things?


This is making me laugh the more I think about it.

Are they now trying to say that MB was planning on shooting them and burying their bodies, all in the middle of the day, while CPS was there, and thinking that this would be the best way to get rid of them?


I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever seen a farm truck without a shovel in it!! :rofl:


That would further point me to the insanity plea. Isn’t the house close to the road? And there were what at least four other people on the farm at the time this went down?


I hope their attorneys tell him to shut up.

Seriously. The opposing party was already acquitted of shooting this guy or attempting anything to do with him. Not even aggravated assault.

5 grand a month and it includes an apartment? All someone has to do is show the market value of the board/training/rental and compare it to 5 grand a month and that’s set aside entirely.

oh, so MB brought a shovel - to his home, that he owned, that had a PILE OF DIRT AT THE END OF THE DRIVEWAY as if someone was, I dunno, landscaping?

Honestly. The will to turn things into something they’re not is really impressive.


And why would he want to destroy her riding career? Wouldn’t that just make him look badas a trainer? So many questions.


It is, and it’s nice that he’s just admitted it in writing.


I would guess it is not him using his account but someone else who finds not spewing their admitted lies all over the place totally impossible.

But, even if it is him, if the prosecution could not get them to stay quiet for the criminal trial, I highly doubt anyone will keep them quiet for the civil trial.

All I know is, now I need to go make sure we do not have any tools in the back of our truck that one might want to pretend are there for reasons other than…say…having tools.


Who doesn’t have a shovel in their truck? I mean, I have jumper cables and a tool to remove lug nuts too which can be used as a weapon. But so could a pen or pencil through various points of the body.

Plus a shovel when landscaping is a regular task, in a truck hardly qualifies as a big deal.

Someone is grasping at straws and looking worse by the word.


Right? Is there not a single working brain among them? He just wrote out that part of the plan for everyone to see.

Mr Nagel must be popping more champagne at this point just to try to forget that these are his monkeys and this is his circus. :clown_face:


I hope they don’t.


Do you think they will even if they are told to?

We are talking about the people who were posting online during the trial.


What happened to the shovel when he threw his empty hands up in the air and said, “how do we stop this?” per RG’s testimony under oath? Did it just clatter to the ground?

(Mr Schellhorn, in his closing, asked, why didn’t he use a flowerpot or a shovel? Why did he bring a gun?)


They can’t keep their own stories straight.
It’s hilarious and sad.
But a boon for MB, so good, keep talking. Please.