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Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Yesterday, I had to go through security at work to turn in my equipment (my COVID-related job sunsetted due to CDC guidance changes, etc) and the security guard asked me “what do you plan to do with the wrench in your purse?” I replied “there’s a wrench in my purse?” He continued to drill me and the only reason I could come up with it being there was I had taken it to the farm to install a faucet and forgotten it was there. Never occurred to me that it could be seen as a weapon. I guess I should have gotten up-to-date on this thread before going in!

Edited: “sunsetted” not “subsetted”. Whoever mentioned the typo struggle upthread ain’t lying!


Many, many years ago, long before the security got tighter post 9/11, I went through security at the airport with a hoof pick in the pocket of my coat. I had completely forgotten it was in there.

But they would not let me take it on the plane, so I lost my favorite hoof pick. Sad face to this day. Lol.


That would make me sad too!!

Yesterday, they let me take the wrench with me… not that I would have been sad to lose it. Perhaps they determined a “horse lady” wouldn’t be likely to go mental with a wrench due to being part of a mass layoff of City employees? LOL. Kinda like the time at Heathrow years ago when I was returning from a film festival for work and went through secondary security - bag check and pat down - with a mess of a carry on full of DVDs and scripts and various cables and chargers. The security agent looked at my bag, looked at me and said “I know terrorists, and you’re no terrorist.” before declining to dig through my mess of a bag and waving me through. (Which made me feel LESS safe on that flight!)

ETA - definitely privilege at play in both cases.


Completely unrelated, but your farm is lovely.


Well of course he would preface the reason for the threats
This is just you once again trying to cherry pick to make a point


I am well aware of her objectionable use of SM, which ranges from horrible to nasty and juvenile. But there’s a lot of nasty, juvenile and horrible stuff on SM, and IMO, the now 2.75 years of Eggbutt trashing and spreading lies about LK, RG, and her family is worse than the finite number of awful, juvenile posts of LK.

I abhor LKs use of SM. I abhor the campaign on SM led by Eggbutt and a few others to repeatedly, ad nauseum, tear down LK, and her family, and to get her blackballed from barns and banned by USEF.

In terms of bad behavior on SM, LK has nothing on Eggbutt. I’m asking Eggbutt if she was victimized in real life (that is, in some way other than on SM).

With respect to a “plan to destroy MB”, are you suggesting her motivation for training with him in spring 2018 was to destroy him and “take the farm”? Every indication is that the training arrangement was working well for LK, MB, SGF for a year, until April of 2019.

What happened in April 2019? The burst pipe was unfortunate and a stressor. But I think what changed in April 2019 was that VKB had been “displaced” by MHG.



And how exactly would that be the business of anyone other than MB, MHG, and VKB??

If you’re satisfied with the situation and training staff at any farm, you stay. If you’re not satisfied with it, you leave and go somewhere else where you will be happy.

Just as people do every day for all sorts of reasons. It’s very simple.


Please show us a couple of Eggbutt’s lies. Go ahead.


Who else is obsessed with @eggbutt?


How about this one?

Screen Shot 2022-04-30 at 2.02.12 PM


What lies, exactly?

The fact that they all have arrests for assault, among many other things? That’s not a lie. It’s a matter of public record.

The fact that both LK and RG could not keep their stories straight about the events leading up to and on the day of the altercation? Again, a matter of public record following their testimony in court.

The fact that they had a plan in place to “ruin his life” and “finish the bastard”? Again, a matter of public record after their texts and testimony at the trial.


I’m just going to address this statement here:

Sometimes, when a person:

Fails to show up for training sessions
Surreptitiously places recording devices around someone else’s property in order to eavesdrop
Uses illegal drugs
Disrupts a barn and the horses by turning on all the lights and playing loud music late at night
Admittedly threatens someone
Admits under oath they had a plan to “destroy” someone

They’re doing a pretty good job all on their own of getting themselves blacklisted. Someone that does that doesn’t need Eggbutt’s help.

PLEASE NOTE: all of those actions were stated in court, under oath by either LK or RG.


where does the term blackballed even come from?


Oh, interesting! I have to hand it to him, he did try to make lemonade out of it. Yeah for Mr. B and team to convince the jury that the lemons were rotten. :grin:


What a very interesting comment. And this is what set LK off on her terror campaign? :thinking:


Why do you keep repeating these untruths?

First, it was testified to that the problems started in FL, before returning to NJ.

Second, it has been repeated more than once that the relationships between MB and VK was well over before 2019. There was no displacement of VK in 2019……that was over well before then.

Third, considering all the harping on the pipe, maybe we should be re-evaluating whether LK/RG sabotaged it and the insurance adjuster just missed that? Someone certainly thinks it isn’t getting enough attention for it’s very ordinary, non-fraudulent, non-role in the breakdown of MB.


awww. thanks!


As early as the 17th century in America, members of fraternal clubs often voted at their meetings without paper ballots. Many decisions had to be almost unanimous; just one “no” vote could defeat a project. So, they used a blackball box instead of paper ballots.

Each person was given a random number of black and white marbles. To vote no, a black marble was dropped in the box. The box had a board that covered the voter’s hand and marble so that no one could see the vote. Each marble made a noise when it was dropped, so only one marble could be used. When the box was opened, it was easy for everyone to see the number of black marbles and if the project, motion or request for membership had passed or failed. It was impossible to tell who had used a black marble.

The term “blackballed” is still in use, and the box was saved as part of history. The rules are still in “Robert’s Rules of Order,” a guide to parliamentary procedure, but there are few times when only one vote, not a majority, is needed to make a decision.


Once again, you never know what you’ll learn here on the BB.