Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

It’s my understanding reading the documents filed on the Civil matters last year, all of the electronic devices of LK and others were taken August 7, 2019, so all the history on those devices would have been obtained. LK also was compelled to provide her user names for social media.


Can we make one up? Now about “perptim”? Someone who perpetrates so much trouble that it eventually backfires on them.


8 boxes is a lot of SM! Do you happen to know if he recovered fully from his dog bite? My friend recently got bit by a dog on her hand/wrist area and she may have to have multiple surgeries. She said it hurt so bad she almost passed out.


I have no idea other than medical/dental care in jail is not good. I suspect he has quite a few scars from the bites on various parts of his body.


Poor guy. A pitbull bit my friend. She said a lot of the damage occurred when the owners tried to pull the dog off of her. It kept latching on. It was about a week ago and every night she has nightmares about it.
I hope when MB was in the hospital prior to going to jail he received good care. Dog bites as well as his other injuries are nothing to fool with. (I am also happy LK received good care for her injuries as well. Her surgeon who testified seemed very capable.)


I hate to be a buzzkill, but will someone please tell me why so many people are expending so much time and emotional energy on LK this long after the trial?


@OneBellBoot, do you happen to know of any alternatives for mental health evaluation and care that might be available for MB as he has not been transferred to Ann Klein yet? I would appreciate any insight you may have on his current situation. Thanks!

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The civil trial has not started yet.


Most of the discussion today has been about MB and what happens next, since 3 weeks post acquittal, he’s still sitting in jail. I, for one, am extremely interested in that.


Same. The situation isn’t over for MB and people are interested and following along. Not only does he still have whatever mental health evaluation and civil commitment he needs to do ahead of him, many of us are genuinely shocked that he has been given a NGRI verdict and is still incarcerated in violation of the applicable case law.

Several legal professionals are sharing their research and understanding of this stage of the case and it is interesting, germane, and a natural progression following on from the verdict.

Seems pretty straightforward. :woman_shrugging:


Thanks for that! Had to Google that phrase and found the video with the song. So charming.:slightly_smiling_face:

Not really a pencil, they’re those golf / bowling score tiny pencils like in Yahtzee.


Yes I did! Brain cramp on my part. My typing for comprehension skills totally sucked yesterday as I warned my project managers!


It happens to me all the time. I type a post. I proof read it. I hit post. Hours later I come back and see my post quoted and I think to myself - You read that, how did you miss the mess that it was.

So welcome to the club! :crazy_face:


Agree, during deliberation I watched a couple clinics on YouTube, and honestly it made the wait worse, because he is incredibly encouraging and helpful to even the most amateur riders in the ones I watched, riders who weren’t even true 2nd level riders… And he talked nonstop during their sessions, throwing out nuggets of correction, encouragement, and insight from other BNT he knows.

Someone mentioned being at his clinic and said all he did was name drop. I didn’t hear it that way.
What I heard was him offering wisdom, from other BNTs, and crediting them with that wisdom.
I can see how someone a bit biased might hear it as name dropping, I heard it as being honest about where the insight he offered came from, rather than letting people assume it was his own.



I recently edited a short post thrice, all for typos!! :crazy_face:

Don’t even get me started on misreading dates!! :rofl:


This is an interesting insight. I also like when experts show that they have no problem learning from, citing, and crediting other experts. It suggests humility and collegiality to me and I really like that. It’s the ones who put on the Me Show, starring Me! that get on my nerves, or put down other experts. If another expert does things you don’t agree with, no need to mention them. If they do, and you find it valuable, mention and credit them. It’s a good look in my opinion.

It’s like an expert who still studies or takes lessons or whatever - it shows they know they are not the be all/end all and are always learning themselves!


Good point - and it gave him something “real” to do so his mind stayed busy with something constructive. If he had had nothing to do but sit there, I fear where his mind may have wandered to.


Same here! I am often embarrassed to later read one of my posts and see the typos or grammatical errors or confusing sentence construction. I find myself wanting to do “UX edits” but I don’t want to be like a certain someone and “not edit or delete except when I edit or delete.” :laughing:


I edit posts multiple times for typos and clarity. Ever time I go back and look at a post, I see something else that needs changing.

So I would never say something like I never edit or delete except when I edit and delete.

I edit ALL THE TIME, but not the substance of the posts. And I don’t recall ever deleting a post.