Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

This is all really well said. I highlighted this portion just so I can say again, NJ relies on contributory and comparative negligence. LK’s own actions that led up to the shooting are going to be explored in much greater depth than they were in the civil trial and could very likely outweigh any actions by MB.


Forgive me for asking a very dumb question: Can LK’s actions after the shooting, and also, after the verdict be considered in the trial?


I read it as I anal every. Single. Time.




Not a dumb question at all. I’m also curious about this.

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And unfortunately, LK has no assets (that we are aware of). MB would therefore be out of luck trying to collect anything from her.

We set off the fire alarm late one night at the clinic. They are hardwired with the alarm system. The firemen refused to leave until we had reset the one alarm that had been fouled even though we had other working alarms and the building was empty. It took us an hour a so to figure out how to doit because the alarm system was installed by a now defunct company and no one had any knowledge of how to clear the system. Plus it was 2am. I finally found instructions online and cleared the fouled alarm. AND THEN THE ONE FIREMAN INSISTED UPON MOVING WHEN WE WERE READY TO SET THE ALARM. I had to tell him no less than six times to STAND STILL because I couldn’t set the alarm while he was hopping back and forth on one foot to the other. It was maddening. So there is no way they would have taken an email and video in our piddly little town.


I imagine Mr D would want to use them in depositions, interrogatories, etc. They’ve already, in an interrogatory, asked her about her user name here, and her tendencies to edit/delete posts. She keeps providing more fodder for those questions. Apparently, RG has also decided to jump on in with that as well.

Whether it makes it into a trial would be up to what relevance it has, whether or not it’s just being used as one more example of credibility or if it’s being used as evidence or proof of the matter. One could argue that some of those rants do indeed show a pattern of continuation of the plot to ruin him. And, under oath, she did say she had a plot to ruin him. Then she went on to further admitting to “Finish the Bastard”. One could make the case she’s still trying.


Unless every city employee was under the directive to always take you at your word (because Daddy-O had connections, don’t you know). :upside_down_face:


Sometimes it’s not about money. It’s about being heard, and having a record.


I would guess that’s why the evidence that JK was behind a lot of it will be important, and why he may be named in the suit.


Apparently Bob has been busy deleting posts! Watch for “RG’s” posts to disappear soon as well!


It seems on par for what everyone in that town does though. Why would they find the fire marshal anymore in trouble than the police or the DA who said that Bob could go anywhere at anytime?


I’d be willing to bet good money that it is not RG making those posts.

Just like I would bet LK is still on this forum, under another name.

And is watching every and any thread she thinks she can weaponize against anyone who does not wholeheartedly buy the manure she was selling.

Oh, if we were only as dumb as the Kanareks assume we are!


She wouldn’t need a log in to read posts here, just CE and the menagerie.


There is zero chance RG wrote those posts. Maybe he actually typed them in, but those are not his words.

It still boggles the mind that even after the criminal trial that ended in an acquittal (despite protestations otherwise) BobandRob would continue engaging in the same behaviors.


I guess some lessons just can’t be learned.


A sociopath, that’s who.


LK has appeared to me, since thread one, as someone really wrapped up in her emotional state of possessing power, and frankly, getting off on it. Enjoying it so much she cannot think rationally or logically. That she (and RG) gleefully reduced MB to a mere object makes me wonder if she might eventually be a danger to society. Such behaviors certainly account for her circle of friends to be limited to family and RG.

It’s almost like she has to keep typing nonsense and chaos to stay powerful in her mind.


Three officially claimed cameras. One outside over the porch and two inside…