Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

It is one of my favourite teas!


Re bolded. Most states have a provision that liability is not 100% assigned to A or B, but instead there can be a finding that liability is xy% assigned to A and (1-xy)% assigned to B.

There is no contradiction that SGF’s lawyers will simultaneously a) try to settle, and b) try to assign as much blame on LK for precipitating the shooting in case the they get get in settled.

In fact, in the process of reaching a settlement, you would want to build as strong a case as possible that it was mostly the other guy’s fault in order to negotiate a smaller settlement. That’s exactly why they would push ahead for discovery.

In terms of homeowner’s insurance, the insurance company may reject my claim, as the insured, that they pay for the water damage from an overflowing bathtub, but I doubt a liability insurer can “reject” a court judgement against SGF, if SGF has a liability policy with them.

I want to chime in to defend the house cleaners!

I had a friend who went from cleaning a few houses to employing a bunch of people. She watched house cleaning videos and took notes. She also had a business degree. There is no way in which she was not a professional, engaged in a profession.


Are you saying SGF had no liability insurance?

IM says they did. Logic says they would have.

I’m going with IM and logic here.

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:
I mean, seriously? Alternate at the Olympics, awards galore [we all saw that foyer and Club room!] and a trainer to several riders on the OLYMPIC Eventing team


Perhaps @Inigo-montoya will pop back on and give us their insider take on the Civil Trial(s) since they may know all the attorneys and Judge involved. That didn’t work out so well in the criminal trial but maybe there is insight other than all the discovery and depositions we don’t know about. Finish the Bastard! should play well in a civil suit.


A contradictory sentence


huh, sounds like a very astute move of a shrewd business man.


It wasn’t rhetorical?

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Yes, I understand contributory negligence.

wish we could send a crop duster to fly over Morris Co Jail with some


Of course you are. There was never any doubt.


Nope, it most certainly was not.


.that reading comprehension again. The insurance company can not settle the suit. They have no power to force SGF to take any actions within a suit since they are not named parties. They are only on the hook for whatever amount the court finds the LLC liable for.

I don’t think that will be very much, if any at all. I think it is very telling that you keep ranting about all the entities that have “insurance” but you are only fixated on SGF’s insurance that has to settle big and pay out when there are arguably other entities who hold much more liability. Seems like there is a personal grudge there that is coloring your perceptions. Maybe y’all are mad that SGF refused to sell the farm to LK “for a steal” since y’all are so fixated on it being “their property”. Maybe that is what all the contract forging was all about


Which would explain why SGF is suing MB dressage, which would have liability insurance. I don’t think liability insurance covers liability from a criminal act, except for drunk driving.

Well, my question to you was rhetorical.

Hint: one doesn’t answer rhetorical questions.

But we aren’t talking about most states. We are specifically talking about NJ, and their laws re: contributory negligence. From New Jersey Statutes 2A:15-5:

 Any damages sustained shall be diminished by the percentage sustained of negligence attributable to the person recovering.”

We just heard sworn testimony that her father negotiated an exit plan that she refused, and that she had a plan to ruin him. And that’s just what Mr B got into evidence in the criminal trial. In a civil suit, he’s going to get in all those prior bad acts, all those texts and recordings etc that were excluded because the victim wasn’t on trial. She is now, in essence in her civil suit. All that stuff is fair game. And it absolutely contributed to the situation.

Re: insurance companies: they absolutely can deny it especially if the insured has an “indemnify and hold harmless” contract. See SGF’s answer.


I could claim I’m on the path to becoming Miss America. That doesn’t make it true. Lol.


Uh-huh. Typically you once again are unable or unwilling to explain or defend your absolutely blind loyalty to people you say you’ve never met and have no connection with.


I think that as the party “on the hook” for whatever the court determines SGF is liable for, the insurance company will have a great deal of say in whether SGF settles or not.