Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Civil trials can take for ever, so 48 Hours had best get their criminal trial episode done without waiting.


Iā€™m terribly sorry for your loss.


I just drafted a lengthy post that outlines my conflicted feelings about all of this - and why I am so twitchy when people blame Kirby et al. I deleted it. My family would kill me. All I can say is, I have been through this nightmare. She does have to help herself. And people maybe need to be a bit kinder to the family because they cannot force her to do that. Lauren is a monster. Itā€™s just sad she canā€™t be forced into treatment.


Yes, they can take YEARS.


Thanks - it was shocking, not shocking. Made all the more complicated by COVID.


They could do miniseries on each the criminal and civil!

Honestly the criminal trial episode will probably move along as planned.


They would have enough material to do an entire miniseries just on the social media posts. Although I personally would not care to watch it.

I wonder if somebody will end up doing a big podcast on the whole thing. Iā€™m not much of a podcast person, but I could make an exception in this case.


I honestly didnā€™t think this would be such a compelling case but I think it is now. Whether there is room in the market with 48 hours doing a story remains to be seen. I might be hallucinating, but I think someone broached doing a podcast on these threads.


I feel the same way.


I think youā€™re right, but I donā€™t remember now if it sounded like a joke or a serious idea.


I donā€™t either! As a filmmaker, I must admit that I donā€™t find this case that compelling outside of my being a horse girl. I think the audience is too limited. Hope I am wrong!! (And maybe I am, given the chatter on YouTube and elsewhere!!)


I think thatā€™s part of whatā€™s so confusing to me. Youā€™d think, or at least I think, that if I survived two bullet wounds, Iā€™d be taking a long look at myself and trying to right the ship.

They say an addict has to hit rock bottom to want to change. Whereā€™s her rock bottom?

It has to be extremely painful for you, knowing that you couldnā€™t fix it for your sister. I wish it could be different.


All I can say is everyone has their own rock bottom!


Thatā€™s really a very profound statement.

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Day 3 of the trial (LKā€™s first day on stand) has had 42k views. There was only one day of the Dr Husel trial that had more views as a comparison. And that case had a ton more pre-trial publicity.

Itā€™s weird those two trials were happening at the same time.

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Letā€™s be real here: many of you spend an awful lot of time thinking about, researching, and documenting at great length information about LK, RG, and LKā€™s family members while claiming you have no personal knowledge of any of them, so itā€™s more than a bit hypocritical to get after CurrentlyHorseless with regards to posting habits here.

I was off the grid with family for a while, and when I finally got around to checking back here, I was not surprised to find that nothing new has been posted. I missed a couple thousand posts at least, so I didnā€™t read them all, but itā€™s clear that you all are repeating yourselves ad nauseam, and the MB supporters are accusing the non-MB supporters of making things up and assuming things while they areā€¦making things up and assuming things.

Itā€™s really eye-opening when you step away from this forum for a while, then come back and see how crazy it all is. I really donā€™t understand how the Moderators allow these threads to go on and on the way they do; everything about these MB threads goes completely against the rules of the forum. If anyone ever started a thread trashing any other person on the planet it would surely be shut down way before an entire mob got a chance to join in on the trashing, let alone allowing more than two years of threads continually trashing a single person. Itā€™s really horrifying if you step back and really look at what is going on here. Go ahead and say that LK deserves it; I kind of hope someday someone thinks some of you deserve it and the Moderators allow a couple years worth of posts trashing you.


Again, anyone who is being forced to post here on this terrible BB against his/her will should please let the rest of us know so we can send help.

And also:


I have another question for the legal experts. Does the court have a time requirement for the completion if the evaluation even if the person has not been transfered yet to a mental health facility.

It seems to me that the evaluatuon should happen as close to when the verdict was given as possible because if a person had to wait 4 months or so to get into a place, who is to say that their current mental state wasnā€™t affected by the additional 4 month stay or however long it would take.


Because of her apparent personality disorder, even without an addiction problem, she would be unlikely to do any introspection as to her role in the whole thing.


@erinmeri, I know Iā€™ve expressed this to you before but, again, Iā€™m so sorry for not only your loss but all that went before it. I have no doubt in my mind that you all tried your hearts out to help in any and every way possible. I have a close friend who lost a daughter to addiction. A beautiful, bright, energetic girl who was travelling and working and being with her family and just all things bright and beautiful and then one day, was gone. We had no idea from the outside. We assumed it was a car accident, she was so young - mid-20s. She had a loving, involved mother and sister and SM filled with happy posts surrounded by friends and family. And physically, she was just gorgeous, fit, healthy, glowing even. No one had any idea at all. It was heart breaking.

I donā€™t fault the parents for the drug use. I know that what parents are able to do for an addicted adult child is limited, even with ā€˜unlimited meansā€™.

I do fault them for their part in this particular tragedy. I do believe JK was heavily involved as I saw no evidence of Mr B using things he couldnā€™t back up. I also believe stories shared here such as the one in which JK flew to NC to confront a BO on LKā€™s behalf. Who does that?! I fault them because assault would appear to be a family affair. I fault them for the very clear impression they give that they believe all kinds of rules should apply to everyone but themselves and their daughter.

And I fault them the most for enabling, not her drug use, but her long history of arrests, charges, and general bad behaviour which they do by giving her access to legal funding and representation and instilling in her that it is right and good to use that access to bully, intimidate, scare, and silence people or weasel out of a list of charges as long as your arm, as theyā€™ve done for themselves, as well.

And for dang sure Iā€™ve no tolerance for people like that coming on here and wagging a finger at COTH posters and making jumbled references to Jesus and volunteer work as though they are in any way, shape, or form above literally anyone else you might imagine. People like that think that because they have a certain amount of money and maybe a position or friends in certain positions, that they are elite or somehow superior. Given their rap sheets, if you didnā€™t know their socioeconomic status, they read like any other common as muck scofflaws and low-level thugs.

Thatā€™s what I believe people are responding to; not that they didnā€™t do enough to prevent or correct her addiction problems.