Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Yeah, I’m not sure this has been proven…? Would be interesting to know.


I think others are better able to comment on these great questions. I had read here that her few assets (home in Florida and 1 or 2 horses) were jointly owned by her father, likely to avoid litigation. I’m not a lawyer, so I can’t comment on the validity of this assertion.

She also doesn’t have a drivers license or motor vehicle in her name. It was speculated that this is to avoid being served any summons (there are apparently outstanding summons for her). Very slippery person.


There are USEF records listing LK as the owner of those that are registered with the USEF.

In the absence of a bill of sale, whomever paid the bills for the horses such as vet care, board, etc could make an ownership claim. If they were paid out of an account in her name, with bills of sale and import documents in her name, even if you list the horse as someone else’s on say registration papers you can have a court decide who owns that asset.


I dare say Ms. Jorst has worked hard at her dressage endeavors. She showed up for lessons, she didn’t scratch more than she rode at competitions, she spent her time when not in lessons doing her homework to make herself and her horses better (instead of spending her spare time trying to torment and terrorize other people via SM). I am pretty sure she also paid for her own living expenses and well as all the costs associated with the upkeep of her horses. In short, she isn’t a grifter or a leech, or a pathological liar, or someone who is only able to get somewhere in life by destroying other people. :slightly_smiling_face:


Realistically, are LK’s horses worth that much?

I don’t know anything about them or their value. But it would be unfortunate to run up more in legal costs than the horses would even bring on the open market.


Like I said, Masterclass.


I tried to bold the point I want to address. If you listen to the 911 call, Barisone isn’t calling 911 to report LK for not signing the form (whatever it may be). He is calling 911 because LK & RG got verbally aggressive and started making threats. Asking them to sign the form, which Barisone states in the call, is what stated the tirade by LK/RG. Just part of the puzzle that drove Barisone to his breakdown.


I just have to say my heart still breaks so much for MB. It angers me so that he is still in jail, while LK is going about her business, riding her horses, etc. Where is the justice?


Charlotte Jorst is a class act. I was kind to her while she was feeling low and she reciprocated by inviting me to her place to see the horses, etc.

Her social media is full of happiness and positivity despite what she went through with her marriage ending. She is mean to no one.

LK is no Charlotte Jorst. Never will be.


Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

Could Mr. Shellhorn have spent that three weeks solely on this case, or would he have others at the same time? Either way I’m sure that office was crazy!

I may love Mr. B as much as I love Mr. Davidson (the hay man)!


Mr. Sit n Spin. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


And even if he had the time to devote to it during those three weeks, weren’t his star witnesses in Florida that whole time? And trying to skip out on the trial anyway?


Who does that over a simple, common waiver, all of us who’ve ridden, even jyst once a week lessons, are very familiar with being required to sign?

Their overreaction was exactly what made MB concerned, and now we all see that his concern was fully founded. They admitted there was at least one plot. Anyone who knows people like this, If there was one plot, there probably were more.

Their overreaction is what is often telling.
I had forgotten this. It adds to my thought that this other person riding was part of a scheme of some sort.

Who was it that they wanted allowed to ride her horses? Its becoming a far more interesting thread to this tangled ball of yarn.


The Barefoot Ninja? You mean like this?


In my cynical little mind I can’t seem to shake the idea that the powers that be, both in the system and outside influences, are purposely dragging their feet.

I know y’all have said that that is illegal in the state of NJ, but I just can’t shake it.


Perfect! She’s nothing more than a dabbler. And not a truly committed dabbler at that!


Dabbling in itself is not a crime. Plenty of people dabble at many different things without torturing anyone else in the process.


Also appropriate to describe a kept man who does lots of laundry!


The prosecutor was no doubt under some pressure to make the case. I am sure he was putting some of that pressure on himself - it would have been a feather in his cap and earned him brownie points with his boss, plus would have looked good on his CV. But I would also not be surprised if there was a fair amount of political pressure involved. Someone high up in the chain of command in that jurisdiction has some kind of connection to someone with a vested interest in making sure the trial turned out a certain way. I feel sorry for the citizens there - the PD, the FD, the DA’s office, and even the judge revealed themselves (on video and the internet, no less) to be either incompetent or biased (or both).


Almost like certain overreactions to “theories” some of us have posted here…. :thinking: