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Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Let me show you how it’s done…DREAM ON

And, very honestly, I truly do not care one iota what you think.


No, @CurrentlyHorseless is playing to an audience of LK, JK, KK and RG only. She apparently feels she is a kindred spirit with them. Maybe she should hook up with LK’s two FB BFF’s!


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Perhaps that’s why so many of us don’t sit quietly by……


SS has an issue with sexual relationships between a trainer and a consenting adult employed by the trainer when there is a power imbalance.

It looks to me that LK wanted to train with MB, and his protege and assistant trainer, with whom he had a sexual relationship, disrupted the training relationship between LK and MB. That’s a known issue with workplace “relationships”.

Given the way she abruptly dropped him after “the incident”, it raises the question of whether it was true love on her part or she was just using him because she thought he could get her on the Olympic team. MHG apparently left it the mother of a working student to close down the operation, despite her own status as fiancé, protege, and assistant trainer. Classy.

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@CurrentlyHorseless CH sounds like a truly unhappy person. Is there someone bothering you and would like to confess to?


That was directed at Currentlyhorseless, not you.


@CurrentlyHorseless, you have yet to answer the question why and how you can defend the Kanarak Crew.

Why do you continue to support her/them in the face of all the deplorable behavior both in and out of court?

Also, if you don’t know the answer to your question regarding Eggbut, you can easily find a list of all her posts and scroll through them until you find your answer. I’d guess it was within the past week or two. Maybe three.


So wait, we should all make sure our trainers do not start a relationship with someone and then let them work at the barn, unless that person is classy enough?

What the heck. MHG’s level of classy has nothing to do with LK’s level of wrong, totally wrong.

And I would say, as far as how things are done. MHG’s level of not classy is on a totally different scale (on the better side) than LK’s level of classy.

But, like was said before… You think your trainer is making decisions you do not agree with, leave. Find a different trainer who makes decisions you agree with. Don’t become totally classless and “Finish the Bastard”.


It is so funny that someone who bends over backwards to support the LK Clan would be complaining that someone else is not classy…isn’t it?


Your obsession with demeaning MHG reminds me of a certain someone… :wink:


That’s quite a stretch there…


I’m going to direct you to 18:39 into Mr Bilinkis’ cross exam of RG. RG is quite clear JH was training LK and MB was in the background giving pointers. The expectation was eventually MB would take over, but there was no set expectation. In other words, you’re kind of overblowing the “training relationship.”

RE: MHG. I don’t think it’s fair for you to judge her that way. Maybe cut a little slack to someone who had to deal with threats, sleeping on a porch, harassment of her and her horses and her kids, A CPS visit, RG and LK searching out her kids’ location on social media after she sent them away to protect them, and even after LK is in the hospital and MB is in jail, JK and RG are shouting at her and threatening her. No offense to MB but I’d run too. My kid is a grown adult and he still comes first. Wasn’t it you that was commenting about the kids being in an unsafe situation (even though she’d already moved them?). And now you fault her for getting her own self and family out?

(Things I learned by watching the trial.)




Inigo has not been banned. I am wondering if he has taken over La-La’s private message group here on COTH and is directing the postings by certain members.


whoa…are you serious? Now I think YOU have a thing about MGH. HMMMM


We know that LK and IM do. So why not CH too. LK and IM have said ruining MHG is in their plan.


If such a group exists, it certainly seems to have gotten a LOT smaller. Just a couple of diehard minions left to carry out their marching orders.


Oh…really, is that how our tax dollars are supposed to be spent….being a nosy busy body for consenting adults living their lives Question….do you have green eyes too?


Someones….IM and JumpinQueen couldn’t contain their jealousy for MHG either.


Guess you missed this…