Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

It’s supposed to happen within 30 days. I guess my question is, what are the repercussions if it doesn’t? He’s also not supposed to be incarcerated. But here we are.

I have to think his lawyers are trying to figure something out for him, and to get it back into court to come up with an alternate.


I’m not sure what the right word is, but sad is the closest I can come up with. It makes me sad.


Who said anyone is being forced to post here? I simply pointed out that you and your buddies here are doing PLENTY of what you are accusing CurrentlyHorseless of doing. Then I added some additional observations that I knew would not be appreciated by most of you.

Maybe you should take your own advice and
:snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake:

I sure hope they come up with a good alternative. Ann Klein doesn’t sound much better than where he is now.


Sometimes even rock bottom isn’t enough, nor are second chances. I have a very dear friend who even as a teenager showed signs of serious alcohol problems and none of what came next should have been surprise, despite having all the love and support in the world.

After decades of drinking, heartfelt attempts at AA and residential rehab, two marriages that couldn’t survive his addiction, a series of life crises and the addition of drugs with the alcohol, he very nearly died due to accidental overdose and subsequent stroke.

The upside of weeks in ICU and months in hospital was that he was well and truly clean for the first time since he was a teenager. Genuinely a fresh start, free of physical addiction, and lots of support around him from his family, as well as a team of physical and mental health specialists. But even that wasn’t enough and I know that sooner or later I will see him in the obituaries.

I’ve learned that wanting to change or hitting rock bottom aren’t enough. The physical addiction to drugs and alcohol is powerful, but so is the psychological / emotional addiction. I’ve also learned that no matter how much you love someone, you can’t fix them. And sometimes the only thing you can do is walk away.

I don’t think people blame the Kanarek parents for not stopping Lauren’s addiction or vile behaviour, but certainly they question the parents contributing to it by enabling it over and over.


Discussing someone’s well-documented actual words and actions is not “trashing.” While a few posters do engage in wild speculation and the fabrication of their own scenarios, I’d wager 98% of what you characterize as trashing is simply reporting or discussing LK’s own behaviour. No different than threads discussing the vile words and actions of NP or DH.

The Mods are very clear about what is and isn’t allowed, and they’ve done a great job walking that line and removing posts that cross it.


Logically, I know this is true. Logically, I know it’s like when I used to bring home foster kittens and I’d lose some and my mom would tell me, “you can’t save them all, you did your best.” And logically, for my own mental safety, I’ve had to walk away from people whose addiction and attendant lifestyle was more than I can bear.

I just can’t help wanting to push a magic button and fix things, you know?


I had kind of hoped that those of you who saw yourselves in my post would just reflect silently and act accordingly rather than make attempts to deflect and defend yourselves by replying, but really who was I kidding? That is way too much to expect.

I agree that the Moderators have been very clear about what they will allow when it comes to this topic.

I knew somebody many years ago who went to a rehab facility for alcoholism. Just a week or two after she got out after completing the program, I’m sorry to say she passed away in a car accident when she was driving drunk.

At least it was a one car accident, so she did not take anyone else with her. But it was terribly sad.


And I kind of hoped you would read the responses to your post and realize how absurd you sound defending LK and accusing people of “trashing” her by simply discussing the things she has said and done.

I guess we are both disappointed, but only one of us is defending a malignant narcissist.


Yeah WE’RE the bad ones. Got it. The Mods are the bad ones. Got it.

Yet neither us nor the Mods have threatened people.

I’d ask you to explain that little gem of logic but then I remembered I don’t put any value on what you think given your weird bias and all.


Your assertion that I defend LK is completely untrue, and you are incredibly lazy to accuse me of that when all you have to do is search my posts to see the truth. I am capable of acknowledging that LK is a terrible person while at the same time being able to understand how awful it is that a mob of people who don’t even know her are making up stories about her (yes, that’s what you are doing) on an online forum on which she is not even able to defend herself. I don’t disagree with the Moderators’ decision to ban LK, but they should have shut down all discussion about her at the same time. Allowing all of you to gossip and speculate about her and her family for the last two and a half years was bad enough; allowing the gossip and speculation to continue after banning her is absolutely disgusting.

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Oh boo hoo. This is what happens what someone like LK decides to play games and abuse people. Those people then in turn don’t think highly of that abuser and they join together to discuss the matter.

You then cannot fault those same people for reacting like this. You should expect it. It’s the rules of society the rest of us have learned to live by and obey and the fact that LK didn’t abide by the rules of society means she must then have to deal with the repercussions.

Say hello to the repercussions.

Had she not opted to lie repeatedly on this forum she could have been here herself. But once again the norms of the culture here were something she was not concerned with. She sought to dominate and ridicule instead. Often by lying. Then she stated in open court that she lies which violated the terms here.

Again, no one else’s fault but her own.

So then you in all your righteous indignation decide that we too should be punished by not being permitted to discuss the very same matter being discussed on social media AROUND THE WORLD.

The fault is hers alone and no, she by right is the one suffering consequences of her own words, actions and deeds.

So in the words of wisdom taught to us as children… tough noogies.


She isn’t defending LK. She is observing the behavior of the posters.

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Please point out where I have made up any stories about LK.

If you think these threads are so disgusting, why participate in them?


There have been lies said by posters about her as well and baiting-a whole lot of baiting. In fact, she didn’t start trouble with you, you did. She just went too far responding. But then, you continued it. Either one of you could have walked away but when you saw it provoked her, you doubled down and continue to do so even now that she is banned.

Edited to change “has” to “have.”

So it’s ok for her to “trash” posters for discussing LK and her family but not ok for anyone to “trash” LK and her family. Got it.

The minions sure are busy tonight. Cages must have been rattled.


I think if things go well after the pending evaluation that he could start slowly coming back to a comforting, healing routine. Being with loved ones, being around his horses.

Yes, the civil suit would still be hanging over his head, but love, freedom and fresh air can work wonders. Plus, he would actually be getting therapy again to help him deal with the suit and the after effects of the incident.

Hearing that Mr. B said he seems like a different man makes me very hopeful.:crossed_fingers::pray:


Has anyone seen or heard that LK is crying or whining about being banned here? More than likely, she is plotting revenge.

Edited: Maybe I should re-phrase it. Has anyone seen or heard that LK is crying or whining about not being able to post here?


Just because she can’t post herself, doesn’t mean she’s not here. I have no doubt she’s reading these posts several times a day.