Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

We’ve only heard bits and pieces about them…but it seems the LLC was this couple’s way to structure their retirement….

The farm sold…I’m sure they want it over so they can recover their money and retire.


Absolutely. My point was more that this is the exact opposite move from rolling over and handing out settlements.


If so, how is she containing her indignation or rage (or whatever the right word is) over not being able to respond?

I would think any new account she might create would have….let’s just say, a “very obvious” cadence to it. :thinking:


Exactly, seems like what MB’s lawyer has hinted they have for discovery is maybe not just smoke…since SGF got it too and they are fighting back. That was what the last big push was for the civil case……access to the prosecution’s case file.


SGF is suing Michael Barisone Dressage, Ruth Cox, and LK, correct?

Yes, I’m guessing that the insurance company for SGF will attempt to settle. If you want to settle sooner rather than later, I would think you’d want to move the case along.

What LLC owning a large horse facility would not have liability insurance? When the LLC is sued, it’s up to their liability insurer to defend the suit or settle.

Didn’t we talk about this before? Insurance companies don’t just settle.

Why, after watching LK on the stand in the criminal trial, would any attorney, whether it’s SGF or their insurance company, settle?

Again, have you read the documents in the suit?


You seem angry with me. I must have hit a nerve.


Of course I understand the different entities. I also understand that MB intersects a few of them. You just don’t like that I clarified what your statement meant as an absurdity.

And oh, I wasn’t bragging. I was stating fact. Actual fact. Not the gooblygob erroneous spews of misinformation, misdirection and never-ending falsehoods that LK and her fans have attempted to vomit up as truth.

So sorry your panties are in a bunch and all but the fact I didn’t list every entity et al doesn’t negate the validity of my statement one bit.


I know we talked about insurance denying claims before.

I’m going to quote just one line from SGF’s answer to the suit, dated BEFORE they had the opportunity to see the plaintiff in action, under oath:

“Plaintiff’s damages were caused by Plaintiff’s own negligence”

Does that sound like they’d be more likely to settle now, after watching her lie on the stand AND admitting she had a plan to ruin MB on the stand?


Simply question, do you hold these people accountable for anything or do they always walk on the probervial water in your mind?

Well, I suppose there has to be someone to defend them and you were the chosen one. :wink:


You really don’t understand how this works do you? SGF’s Insurance is not involved in the suit and has no power to settle anything or not.



I know some “house cleaners” who make great money. And own their own businesses with multiple employees.


Did you hear the testimony from the thoracic surgeon? She has holes in her torso.

Insurance companies settle if they think it is in the best interests of their shareholders to do so. It often is.

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except for her long history of not showing up for lessons prior to the injury. :thinking:


I repeat my question to you.


Do you understand contributory negligence?

Again, have you read the civil suit and answers, etc…?

Also, from SGF’s answer:

“ At all times relevant hereto, Michael Barisone, either individually or through his entity Michael Barisone Dressage Stables LLC were parties to a contract which calls for the contractual indemnification of Sweet Grass by Michael Barisone, either individually or through his entity Michael Barisone Dressage Stables LLC. While denying any and all liability to Plaintiff, if Plaintiff is successful in proving her case against Sweet Grass as a result of the acts or omissions of Michael Barisone, then, as a result of the Contract between Sweet Grass and Michael Barisone, either individually or through his entity Michael Barisone Dressage Stables LLC, then Sweet Grass asserts that it is entitled to be indemnified and saved harmless from all loss or liability, including attorneys’ fees and costs arising from the instant litigation, by Michael Barisone, either individually or through his entity Michael Barisone Dressage Stables LLC pursuant to express and implied contractual agreements.

Again, that was before the criminal trial. That doesn’t sound very settlement-y to me.


Still? She is walking around with holes? You said she has holes, not had holes.

I admit, that does sound uncomfortable.

The lovely photos she likes to show off online it sure seemed like her holes were well healed.

I can say, the holes I have in my torso from having surgery healed up and have not limited my riding.


So even though JK has been a lawyer all these years, it’s not his career since he’s ‘only’ been a lawyer. Got it.


I worked in college as a house cleaner. First on a crew, then sent to jobs solo, then as a manger of a crew. so yes, cleaners have a career.