Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I said “a mob of people” are making up stories about LK. I did not name names. If you don’t think you are part of that mob, congratulations: you don’t need to worry about it. My god you people are petty.

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Where did I trash anyone here?

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About the civil suit. If LK hadn’t come on hard with a civil suit back at the start, I doubt SGF and MB would have launched their own suits. But now they are locked into suit and counter suit after the terrain has really changed for LK, and after a great many things have come out that might have surprised her legal team. I expect LK can’t just drop her suit though, because now the counter suits have some momentum. At this point LK has most to lose by a civil suit, and her family has a certain amount of reputation to lose. It will be interesting to see if they try to settle out of court.


My glasses work just fine - here is a selfie I just took…




You left out discussions about George Morris or Will Faerber or Alan Buck or a wide assortment of other “interesting” folks. I do not see anyone rushing to defend Bob Baffert when he gets roasted in the Racing threads… where is the outrage about that? And BB has never even posted on COTH to sneer, insult, rage and rant as others have.

- - - - checks messages - - - -

And I do not even have a message from BB telling me how to post or ordering me not to post at all - or even threatening me. He better up his game.

Is this not the kind of post that you are complaining about? Not much “reflecting silently” there.

I confess that I get weary of the imperious Do As I Say And Not As I Do posts… that do not seem to follow their own advice/rules and seem totally oblivious to that fact.


If you were LK I would be allowed to accuse you of being really high and I could make jokes about you needing Suboxone but since you aren’t LK I will just say WOW this is a lot of word salad to unpack.
I don’t know Will Faerber, Bob Baffert, or Alan Buck, but I can say that in all the posts about George Morris that I have followed here on COTH, no one made up stories about him beyond what was known about him, and no one dragged any of his family members into the discussions.

You are way too vague regarding your complaints about me - don’t be shy, just say it. You can’t offend me.

Only if she actually has her own assets, though, right?

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I never threatened her. I wrote that I remembered seeing a post of hers. She then deluged me with threatening PMs. Several of them. She attempted to demean me. I posted them. Then others spoke of their threatening, haraasing, coercive PMs.

LK has been wrong in her behavior here. She was banned for lying. The fault is all hers and hers alone.

Your continued defense of her does not paint you in a good light.

I should have walked away you say? NEVER.

No matter how tough the situation nor aggressive the opponent I do not walk away. Never have, never will.


Maybe it has something to do with the civil trial stay being lifted.


Oh so you admit you’re family then.



Well, I have never accused LK of being really high… and I have no need for Suboxone… and compared to some recent posts in this very thread - that was not much of a word salad. No bacon bits or croutons or anything interesting.

You did not specify when you opined…

If anyone ever started a thread trashing any other person on the planet it would surely be shut down way before an entire mob got a chance to join in on the trashing.

… and some other examples were offered up for your consideration. Other people on the planet who were the subjects of other volatile threads. That is all. If any family members had inserted themselves into any of those conversations to defend bad behavior or lecture, I expect that they would have been discussed as well. The conversations in this forum are extremely tame compared to what goes on Out There - where actual trashing and scorching occurs with great enthusiasm.

How am I vague regarding my “complaints”? I think I was very clear about how I feel about tedious Do As I Say And Not As I Do posts… nothing vague about that. It was not even a complaint as much as a weary observation.

You complain about “a mob of people” making up stories and speculating about LK… while ignoring the other lengthy stories and theories (should they be dismissed as word salad?) that have been offered up about MB. I am not sure if that is irony… or hypocrisy.

And this kind of commentary…

If you don’t think you are part of that mob, congratulations: you don’t need to worry about it. My god you people are petty.

… would annoy you if I had posted like that and sneered that you were being petty. #shrug

IMO the silent reflection and appropriate action that you allegedly hope for are preferable to DAISANAID… from everyone - and not just those you disagree with.

But it seems that is not the case.



Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.


You sound like such a kind and compassionate individual. Your family, friends and animals are lucky to have you in their lives.:kissing_heart:


I was thinking more of reputation. I don’t think she will get a reward from a civil suit after the revelations of the criminal trial. So she will be out big legal fees and may be ordered to cover the legal fees of the opposing parties.

The civil suit will of necessity air all the family dirty linen in public.


If LK’s moolah is in a trust - and there’s no clear indication of that, as the arrangement seems to be that her father simply pays for everything he chooses to pay for - it’s likely an irrevocable trust that she can’t control or have unfettered access to, meaning it’s all protected from any lawsuits, creditors, etc. and if she did lose, she wouldn’t end up paying a dime beyond her own attorney fees, if she’s even paying those to begin with. In other words, it will be business as usual for her, until the money disappears.


I think Mr. S took one for the team.


Wishful thinking on your part…wishful thinking.

I am sorry about your job.

Will they talk to people again that they have already gotten a deposition from? Like LK, can they talk to her again, or is this one of those situations where you get one bite and you are done?

Cutter, I think you hit the biggest nail squarely on the head here.
Being clean is a ton of work. It is very clear that neither of those two like to work at anything.

I think the point that most here are trying to make on this topic is that her family appears to encourage her behavior. (Behavior, not her drug use.)
No, they can not make her not do drugs.
But, they can also not encourage her to act like a monster and give her input on how to be a better monster.

Edi t to add - I typed this as I read. @FitzE said it far better than I did.

I don’t disagree with this in theory. But, there he would at least be getting some mental health support. There he can see visitors. The food has to be better there than in prison. There he can likely breathe fresh air and go outside.

Legal smart people - totally a what if type question about the whole legal process. If Team LK Clan decides it is not worth exposing all the families dirty laundry and the civil suit is dropped does that mean the MB counter suit is automatically dropped too? Or can a counter suit continue without having to refile as a primary suit?

Sorry, not salad without bacon in some form…come on.

OH good point. “Please do this, no matter the outcome you will get a promotion. No one else wants to deal with it.”


I think some discrepancies may be the result of folks reading the transcript and not really paying attention to what is actually being said. The transcript is machine-generated and frequently doesn’t mesh 100% with what was said. For instance, whenever Schellhorn or Schlessinger said “malingering amnesia,” the transcript interpreted it as “malignant amnesia.” There are many other instances but that is the one that immediately comes to mind.


I don’t think they have any depositions yet, but I could be wrong. I know LK did one set of interrogatories, and they can certainly send more, if they feel new doors were opened since that last set. They can’t just keep asking the same questions, though, and most states have limits but the limits are like, 25 sets in my state.

Without a court order, you only get one deposition.

If the defendant’s counterclaim has enough merit to stand on its own as a claim, the plaintiff cannot dismiss their suit unless all parties agree. I think.


Thank you @ekat. I am learning so much.
I guess I did not know there was a difference between interrogatories (not sure I knew that word at all) and depositions.


The Chief Prosecutor wasn’t going to do it (does the CP even try cases or is he just a manager type?). So the joy fell on Schellhorn, who is probably their strongest asst prosecutor. He gave it his best shot but unfortunately for him, he was up against Mr. B and a strong list of character witnesses for MB. Worst of all for Schellhorn, his star witnesses revealed to the world (and the jurors) what kind of people they are. And it became abundantly clear that they had tormented MB to the point of making him crazy - and abundantly clear that the LE had utterly failed to help protect MB from the human scum that was preying on him.