Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

But but but there’s so much proof, it’s such a sure-fire win, undoubtedly there’s an attorney out there willing to stake their reputation on his veracity and take the case on a strict contingency plan.


If that is the case, I assume he knows she is using his account. Unless he is unable for some reason to not have access to the internet.

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Maybe if it’s an attorney who does not have internet access and thus did not get to see how RG came across on the witness stand.


I think there just might be more than one person involved in this mess that is suffering from delusions.


Realistically, I don’t know how anyone could find the time to hold down a job on top of all the tasks he seems to be expected to perform for LK.

Not to mention “his” extensive time spent on Facebook lately.


Maybe there’s a dedicated delusional Facebook group where they find each other.




I wish people would realize that the term “weapon” doesn’t automatically mean “firearm.” It actually
annoys me when someone misuses the term. The media is notorious for it, and even LE and attorneys do it. “Did he have a weapon?” Uh, he had a ballpoint pen in his shirt pocket, house keys in his pants pocket, etc. But no firearm, so I guess he didn’t have a “weapon.”

(I was once asked by a customs official at Gatwick if “I had a weapon.” I actually laughed because I had a ballpoint pen in my purse and was carrying a compact umbrella. The official was a rather elderly gent and he wasn’t amused by my tiny laugh. I immediately felt bad about it even though I was remembering from a personal protection course how easy it would be to bash someone’s head in with the umbrella or kill/disable them by ramming a ballpoint pen through their eye socket.)


A samovar would do the trick. They can be quite large and are also pretty.


His allowance isn’t large enough.


And that is how some people keep control of the things in their life.


If this has been posted already, please forgive me. Haven’t had to time to catch up yet.
From Lara’s GoFundMe updates:

“If anyone would like to write to Michael please send letters to the jail for the time being. The jail will not let him have cards or any card stock paper, just regular notebook or printer paper. Please include your return address in the body of the letter as they do not get the envelopes.
The address is:
Morris County Correctional Facility
Attn: Michael Barisone
43 John Street
Morristown, NJ 07960”


ruin her riding CAREER? LOL


I guess their next line will be that he planned an SSS on them. :upside_down_face:


I’m really curious where these hordes of real life LK/Kanarek supporters are hiding? Where are all the glowing testimonials online about the awesomeness of LK and her family? Not even a supportive post from the soup kitchen? Do they actually have real life friends other than lawyers paid to make fools of themselves? Gosh, one might think even her current facility owners would publicly say what a truly remarkable boarder LK is and that everyone at the facility is awaiting her return with baited breath, crumpets, lemon curd, clotted cream, and tea! It’s been two weeks and zilch!



I have to say I feel a bit sorry for the owners/boarders at her current barn. Even if none of them really had a problem with LK before this, I can’t imagine how they must be feeling right now after seeing just how LK can behave if things don’t go her way. Knowing she is coming back must be like having a loaded gun around and waiting for it to go off.


Yes, I am sure his staff has been totally overwhelmed with various duties associated with this case. (After the verdict came in, I sent an Incredible Edible arrangement to his office for him and his staff to enjoy.)


Where is such a facility that serves crumpets and tea with all the accoutrements? I have been self-identifying as the Queen of England, so I need to move to such a facility in order to be treated in the manner to which I, the Queen have become accustomed!


I’ve been looking for a particular post for our legal experts to comment on….but in the mean time….remember some of these?


Aww. That’s a fantastic idea!