Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Mr. B/Mr. D could have a full on mani/pedi by the time that’s over. Lol.


My eye gets a little twitchy just thinking about it.


It’s not daddy’s primary residence.


I know this. They were talking about LK paying a judgement.
Daddy is not named in the lawsuit either.
It is Daughter’s primary residence and she is listed as an owner too. I was simply saying that even if LK loses and there is a judgement against her, she can not lose part of the house.


Thank you for the clarification!

Why isn’t JK named?
Iirc, when LK created her suit she named sever Does who were basically holding pkaces, in a way, for people yet yo be named. So why can’t JK be added, NIW that his involvement is better understood?

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I don’t know and I don’t know.
Legal smart people can answer the second question. Why LK was not named will have to wait until some time when people in the know can talk about stuff.


It’s almost like a form of trolling, much like we see here.


Absolutely! It’s the “walking away” all these years that have allowed her to continue her behavior with zero accountability. Does anyone think her attack on GJ years ago was an isolated incident??? If she had such fun harassing a total stranger in such a vile, disgraceful way, she was probably having similar fun with other individuals who remained silent out of fear of stronger retaliation from her or her father.

So yes, speaking up loudly and frequently as long as this woman is capable of continuing her dangerous behavior is exactly what is reasonable and correct.


You did not write “I think I remember a post in which you stated you owned two Rugers”,

You wrote “LK posted on FB that she owned Rugers” at the time it was known the gun involved was a Ruger, and it was not clear who owned it.

You had multiple occasions in which you could have said, ‘Oh, I thought you said Ruger, but maybe I misremembered.’, but you did nothing but continue to insist you had evidence “in a vault”.

That she posted on FB that she owned Rugers was not true. You continued to fling around the untruth after she corrected you. You refused to admit you might have misremembered.

You are outraged that she threatened to sue you for libel, but only now, after 2.5 years have phrased it as “I remember .,”

That last bolded phrase — that’s the stupid, arrogant mantra that both LK and MB had that led to the tragedy.

I guess that is no different than you refusing to admit so many things that you refuse to admit. Right?

Are all the other people who also claim they saw that post also wrong too?


It’s kind of like a public service announcement.


It’s not necessarily not true. We just can’t seem to definitively prove it yet. Why? Because:

  1. She would post things and then delete it. This has been testified to.
  2. The only source saying it wasn’t there is her. She testified that she lies on SM.

But someone can prove it. FB can. I can assure you, if FB has been subpoenaed and produced that post it’ll come out in the civil trial. Maybe they just haven’t been subpoenaed about it yet. Although I have a sneaky suspicion that if it comes to light, it won’t be quite such a definitive statement as “own”, it’ll be another coy insinuation of possession that gives her plausible deniability.


Re: JK’s involvement.

IIRC, during Dr. Schlessinger’s testimony, when he was emphatically trying to assert that MB was faking amnesia, he said something like “MB was afraid Lauren was going to kill him. Was that a delusion? MHG was afraid Lauren’s father was going to kill her (MHG). Was that a delusion?”

Does anyone know where he got the information about MHG being afraid of JK? He didn’t interview her, did he? Or did he get that info from MB?

Either way, it sure sounds as though there is some evidence that JK was involved enough to create a high level of fear and anxiety in MB/MHG. And although such evidence was not allowed into the criminal trial, it will surely come out in the civil cases - correct?


Interesting. In the criminal case, the defense needed to establish that he was insane, and tried to claim that the breakdown was caused by LKs actions.

In the civil case, it looks like simply being delusional does not excuse his liability; he needs to establish they she caused the breakdown, at least in part.

I know “the majority” here has already rendered their verdict that she was the 100% cause of his breakdown (although that conflicts with evidence of child abuse snd CPTSD). But in the civil trial, he’ll need to establish that her behavior caused the mental break.

Yes, someone did. Somebody warned them they better have liability insurance, because, lawsuits will likely ensue.


Let’s see… if they’re listening (or reading) secretly (or think they are, lol) it would depend on whether the people talking know that the people being talked about are listening (or reading).

Hypothetically, of course.


The experts testified he had underlying mental illness and that she exacerbated it. You’ve heard of triggers, no? You understand that environmental and external factors can trigger episodes, no? Nobody is arguing that she was 100% the cause of his break - we are saying that the testimony at trial and the evidence discussed dang sure seem to show that she purposely, relentlessly, and viscously harassed him to the point of him having a break. Her behavior was the trigger. Would he have had that breakdown if she had not so relentlessly pursued her goal to “finish the bastard”? I saw no testimony or evidence to indicate he would have. She seems to be the primary stressor in his life at that time. Did you not watch the trial? Sheesh!

ETA: Even the mustache said something to the tune of “it’s not paranoia if it’s real.” NOBODY seems to contest that she harassed and threatened him, other than her and RG.


LOL. Who was it (Sdel?) who posted that LK said under oath in a deposition that she never deleted anything she posts, then when someone provided the screenshot, her actual statement was that she “generally” does not edit or delete, except in cases of duplicate posts, or material “posted in error”?

Someone claimed she had lied under oath by saying that she never edited it deleted posts (obviously she does). But the actual screenshotted statement of what she said under oath had “except for material posted in error”, which covers whatever she wants it to cover. She did not lie under oath. The answer was probably written by her lawyer.

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Hmmm. He did seem to be coping with things until LK’s increasingly erratic and bullying behavior pushed him over the edge. Things were tolerable when they were at DEFCON 5, but then her actions were concerning enough to trigger a move to DEFCON 4, and from there, DEFCON 3, DEFCON 2, and finally DEFCON 1 followed in very short order as she ratcheted up the pressure.