Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Because she has poured her own money into buying really, really nice horses and she works hard to improve her riding. I would wager a fudge brownie that Jorst shows up for her lessons on time and in the saddle. I would also bet that she didn’t throw a tantrum if Steffen Peters had her take a lesson with Shannon Peters instead of him.

I know none of these people in real life. But I feel pretty safe in saying this.


I’ve asked this before and I will ask it again. Why didn’t Daddy-O make sure there was a written agreement? One would think an attorney would do everything he could to make sure his darling daughter and her manservant were protected legally, esp. since he (Attorney Daddy-O) knew his daughter needed his help managing her affairs.


I agreed with Sdel that he heavily implied it, but did not state it. He emphasized that the gun was unloaded when RC handed it to him. The implication was that MB couldn’t just grab a loaded gun, but would have to remove the dummy magazine, load it, etc.

Given the gun “showed up” at the scene, the circumstantial evidence is that he took it out of the safe and transported it in his truck.

I agree with you, Eggbutt, that no one saw him with the gun until LK saw it pointed at her. But the implication is that he asked the CPS worker to leave the office so that she would not see him remove it from the safe. Implication.

Is that better?

It’s sort of hilarious that this poster, of all people, is pointing out someone else declining to give a straight yes or no answer.

That’s entertaining coming from such a master chef of word salad.


Or he knew it should be there and that he couldn’t find it was adding to his hysteria and paranoia….meanwhile she’s refusing to sign the liability paperwork……and posting threatening messages….


Ah, so she was being ambiguous to avoid owning up to the fact that she was a confirmed junkie. I can’t believe that an experienced prosecutor like Schellhorn didn’t get it that she was playing him (since he didn’t drill down on it), but I guess he let it go because it certainly would not have helped his case if she had admitted she was an addict.


A bit curious how long a recovering addict needs to stay on suboxone or similar before they can start to wean themselves off all chemical dependency and the annoying side effects like sleepiness.

Say a person started heroin use at age 20, was an active addict for ten years, then went on suboxone at age 30. If they were really participating in their recovery and staying away from druggie friends, would we expect them to still need suboxone at age 41? Is that the norm? Or does a prolonged use of suboxone suggest that the person has had lapses and temptations?

I think a big part of recovery in every addiction story I’ve heard is wanting to be clean and live a productive lifestyle, and it requires giving up your druggie buddies. If the addicted lifestyle still has an allure you will relapse, game the system or continue to lead an addict lifestyle even while on suboxone or methadone etc.

If suboxone makes you so sleepy that you can not even tack up your own horse, it seems to me that you can’t really function well enough to rebuild your life. You could use it to blunt the physical cravings but you would need to get off it fairly quickly to rebuild a normal life and not just continue nodding off.

Ah. Edited to add this was addressed upthread and being on suboxone alone is not going to fix a junkie. As I thought.


Also here in my state. Also, even if they did not know, and police were to subsequently find illegal drugs in a common area they could also be charged with constructive possession.


Thanks for confirming what I already suspected!


I’m interrupting this exchange to post the results from Kentucky for the Boyd Martin and Phillip Dutton fans. Also, Michael Jung won the event for the fourth time by finishing on his dressage score, which I believe set a new record.

And the person who finished second was the youngest competitor there and also doing her first five star. Good for her!


The reality is Schellhorn had to to address it. Better to come out in direct than when Mr B brings it up. You try to do that as gently and as nonchalantly as possible and move on. She gave him an answer that didn’t sound too bad, so he moved away.


Has anyone on either side that any written contract did exist? That doesn’t prove their non existence, but if a contract existed for board, rent, renovations, horse sale, anything, the probability is that a contract would have been mentioned by someone.

To me, the main use of a written contract is not that you can pull it out and use it in court, but that it forces both parties to be clear on what each expects and is promising. I think the lack of written agreements, and in particular the lack of a clear understanding of what each party was expecting/promising contributed to the fear and loathing.

She said she was on suboxone. That’s admitting you’re an addict and had a significant addiction.


First is LK talking to me, we are referencing an experience we had in 2016/2017 wherein she posted something nasty about my trainer and I called her out on it.
She and her minion then verbally attacked me, I remained calm during the exchange while they steadily got more nasty. She then used a website to make it appear I had sent her a message demanding money (I have never had LK’s number so it was extra absurd) for “blackmail”. (She never did tell me what I was blackmailing her for.) She then informed she was reporting me for cyber bullying her and the sheriff was headed to my house. She put my private home address on her public Facebook page.

Does any of this look or sound normal to you?
She was also telling me criminal charges Would be brought against me for “doxxing” her. (I posted her NC arrest record which is public information and contains nothing aside from her name and the charge)

Edit: it keeps changing the order these should be posted in, I give up.


There, I fixed it for you (bold is mine). Yep, an impeached witness said all sorts of things on that witness stand under oath.

Reminder: zero forensic evidence collected from anyone.

There, that’s better.


CH - you have been trying waaaaaay too hard to find some kernel of “evidence” that supports any of the allegations you have been tossing out here willy-nilly. Just like YD did ad nauseum, (the comparison is valid) you are presenting yourself as a Great Defender for LK - one who will right all the wrongs inflicted upon this sweet, innocent lamb who surely is not in any way responsible for influencing any events that led to the shooting. You are The One who sees through all the facts to find the real truth. #frenzied applause

All of RG’s personal and business dealings seem to be constructed on a loosey goosey basis. What is his current job again? Is there a written agreement as to his exact duties and the hours involved? What is the pay schedule? Does he get an allowance from LK or JK?

The lie that MB “owed” them $50,000 was exposed for the complete manipulative BS it was… but you are still going to bend over backwards to make excuses and toss out random squirrels…


News flash @Eggbutt, the criminal trial is OVER. MB was found NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF INSANITY.

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Dang, I always thought it had something to do with testicles. I stand corrected.


I think that a lot of it is subjective, but in a true recovery setting, while you’re working on getting your whole person well, your medical professional is safely “tapering down” the Suboxone (or methadone). The point is for you to come out clean both physically and mentally.

Generally, people who use the crutch of Suboxone (or methadone) indefinitely aren’t actively working on recovery. They’re calling themselves “clean” because they have a legal script, but they haven’t done any of the necessary healing work. Generally.


I heard a bit of an NPR program the other day with a recovering heroin addict who described it like this:

“You are riding in a car in a bad rainstorm. The car is just getting pelted. The noise is deafening. Then you come to an underpass and instantly all is lovely and quiet!”