Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Great point. 2.5 years, and we got barefoot ninja getting barefoot in court, and Mr Sit n Spin. And the Stache.


Her plot of fraud would have been hatched pre shooting of course. Do keep up.


I know the prosecution is “busy” with a ton of other stuff
.but this trial was very gross. We saw almost nothing new. Every claim she had made here was made on the stand. Every claim the prosecution acted like he was eating it up and it was the best stuff since sliced bread
.and then every claim the defense either had someone there to directly counter or the prosecution just looked silly.

I mean it really came across as the prosecution just had paid no substantive attention as to what it was that they were really arguing for


This was the funniest part of the trial - or o ne of the top ones. The prosecution put forth these claims or points like they were so subtantive, but is you knew LK and RG and how they had already undermined themselves they were silly. Then, Mr. B presented the well researched facts that made them useless pieces of disinformation. It made you wonder did the Prosecution research anything about their clients? Did they just think the whole SM thing was silly and meaningless and so they didn’t bother to pay any attention to what these people said or did online? It was such a shallow case, and seemed to miss such obvious points and facts as though it never occured to the prosecution that anyone would care about or ask about, say GSR, or injuries to MB, or question the order of events. Just seriously questionable judgement, it seemed to me.


But the defense gave us Boyd Martin. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, you’re right. I think they expected him to take a plea, therefore they did no prep. He turned down the plea in late Feb and three weeks later, jury selection began.


Ekat - Have you looked at the dismissed police suit?


Yes. Also an interesting read. It’s so hard to sue a police department successfully. That being said, a lot of the claims re: LK are in MB’s counter claim against her - the arrest record, the shooting incident, the heroin use.

I’m guessing that PI report has a lot of gold in it.


And maybe the PI will do further work since it was noted that his report was just the first stage and asked if MB wanted him to continue.


Wow. By that standard I’ve been harassed a lot in my life. Starting with my mother telling me not to touch the hot stove when I was a kid. Lol.


Will the hearing still happen in 17 days, even if MB is still in jail? Or even if he is transferred by then, but has had less than 30 days for the mental health evaluation?


Wow, I wonder if they were able to delay making a decision on the plea to the last minute on purpose. I can see Bilinkis being savvy evnough to do just that - draw it out to the last miinute, maybe even make the Prosecution think they were going to take the plea, maybe even through a few negotiations in there, so they were so sure they were going to take the plea, they didn’t prep, then at the last possible minute, they said “Awe, naw, I guess we’ll go with the trial after all”.

Honestly, that may very well be why the prosecution was so ill prepared, including RG and LK. They may have thought there would be a plea all along, and never thought they needed to try to get their stories straight. Whatever they told Shellhorn (sorry, spelling?) in the beginning was good enough, because there wasn’t really any further prep or discussion. Then, come to find out, they had been spinning their stories into bizzarre-o land for two years, by the time it came to go to trial with their original stories, they must have forgotton whatever it was they said. Remember (I quote from Cormac McCarthy) “Trouble with a liar is, he can’t remember what he said”.

That’s why the witnesses on the stand were so out of control for whatever shellhorn was going to do. He must have been stunned. He probably assumed all along they were telling the truth, when they told him whatever they told him in the beginning, way back in 2019, and he assumed they rememembered the truth and what really happened maybe needing a refresher, and why wouldn’t he, people who tell the truth tell the same story even years later. He may have not at all prepared for having drug addicted liars for witnesses.

And there was Bilinkis, the whole time, sitting passively, twiddling his thumbs, just letting the prosecution hang its self. Because he was prepared. He had 19,000 pages of SM which revealed oh so much about those witnesses, and he, unlike shellhorn, had read each and every page, miserable as that must have been. So, 0h! By the way! we won’t be taking that plea. So Jury selection is what, next week? We’re ready. We been ready. twiddle twiddle twiddle


That was definitely his vibe all through the Mustache, waiting for the closing arguments. Lol.


But again, that doesn’t apply to LK either.

To me “career” is something you devote much of your life to. While a job may be short-term, something you do for a few years, a career is something you intend to do indefinitely. Progress and achievement aren’t necessarily part of the equation.

So for example, if you clean houses or look after kids to help pay the bills while in college, that’s a job. But if you do it full time for a decade or two, you have a career in that industry.

LK is simply an average AA who dabbles in dressage as a hobby, like most of us.


Not unlike the PD, FM and other local Washington Township agencies.
Meanwhile a mans life hangs in the balance.


Career = getting paid to do something

Hobby = paying to do something

My daytime job is my career that pays for my horse hobby.

LK has a horse hobby and no career or assets. Everything is part owned by JK, which I gather protects it from litigation.

Must suck to be LK. Just sayin.


Chiming in to say that in my case, I have a very low tolerance for or empathy for humans who prey on other humans, whether it is manifested by physical violence or psychological torment. Such individuals have no place in civilized society, and a society that allows such creatures to continue to live in their midst and continue along their path of destruction without any recompense is itself on the path to becoming uncivilized.


This is of interest to me. Legal ownership is traced through the bill of sale. What about registration papers? FEI passports? How does a court decide if the paperwork all says something different? My horses are in my name with the breed registry, and one has a chip. I also have bills of sale. They are also recorded with USDF, but USDF explicitly states that it is not an ownership registry, which I get. But you have to submit bills do sale with your name to get the horse listed under your name as owner. So that feels

Does part ownership truly protect the horse from legal confiscation? I know that RC sold her share of Don Divone before the trial. Was that to protect the horse and MHG in case the Kanarek Krew came after her? IF JK does have part ownership of the horses (I don’t think this has been proven - after all, LK said it was “her money” that was used for their costs) would MB have to go after JK as well and prove his case for damages to get the horses listed as assets?


Great summary, seems completely plausible (and likely). Bilinkas didn’t get his reputation as a top notch criminal defence attorney for nothing. As I’ve commented before on this BB, I think he was playing a game of chess, while his critics were thinking along the lines of checkers. Also, from his post-trial comments, his heart was in it, as he had an enormous amount of compassion and respect for MB.

The prosecution just didn’t have the resources, and maybe were overly influenced by clan K. LaLaPop did write as if she believed that the prosecutors were her personal attorneys.

Oh well, she still has her hobby.


I’m not sure how they can do that. Aren’t the horses in JK’s name? And the plaintiff in the civil suit is LK alone?


Don’t forget that RG referred to OUR PROPERTY several times while he was on the witness stand. He was quite adamant about it, too. It does make me wonder what line of BS LK was feeding him to make him think the place was theirs.