Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Slight correction: last time the only bombshells ALSO came from the Barisone team. :rofl:


Anywhere and everywhere, even for one ride, I had to sign a waiver.


My point is that, in my use of the word ā€œcareerā€, the endeavor does not need to be a paid one. Thatā€™s all.

Right. But one needs to show up and make an effortā€¦ LK was in the best place possible to fulfill her goals and she screwed it up just like she does everywhereā€¦ with everyoneā€¦


Yeah this was the paranoid spiral I vaguely remembered. This is taking a normal business operating procedure into the twilight zone.

What Iā€™m unclear on. Was this a waiver for someone else to ride the horse or for LK

If for LK, why was it being presented at that point? I can believe that LK had been talking about faking an injury and bragging that she had never signed a waiver, and MB getting spooked. But I donā€™t see the utility in phoning 911 because she wonā€™t sign. I feel like about the time this happened both parties were under some strain, so to speak. I can see where MB calling 911 over the waiver dispute could contribute to the local police thinking he was a frivolous emergency caller.

If it was for another person to sign then LKā€™s paranoid fantasy here makes no sense at all.

But the episode gives some insight into the mental process here. There was a waiver form in contention, possibly for another rider. LK rolls this fact into a paranoid fantasy about a waiver absolving someone of murder. They donā€™t, btw. Then she gets hysterical and elicits hysterical behavior from MB and then hopes he looks bad to the police.


Out of curiosity, given what you now know of them as confirmed in a court of law/public records, not just gossip, why do you continue to support them? With all the bad acts, the rap sheets (LK + JK + KK), the drug use, the vile SM posts, the staggering amount of lying, the admitted plan to destroy people, etc., etc., why is this someone/a group of people you feel compelled to defend endlessly?

And, b/c I know you favour answering a question with a question, people here who are discussing the negatives of LK, RG, and the K family are doing so for a number of reasons including, but not limited to: some know/knew her IRL and she victimised them directly or their loved ones; some were threatened and harassed here on this platform; some where threatened and harassed elsewhere; some have known an LK-like person IRL and these types of people and the fact that they do what they do and are never held accountable for it just outrages people; some are true crime fans and they have read things here and watched the trial and decided LK/RG are truly awful human beings and are expressing that and discussing the evidence that leads them to that conclusion, and the rest are just decent people who are disgusted by the behaviour of these people and the apparent complete lack of accountability for that behaviour.

Some, like myself, identify with more than one of the categories mentioned above.

What is your reason for continuing to support such bad actors in the light of so much evidence of their characters and long arc of bad behaviour over their lifetimes thus far?

ETA: she does not need to have done anything to anyone necessarily for them to find her and RG and the family Kanarek truly repulsive for many, many confirmed and supported by evidence reasons, just FYI.


I would just like to say @CurrentlyHorselessā€¦ how can you support such and evil despicable person? Who are you? Do you live under a rock? Have you not seen the trail? Read her posts? I need to stop - there is no reasoning or senseā€¦ [edit]


Like how a liability waiver becomes a murder plot?


This is just one small example of the vast, on-point legal knowledge you are generously supplying to the most undeserving audience Iā€™ve even seen. They will not acknowledge their vastly inferior understanding or their complete lack of personal experience practicing law anywhere in any form. If I wasnā€™t watching it play out I wouldnā€™t believe someone had the capacity to be as steadfastly deliberately obtuse as this. Google School of Law is really churning out the degrees, I guess.

No wonder youā€™re growing weary. Iā€™m growing weary just reading you having to explain over and over the same thing or note the inaccuracies, or explain what can be read in the filed documents if one werenā€™t too lazy/too bloody minded to do so themselves.

Iā€™m going to have to call on old Matthew once again: Matthew 7:6

ā€œDo not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in piecesā€


I know Iā€™m a hundred posts behind but, this reminded of what I heard a woman talking about during the Depp / Heard trial today. She assessed Heard and described her as having two personality disorders. One was ā€˜histrionicā€™. I wonder if that could also fit LK.


Thank you for such kind words.

I get that law is a vast, complicated world. For me, though, itā€™s always been so intuitive to me. Therefore, I want it to be intuitive for everyone else. I probably sometimes sound like what Iā€™m hearing when my dogā€™s vet is explaining the intricacies of her heart condition. I can feel my eyes glazing over as Iā€™m thinking I donā€™t really need to know why this valve isnā€™t doing whatever a valve does, just tell me you have a plan to fix it!

Halfway through that discussion, I almost gave up. But, at the risk of being a pain, I couldnā€™t. I didnā€™t want a giant misconception hanging out there for the next person who might be interested and might think that yep, SGF is definitely suing MB. I figured at least the next person might dig a little deeper if I laid it out one more time.

The actual documents in this case are fascinating to read (to me anyway). Thereā€™s a lot of insight into things we wondered about in the criminal trial that are at a minimum going to be laid bare in discovery in this trial.

One of the things I am curious about is LKā€™s claim of patterned harassment by MB. When Mr Bilinkis asked her about that in the criminal trial, her only answer was that one time he yelled at her. Iā€™m curious what more she thinks sheā€™s got to back up that claim, that wouldnā€™t be a direct response to her admitted harassment of him.

Matthew had lots of good things to say. One of my favorites is Matthew 15:11. ā€œ It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a personā€.


Heā€™s definitely proven to the be patron saint of these threads!! :rofl:

From one legal professional to another, thank you so much for your perspective on both the content and the mechanics of these cases. You and others with trial/court experience are really laying it out in a way that is accessible. Please know the VAST majority of us are understanding and appreciating your contributions 100%.

Maybe you can use this for CLE credits! :rofl:

This is such a perfect description of LKā€™s 19,000+ SM posting ā€˜careerā€™. :astonished:


Wow, thatā€™s super quality camera! If any Bigfeet swing by, we may finally get a clear capture of the BigGuy and/or his fam and these cameras would have him for the very first time, In Focus! Unless, of course, at the very moment he comes into view, the cameras suddenly go all fuzzy, just my luck, but fingers crossed for clear Bigfeet pics!


Isnā€™t it though? Good old Matthew.

Man if I could figure out a way to make CLE happen that would rule!

On another serious note. On a human level where empathy is getting to me, Iā€™m really bothered by MB still being in jail and making zero progress towards that May 17th hearing. On a legal level, I am absolutely fascinated by all that will come next. Iā€™d love to be a fly on the wall of Mr Bā€™s office to see what theyā€™re doing now, what theyā€™re doing to prep for a hearing in 17 days, etc.


This lack of empathy and not seeing people as human beings, using people to get what you want and need from them, and not caring about about anguish caused, and having no regret is from what I understand the hallmark of psychopathy.


I think the entirety of the plan was to get a guilty verdict and cash in a settlement based on thatā€¦,


Itā€™s not working out well for them so far. I wonder what the back-up plan consists of?




I see that being as successful as Plan A. They werenā€™t nearly good enough at covering up all their tracks. And now they have the criminal trial living on YouTube where the whole wide world can watch them spin their stories over and over and over.


And they had 2.5 years to practice before the big show tooā€¦.