Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

This statement makes zero sense. MB was part of SGF so you’re asserting that it was the fault of MB to have MB in his employ? Yes there are other members but SGF was largely MB. And to sue for “failure to predict the future” when it was the plaintiff that caused the mental break in the first place - intentionally so - is just absurd.


MB wasn’t employed by SGF. He leased the farm, with indemnity clauses, through MB Dressage. LLC’s are specifically designed to protect the owners of the LLC from liability and indemnity clauses further protect the LLC from the actions of others. If the civil suit is about extorting money out of SGF then it’ll be a rude awakening.


I’m curious. Have you actually read the civil suit, the answers, and the cross and counter claims?

Edit to add: should I also talk about contributory and comparative negligence again?


English is an amazing language, because it has so many words, some of which have related, but slightly different meanings.

You apparently think that MW could have defined the word “career” as

Career: (noun or adjective) long term paid job

The actual definition is quite different.


My thought as well. It would be like filing suit against himself, no? I mean I know people do crazy stuff to get around legalities, like that lady in England who recently married her cat, but this would be an expensive frivolity.


Used as an adjective, the meaning is somewhat different, as is often the case in the English language.

But yes, career criminals usually do exhibit an profession from lesser crimes to more major crimes. Thanks for pointing out the element of a progression of (socially negative) achievements.

Plus given how many people do have mental health issues a great deal of the country would be unemployed if their mental health, plus former and current use of mental health services was to be held against them.

Might as well refuse to hire a woman because she is or might get pregnant. Or someone who is diabetic because they may cost their employer money someday.

The ADA is there to prevent it.

Plus MB was SGF too. Can he refuse to hire himself?

And despite his issues (and they are not unique), he was very successful in his career. Can’t say the same for Lauren. She doesn’t even do fancy vacuum patterns. Rob may though.


On the civil Suit: the attorneys for SGF filed a proposed order requesting the stay to be lifted yesterday.

For those that think SGF wants to settle, or give RG an extortionate payoff or whatever, it’s interesting that they’re the first ones to court asking to bring on the discovery.


But he may fold laundry using one of those fancy techniques that show up on FB or TikTok periodically. Would that be enough to consider him as having a career?


Well, you anointed yourself as “sage”. Was that a reference to the pinnacle of your progression of achievement as a clerk or as a vacuumer?

You may bestow the term “career” on either of your long term endeavors, just as you bestowed yourself the title of “sage”.

To me, I would consider your employment as law clerk as a career, but not your employment as a vacuumer as a career, especially since the latter is a joke. To some extent it is in the eye of the beholder.

I have no problem with LK referring to her “riding career”. But then I fully understand that those of you have made (unpaid) careers of trashing LK need to, well, trash her for using the phrase. It’s your job/career.

Sorry to hear about the lung issues. It must make everyday life more difficult, and COVID more dangerous.

Has it affected your riding?

Seeing as how SGF as an LLC is an independent party, and discovery is reciprocal, they can certainly carry MB’s weight for a while in progressing the case.


Only if he does hair too. Ladies’ maids have some mad skills. Or they should in this day and age. Maybe he is her dresser too (1983 film)?

Image result for The Dresser

The plot is based on Harwood’s experiences as dresser to English Shakespearean actor-manager Sir Donald Wolfit , who is the model for the character “Sir”. The film opens with a performance of Othello at a regional theatre in Britain during World War II.


No. I like sage. I like growing it. Looking at it. Smudging with it.


Definitely need a lot of that lately…



It’s just pretty telling that as soon as the clock ticked on 14 days post verdict, they were the first ones trying to get the case moving again.


A lady married her cat?

:smirk_cat: Why? and, what did the cat get out of it?


Also honestly? If I was going to suggest a plan for someone who was a hard physical worker but had no educational qualifications, but the drive to be an entrepreneur? You could do a lot worse than starting a cleaning service, residential or commercial. They charge a lot! It’s absolutely a growth area.

I don’t know why people think “entrepreneur” s a fancy posh title or occupation. Most entrepreneurs start doing a hard boring job then manage to roll it into a business model where they employ others. Food service, cleaning, landscaping, construction, manufacturing. Most of the folks who build those companies spent years in the trenches doing the hard work.


Weren’t you a professional career law clerk? Who bragged about “telling the lawyers what to do?”

SGF and Michael Barisone, as an individual, and Michael Barisone Dressage, as a business, are distinct legal entities. They each have different policies for liability insurance, different tax ID numbers, and different lawyers.

How do you not understand that SGF as a legal entity has the right to protect its legal and financial rights by suing Michael Barisone, the individual, Michael Barisone Dressage, the business, and Ruth Cox? Obviously SGF as a legal entity is going to say, ‘the liability belongs to them, not to SGF.’