Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

This really doesn’t make any sense….how would liability paperwork for someone else to ride horses be the furtherance on a murder plot for her and RG? She made a big deal about that and the police’s reactions….


Yes, I remember it having to go with a liability release for another rider. But it would need to be signed by SusieQ, the other rider. How can LK sign a liability release wrt to injury or death to SusieQ?

It makes perfect sense for MB to say “You can’t have another rider ride on property before that person signs a release”. But how can anyone other than the new rider waive liability for injury to herself?


To me the best moment is when Colbert says “I
think I just piaffed in my pants.”


I’m sorry, I don’t understand one word of the screenshot post :frowning:

I will rephrase.

They are distinct legal entities with distinct tax IDs. Logically, I would expect each legal entity to be insured by a distinct insurance policy, if they are insured.

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Sorry, to me that is just grammar school humor.


RC gave MB the gun 3 days before the shooting.
MB wanted her to sign liability paperwork 2 days before the shooting. She refused, he called 911. She suggested to the cops at the time of the call that it was to release him from liability of her murder…

And then 2 days later, after the BI, FM, SS, and CPS, she coincidentally “got shot”……in a situation where MB was the most injured party, there was no forensics, the police automatically took their word, and the cameras disappeared….

Notice the inclusion of the phrase…”to make the LLC not liable”….


I just highlighted this portion for my response. Again, SGF is not suing anyone.

Here’s the lawsuit in a nutshell:

LK filed a lawsuit naming MB, SGF, RC and a whole bunch of John Does who are irrelevant at this time. Lawsuit names different torts, damages, etc.

MB filed 1) an answer saying Nope.

          2) a cross-claim saying that if any defendants enter a settlement, any award assigned to him should be reduced by that amount 

3) a counter suit alleging damages, loss etc under several torts committed by LK.

RC filed 1) an answer saying Nope

            2) I am not the defendant you are looking for.  If anyone awards money from me, I’m claiming it from these other defendants.

SGF filed 1) an answer Saying absolutely Nope

            2) We aren’t the defendants you’re looking for either. If anyone awards money from us, we are claiming it from all these other guys.

THEN LK filed an answer to MB’s counter suit saying NOPE.

I could go thru all the subsequent motions too that lead us to yesterday when SGF said, LET THE GAMES BEGIN, but they aren’t really that necessary for getting the overall picture.

So, SGF and RC have sued exactly no one as of now.

Edit to add: I apologize for my formatting. No idea what happened or how to fix.


Hmmmm, how would that be worded?


This is what I’m most curious about
A) what was in the document
B) why MB thought it was appropriate to call the police (and 911) because his clients declined to sign a document.

Re B, that was the most bizarre of the 911 calls, to me. So bizarre, in fact, that the idea that he was delusional makes sense to me. A person thinking rationally does not call 911 to get the police out because someone refuses to sign a document that you want them to sign.

There was court testimony about it. Granted LK said she didn’t remember that amount. You can bet the details will come out in discovery for the civil suit.


So was there a requirement to wait 14 days after the verdict before taking any other legal action? And then the moment that time requirement had been met, SGF was the first one to jump into the fray?


It’s not. But the statement was that the waivers that were the subject of a 911 call was that LK claimed the release was for others to ride/train her horse and that is what she refused to sign….obviously that just isn’t how things work, and certainly can’t be evidence of a plot/release for murdering her…


The stay said they could file for discovery to begin 15 days after the conclusion of the criminal trial or May 22 at the latest.

And yes, SGF was the first to ask for the stay to be lifted.



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yes, exactly who, in general. and why [are they qualified to ride a horse in training?] and why the umbrage over what is a common practice… I mean, we are talking about insurance here, are we not?
Who rides, and rides a clients private horse at a facility is something most places would want info on.
Maybe this person was supposed to be the victim of an injury at the property to make bank on an insurance claim? Hey, you know stranger things have proven to actually have happened.


It was the liability release you were just accusing MB of being so sloppy a business person over. And clearly he was frantic they were plotting something to “destroy him” with….stage an injury for that lawsuit they are speculated to have wanted to get $200,000 from? Maybe why you are so fixated on getting money out of SGF’s insurance with a settlement? Maybe that was the original plan RG was going to screw up if he presented a bill?


I agree everyone is trying to assign the liability and blame to “someone else”.

I’m using the word “suing” to include not just a stand alone lawsuit, but also these counterclaims and cross claims within the original lawsuit.

I remember reading or hearing about LK trying to bring other riders too, because she didn’t want JH or MHG riding her horses.

I an TOTALLY theorizing here, but I wonder if MB’s waivers had more to do with reducing him from liability if the horses didn’t get ridden and went “barn sour” so to speak, in addition to the liability of fandoms riding the horses. I also wonder if part of the paperwork had to do with a release of liability just for Jay-T since it appears that at the time she hadn’t completed ownership paperwork.


One of the original posts on the subject made a big deal about showing the police that the majority of this paperwork was posted on a sign at the barn door and her refusing to “sign” but verbally acknowledging the content on the barn sign.