Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Good point. I can’t believe he really thinks that LK/JK are going to give him $$$ if and when they succeed in their civil suit or their attempt to extort SGF into a settlement. Well, she may give him money “to pay his bills.” Isn’t that what he said during his testimony in the criminal trial?

Methinks if he hopes to get a big payout for himself, he needs to hire his own attorney to press his case.


It’s not worth responding to most of the LK nonsense there. But it’s interesting that she mentioned forensics only in connection with who owned the gun.

Not with who actually fired the gun.


Maybe he can find an attorney who needs some construction done on his house to work off the legal fees.


I was thinking a hand grenade with the pin pulled.


There are still a few tea rooms around. Staunton, VA had at least one a few years ago.


Wait - I thought LK self-identified as the Queen. Or was that just the Queen of the Chessboard? :upside_down_face:


Ours would disappoint you, no shovel, they are either in the barn or the garage (or close to it depending on the day). Unless you count the broken snow shovel I sent to the track with my SO to toss in a dumpster, odds are it’s still there a couple days later.


This was from an afternoon tea at a nice hotel in Scotland a few years ago. After seeing all the references to afternoon tea in so many books over the years, it was fun to finally experience it. I have no idea if it was authentic, or just something they put together for visitors. But we enjoyed it.


At the risk of sounding preachy, the latter is a more appropriate comment. Loaded guns don’t just “go off” - the trigger must be pulled.

A hand grenade with the pin pulled though is a different matter - that sucker IS going to go off.

But I do truly feel sorry for the folks at Paradigm. Their happy place has been invaded by slimeballs.


I was only offering it up for the irony of it all since these posts were all made in the first couple of months after the shooting. There are quite a few that are interesting: cameras and contracts….and having picked her barn before leaving the hospital and having her horses sent there secretly….


@Sdel are these the original version of those posts or the edited versions of those older posts?

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Earlier this month. The teas were awesome too.


The Kanareks aren’t going to include RG in any suit because they may think he will finally jump and run if he won even the smallest payout. Then who on earth would take care of Lala’s needs?


And how would they keep him under control?


LOL. And I once again offer up this photo of the DA listening to RG being cross-examined by Mr. B. The DA apparently also thought the case was “cut and dried” - until he saw RG changing his story AGAIN while testifying.

Poor RG just couldn’t seem to remember the sequence of events laid out in the script developed by the K’s and their oh-so-clever-attorneys. (And mind you, this was after LK had similarly gotten twisted up during her testimony.)



Darn, shame on me! I forgot to include the cucumber finger sandwiches and strawberry scones!

There are three incredibly wonderful tea rooms within 30 minutes of my home, all set in Victorian homes with a variety of chintz china patterns and Old Country Roses tea services. It’s fun to dress up in frilly clothes with hats and have high tea! Oops, I’m sorry, one of the 3 is located in the 5* O’Henry Hotel not far away. Reservations required don’t you know?!


If I might jump back to Mr. Moustache for a moment, I don’t think that his show was all just self-aggrandizement. I imagine a scenario where he agrees to take the job on with the prosecutor’s office, gets into the meat of what was happening, talked to MB (albeit for the shorter time). THEN he comes to his own conclusions about all the K’s and RB. So now what does he do? He’s already hired on for the prosecutor.

So he decides to, in his own way, contaminate his own testimony and attempt to get the truth out, while still ostensibly working for the prosecution. I.e., “(in his mind) If I go on and on about myself, the jury won’t really like me, and so will tend not to buy what I say.” and (in court) “It’s not delusion if they really are after you!!”


Afternoon tea is so civilized. When my kids were young we would do a mini-version of afternoon tea when my mother came to visit, complete with a silver tea service. They loved it and it made them feel grown-up.


Interesting theory. He blew it so badly he may have risked any future work for that DA’s office though.


You think so? Because the LK clan seems to think their guy was the best.