Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Do you not read what people post? The answer to this question has been posted.

I do not like people who think it is fun to ruin others.


Take a look on the witness stand. That’s a start


Re bolded: I agree with you there.

I see no bolding.


So MB let her board multiple horses there and ride there for a year and a half without requiring a liability waiver and was only asking in Aug 2019? Maybe failure to get written liability waivers from all boarders, especially the litigious ones, is part of what SGF is suing MB dressage for.

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Or maybe LK took it when she accessed MB’s office and contracts? Might be why she was refusing to sign one?


In some states you have to sign a new liability waiver annually. New Jersey may be one of them. Also if your insurer has a new variation of a form to be signed, or the state does.

Anyway, signing one is SOP and to think it is some sort of permission slip to kill you tells me that person refusing to sign isn’t someone who should be on the property.


I hope they work. There are also the same ones on Youtube, but they say they won’t play.

The curb rein in knotted so Mr. Colbert isn’t even touching it, just the snaffle rein. He rides the spook very well too.


MB seemed not be big on written contracts.

I’d be surprised that the owner of a dressage training business did not have liability contracts, boarding contracts, contracts for renovation work, lease agreements, and contracts for horse sales. Declining to pull permits is not that uncommon, but lacking written contracts for all the other stuff is bad business. Negligence, from the point of view of SGF.

Maybe the wife handled all those prosaic details before the divorce.

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So you think he had her sign a liability waiver when she first came in spring 2018 and/or in 2019, but wanted her to sign a new one just when he was asking her to leave?

Who said he didn’t have contracts for the horse end of the business? Remember, LK wasn’t supposed to be living there; she and daddy had to force MB into letting her have that apartment.

She was always very careful to say she didn’t have a lease. A lease for an apartment is not the same as a training agreement.

given the “plan” to destroy MB and the idea of extorting money for RG’s unlicensed, unpermitted, and vindictively reported “renovations”

it is very easy to believe LK disappeared whatever contracts and waivers in connection with her accessing the office to forge whatever contracts they “needed” to do whatever it was they were planning

what was it $200,000 they were planning to sue for? Is that what I saw being discussed on the board?


My instructor has anyone who sets foot on her property sign a waiver if they so much as want to look at a horse standing in a paddock let alone be actively taking care of or riding one.


No it was not for her to sign and it was a bit of time before August 7th. It was for the person she was planning to “employ” (for lack of a better word) to ride her multiple horses.
I would assume (yeah, I know) because she didn’t have the time or stamina to keep them in work and didn’t want JH or MHG or the working students to ride them.

Ya’know the “dressage rider life style” is not always compatible with doing the actual work because
.they are not a bag of golf clubs!


Do we know for a fact that he never tried to get a signed waiver from her then? Or did she perhaps keep putting it off, putting it off, putting it off?

Do we know for a fact that he never tried to get a written agreement about their “deal”? Or did she keep putting that off also?

(I am assuming Mr. D has the answers to those questions.)


The best moment in these videos is when the mare spooks and MB grabs her rein in less than a second—it’s instinct!


I still don’t see how LK, with or without JK, can “force” MB into throwing the apartment into the deal. It looks like the original deal was board and training for two horses, plus the apartment for $5,000.

Re: LK planning to sue MB for $200,000 “being discussed on the board”, I don’t believe everything I read here.

But that was alleged to be part of the plan engineered by JK, according to what is “being discussed on the board”, wasn’t it? Why is JK not a target of counterclaims in the civil suit?

Your trainer is a savvy business woman.

And how do you know that was the case? You seem to be very sure about all the prosaic details that you actually know nothing about. I can guarantee that there were boarding contracts, lesson documents, leasing documents, sales documents, waivers - everything that goes with such a business. Otherwise he would not have been in business in August 2019.

But I guess you know better.

And sometimes, you cannot walk away. Been there, done that. I would not wish that nightmare on anyone glossing over LK’s smug style of harassment and bad behavior

Well, I do not hate LK. But I am extremely familiar with her kind of manipulative Finish The Bastard style and modus operandi - seeking to hurt others. There is nothing about that that should be excused, diminished or dismissed.


Thank you very much!

I agree, that was a very good grab to save the day when the horse spooked. I’m sure he did not want Colbert to get dirt on his whites. Especially on camera. Lol.


This is an interesting statement.

How do you know what policies they have?